Keep The Garden “And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in - TopicsExpress


Keep The Garden “And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom he had formed.” Genesis 2:8 It is very important in this day and hour to know the voice speaking to you. Know the spirit because there are many voices speaking today, and if you don’t know who is speaking, you are going to do the wrong thing. So being a Christian is not the issue, the scripture says, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14) God wants to lead you in every area of life. He wants to guide and order your steps. The devil has not changed his modules operandi. When God created man and put him in the Garden of Eden, everything was good and peaceful. Adam named all the animals and God respected his authority and all things were his subjects and the devil was under his feet. In chapter three, the devil showed up when everything was serene and asked “hast God said” Even though he knew, he cast doubt in the mind of the woman. That was the second voice that challenged what God had told them. Eve should not have entertained and share with the serpent in the first place, knowing what God told them, that discussion should have stopped knowing what God said already but she discussed with the devil and as a result she fell. The devil had been in that business and assignment for years, ever before Eve came on the scene that is why God told Adam to “keep the Garden”. There was an adversary to keep it from. So the first man fell and God began the process of redemption until the time of Jesus. But thank God for this wonderful work of redemption that saved us from the shackles of the enemy that is why I know that every situation in your life will give way. God’s plan over your life will be established and you will triumph ultimately because the Lord is with you. Everything God has put in your hands shall be kept. None shall be missing. It will prosper in your hands in Jesus name. So don’t go about arguing the scriptures, simply obey and as you do, you will receive the blessing of obedience. Remember, the instruction to Adam was simple: keep the garden. If he stuck to that, Eve would not have gone arguing which led to her fall, Further reading: Genesis 3:1-24 Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Psalms 123-125; Evening 1 Corinthians 10:1-18
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 04:21:39 +0000

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