Keehn’s fast-paced, engaging narrative demonstrates that the - TopicsExpress


Keehn’s fast-paced, engaging narrative demonstrates that the Knights influence proved more substantial than historians have traditionally assumed and provides a new perspective on southern secession and the outbreak of the Civil War. And...our interview! Jim Schmidt (JS): Please tell us a little about yourself and your training/career. David Keehn (DK): After graduating from Gettysburg College as a History Major in 1969, I decided to pursue a legal career and went to the University of Pennsylvania Law School. I then practiced law (mostly regulatory) for nearly forty years with the federal government, a Fortune 200 corporation, and a private law firm. I nevertheless continued my interest in history and decided to take early retirement to write an historically-related book. My wife Sally is a noted author of historical fiction for young people (her best seller is I Am Regina) and we had previously written a local travel book together titled Hexcursions: Daytripping in Pennsylvanias Dutch County. I wanted to see what I could do on my own and, after seven years of research and writing, I am proud of my book on the Knights. JS: What inspired you to begin your research on the KGC? DK: I began writing about Lincolns struggle to try to keep Kentucky in the Union in early 1861. Both the Union and the Confederacy were vying for Kentucky given its substantial manpower and agricultural and industrial resources. I went to stay with relatives in Georgetown, KY and spent time reviewing the University of Kentuckys 1861 newspapers. There I discovered a fascinating interplay between George Prentice, the pro- Union editor of the Lousiville Journal, and George Bickley, the titular head of the Knights who wrote a May 30 letter to the pro-South Louisville Courier. Prentice said the KGC was the central arm of the secession party in Kentucky (and later exposed Kentuckys Knight leaders and secret rituals) while Bickley said the work will be pushed with the utmost vigor until the tri-colored flag of the Confederate States floats in triumph over the dome of the capitol in Frankfort. I showed several chapters I had written to my neighbor, a history professor at Muhlenberg College - he said he had never seen this material on the Knights before and recommended that I concentrate on them. I took his advice and published a 2008 article on the Knights as the strong-arm of secession in North&South magazine. I was then contacted by Dr. Michael Parrish of Baylor University and sponsor of LSU Presss Conflicting World series. Dr. Parrish also said a book is sorely needed on the Knights and he helped and encouraged me along the way. JS: Why have scholar avoided the Knights until now? DK: As you indicate, prior material on the Knights have been reprints of period pamphlets and modern books about lost treasure. Scholars had avoided it because digging out the true history of the Knights was a very time consuming and laborious process. It took me seven years to unravel the true story of the Knights (and theres likely further undiscovered material still out there). There were several excellent Masters theses in Texas that showed the Knights had 8000 members in the Lone Star State and were a very powerful organization. I decided to find out whether they were equally powerful in the other Southern and Border States. I found hundreds of articles by searching contemporaneous newspapers. I also searched libraries and dusty archives to put together the true story of the Knights. Much material was destroyed when the Knights were labeled treasonous by Union authorities during the Civil War, but fortunately, enough still exists to put the true story together. A key breakthrough was the discovery of a secret circular letter written by Bickley in late April 1860 in which he identifies the Knights state regimental commanders and the size of the Knights Army in each Southern and Border state. I discovered that the identified regimental commanders were substantial leaders - men like Elkanah Greer in Texas, Virginius Groner in the Old Dominion, Paul J. Semmes in Georgia, and Robert Charles Tyler in Maryland. In most cases, they were tied in with the fire-eaters trying to push the South towards secession and they subsequently became Brigadier-Generals or Colonels,helping to form the nascent Confederate Army which went from nothing in Feb. 1861 to 200,000 men by Sept 1861. JS: Did America have a tradition of secret societies, fraternal or otherwise, before the Civil War? DK: Yes, a plethora of secret societies flourished before the Civil War. There was no TV and such societies served as a social outlet, especially for men. The things that made the Knights unique was that they were a militant society concentrating on military drill and training. They also were hierarchical. Their super-secret top degree (the Knights of the Columbian Star) who werent even identified to lower degree members, could pass down orders in secrecy that the lower degree members, including the Knights Army, were bound by oath to obey. Interrogatory from Lincoln Assassination Trials - National Archives JS: I appreciate that in the book you did not pursue a psychological analysis of Bickley; however, do you think he exhibited signs of megalomania? DK: Bickley is a fascinating character. He was shunted off by his galavanting mother after his father died, ran away from home at age 14, and lived by his wits. He accordingly became a convincing prevaricator and somehow picked up enough knowledge along the way to bluff his way into a professorship at an upstart medical school in Cincinnati and convince Southern leaders to merge his Knights with their pre-existing Order of the Lone Star that had 50 chapters and 15,000 members. They described Bickley as a brilliant speaker and writer which is why they kept him around as the KGCs front-man. Bickley certainly had a high opinion of himself but he was successful in recruiting men for the Knights particularly in Texas. He didnt really go off the deep end until after he was arrested in mid-1863 by Union authorities and sent to Fort Warren in Bostons harbor. Here he engaged in flights of fantasy reconstructing the history of the Knights and issuing orders to nonexistent followers even as the Civil War was winding down. JS: What were some of the challenges you faced in doing your research? What were some of the rewards/joys? DK: In-depth historical research is not easy. Sometimes you look through tens of articles or manuscripts but find nothing of relevance. Much of the key material is on microfiche so I sometimes felt like my eyeballs were going to fall out. Also, my book covers the Knights across the country so each chapter was in essence a new story requiring its own in-depth historical research. On the other hand, when you find a key historical discovery such as the Knights circular letter noted above, its quite exciting. Each piece of relevant information helps you put the story together and often leads to another discovery. I enjoy investigating things and putting the puzzle together - I call it unraveling the secrets of the KGC. I also owe a debt of gratitude to those who helped out such as Chris Lyons from Texas who went all over the Lone Star State searching out primary sources or my boyhood friend Glenn Rambo who accompanied me on many of my trips and pitched in to help research. JS: Why do you think it took so long for civil or military authorities to take the KGC seriously and/or infiltrate their operation? DK: Before the Civl War broke out, many, including Democrats in the North, were sympathetic to the Knights goal of expansion into the Southern hemisphere (although they were probably not privy to the Knights secret objective of establishing a slave empire there to rival the grandeur of ancient Rome). Several key members of the Buchanan administration, including Vice-President John Breckenridge and Secretary of War John Floyd, were alleged to be leaders in the Knights so they wouldnt want to investigate themselves. U. S. Army spies in Texas did infiltrate a Knights Council of War in Texas around Nov. 1860 and found they had a secret program to take over federal forts in the South, seize the Capital at Washington, and prevent President-elect Lincoln from taking office (Knights led the cabal that planned to assassinate Lincoln when he passed through Baltimore in Feb. 1861). Once the Civil War started, Union spies were active in infiltrating the Knights which led to many of their castles switching over to the more secure Order of American Knights and then Sons of Liberty in 1864.After that,the diminishing KGC order became a bogeyman used by the Republicans to foster Unionist sentiment and the 1864 re-election of Lincoln. JS: Why is the popular legacy of the KGC a romantic tale of hidden CSA treasure and not treason? DK: Thats Hollywood for you - producers need something sensational to do a program. Im frankly getting tired of programs showing parties going out to look for the gold that the Knights were rumored to have buried so the South could rise again (except of course the Disney movie National Treasure 2 which was a romp). I think the true story of the Knights is even more interesting. For example, at least six Knights (in addition to Booth) were involved in the abduction plot and assassination of Lincoln and they likely were behind it. JS: What other sources would you recommend for people to learn more about the KGC and the book? DK: Since my book is the only one that tells the Knights true story based on meticulous and exhausting research, I can only refer folks back to the primary sources, some of which are noted above. I have a website davidkeehn which notes my upcoming appearances where Ill be presenting my 45 minute slideshow and lecture on Unraveling the Secrets of the KGC (I have an alternative slideshow that I presented to the Surratt Society in Maryland on John Wilkes Booths role as a Knights leader).
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:15:39 +0000

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