Keep British army in Germany to send message to Putin, says Lord - TopicsExpress


Keep British army in Germany to send message to Putin, says Lord Dannatt! Former military head calls for 3,000 extra troops to be recruited and based in Germany to tell Russia the West is not weak, Lord Dannatt warned that with a resurgent Russia it was a poor time for the UK to be weak in resolve and muscle. Britain should make a “military statement” to Russia by retaining 3,000 soldiers in Germany in a reverse of planned defence cuts, the former head of the Army says on Monday. Amid fears of further Kremlin land grabs in Ukraine, Lord Dannatt warns that with a “resurgent Russia” it is a poor time for the West to be “weak in resolve and muscle”. He says in an article for The Telegraph that “greater military capability” must underpin diplomacy in crises such as those in Ukraine and Syria, and that maintaining a British presence in Germany would send that message. As world leaders prepare to eject Russia from the G8 club of economic powers on Monday, the former Chief of the General Staff says that Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, will be looking beyond financial sanctions to see where “the real check on his actions might come from”. Washington warned on Sunday that Russian troops massing on the border with eastern Ukraine could be preparing for a further invasion, following their annexation of Crimea earlier this month. Tony Blinken, the US deputy national security adviser, said that although the Russian troop build-up might be intended purely to intimidate the pro-Western government in Kiev, “it’s possible that they are preparing to move in”. His fears were echoed by Nato’s top commander, who warned that the Russian military build-up could also be the prelude to a second territorial grab in Moldova, another ex-Soviet satellite state that lies south of Ukraine. Within Moldova’s borders is the pro-Moscow breakaway enclave of Transdniester, which has long agitated to be incorporated into the Russian Federation. US Air Force General Philip Breedlove, Nato’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, said: “There is absolutely sufficient [Russian] force postured on the eastern border of Ukraine to run to Transdniester if the decision was made to do that, and that is very worrisome.” International anger at Russia’s behaviour is expected to result in it being ejected from the G8 at international summit in Holland on Monday. The move, 16 years after a post-Communist Russia was formally invited to join the group, is designed to humiliate Mr Putin, the current holder of its rotating presidency. The Russian leader had been scheduled to host a G8 summit in Sochi in June, a meeting that had been suspended even before the annexation of Crimea and will now be cancelled. David Cameron, Barack Obama and other leaders of what will revert to the G7 grouping will meet in the wings of a nuclear security summit in The Hague to tell Mr Putin that the G8 “does not exist” until he takes steps towards cooperating with a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis. The Russian president has shunned the security summit, sending his foreign minister in his place. Wolfgang Schaeuble, the German finance minister, said on Sunday that the European Union was united in its readiness to impose economic sanctions on Russia if the Ukraine stand-off escalates, and that Moscow had far more to lose than the West. The growing sense of a return to the Cold War era is partly behind Lord Dannatt’s call to reverse some of the planned cuts to the Army, and to perform an about-turn on the decision to end the 70-year British military presence in Germany. The Ministry of Defence has announced that Britain’s regular soldiers will be cut from 102,000 to 82,000 by 2020, with 11,000 extra reservists. The changes will also see the withdrawal of all troops based in Germany by 2019. Under Lord Dannatts proposal, 3,000 soldiers kept on in Germany would bring the total complement of regulars to 85,000. Lord Dannatt, who was head of the Army from 2006 to 2008, writes that the Russian intervention in Ukraine and the civil war in Syria, which is an ally of Mr Putin, were “stark reminders” of how “strategic shocks” could happen in an unpredictable world. He says there is doubt as to whether a regular Army of 82,000 is sufficient for Britain’s needs, and questions whether the target of 30,000 Reservists is achievable. The takeover of Crimea by Mr Putin suited the Russian president’s “agenda and aspirations”, he says, and only time would tell whether that ambition stretched to eastern Ukraine. “However, with a resurgent Russia, this is a poor moment for the US-led West to be weak in resolve and muscle,” Lord Dannatt continues. “Diplomacy and sanctions may be the right response for now to the Russian president, but he will look beyond those things to see where the real check on his actions might come from.” Lord Dannatt adds that when the defence cuts were announced in 2010, the country was in the midst of an economic crisis. He warns that although the country is still recovering, further cuts would send the wrong message. “On the contrary, there is a strong argument to recognise that the international landscape is more challenging than in 2010, and consider making a statement that greater military capability must underpin our diplomacy,” he says. The Defence Reform Bill, currently going through the House of Lords, would allow for such an opportunity to redress some of the balance between regulars and reserves, he says. In January, Robert Gates, the former US defence secretary, said military cuts meant Britain would no longer be able to operate as a “full partner” with America — a claim rejected by David Cameron. The current Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen Sir Nick Houghton, warned last year that Britain’s military could become a “hollow force”, with state-of-the-art equipment but no one to operate it. The British Empire Exposed Source:
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:13:10 +0000

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