Keep Things in Perspective Your mind can play tricks on you, - TopicsExpress


Keep Things in Perspective Your mind can play tricks on you, especially when it comes to nutrition, working out, and your efforts to build a stronger, leaner, and healthier body. You Must Keep Things in Perspective. Let’s delve a little deeper into this topic of perspective, and why it’s so vitally important. Completing a single workout, no matter how productive it may be, won’t improve your physique over night. Just because you dominated a tough training session with squats, presses, and pulls (or your exercises of choice) doesn’t mean your physique is going to look drastically different tomorrow, no matter how hard you trained. After all, it was just one workout. You know that. Eating “clean” meals for an entire day won’t mysteriously cause you to wake up the next day with a flat stomach and drastically lower body fat. So you ate nothing but real food for your meals and drank plenty of water. It doesn’t mean you’ll weigh much less tomorrow or have defined arms. You know that, too. You know it takes some time to see noticeable changes in your physique, just like it takes some time to improve your performance and get stronger with your workouts. You don’t expect to perform two workouts and be drastically stronger. It takes consistency. Even though you *know* all of that, why is it we often times feel like total failures, like we blew our entire plan, if we miss a single workout? Why do we think we’re going to wake up five pounds heavier if we eat something deemed “unclean”? Why do we think all of our hard work is going to mysteriously disappear after indulging in some yummy birthday cake? It doesn’t make sense. It’s a double-standard that we *know* isn’t logical. I used to think this way many years ago, and it drove me insane. Please don’t let this happen to you. Keep everything in perspective and take things in stride. Celebrate the small victories, and immediately forget and put the tiny set-backs behind you and don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed with guilt. Just because you ate more than you planned or decided to enjoy some holiday cookies is no reason to beat yourself up and claim defeat. One great workout and one healthy meal won’t give you a flat stomach. Skipping one workout and eating something “unclean” won’t reverse all of your progress. Be sure to keep things in perspective, and always enjoy the journey.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:55:52 +0000

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