Keep getting noise complaints from my neighbours about the kids - TopicsExpress


Keep getting noise complaints from my neighbours about the kids arguing over toys, yelling while they playing outside and banging noises made by toys when they tip the toy boxes out how is this fair to me or the children I have old people aged 60+ on both sides of me that have forced my children and myself on the street all the complaints I have recieved are all to do with my children playing this is discrimination against them they cant be kids and enjoy freedom of play my list of complaints 1. neighbours complained objects was being thrown over fence (kids had a game of footy, ball goes over fence neighbours complained) I recieved a breach for this 2. My son has a tantrum and gets sent to the room for time out as he cant keep his hands and feet to himself and keeps hitting his sisters. I get another complaint saying a male is being abusive and aggressive to everyone else at the property hmm the male is a 5year old child that has behavioural problems that got sent to the room for time out and his fav toys taken( this is how discipline happens in my house what do they want me to do flog his arse and lose my kids for child abuse not how I work sorry) I recieved a breach for this also so I would love to know how qld government would like me to discipline MY children as I dont have a say as my neighbours can complain about children crying when disciplined and u lose ur house over it 3.1 My son finds a button battery and decides to swallow it doesnt tell anyone wakes early hours of the morning to tell me hes not felling well and that he had swallowed a battery I panic and rush to try get everyone ready to go to hospital as this could be deadly (another complaint made saying there was rocks being thrown at the back of the house and a male was swearing and yelling the complaint even mentioned the police had surrounded the property all this being untrue babi contact the police to get any reports they can they were unsuccessful as no police have ever attended or had to attened my house. I also had a meeting at my home with the ceo of babi housing who asked to see the back of the house which I showed her and pointed out that there isnt any rocks or bricks on the property anywhere to be thrown I also had a house inspection the following day which a letter was left saying the property was in great condition 3.2 A lady tries walking out ur house with ur newborn baby u hit her take the baby back off her police show up to make sure u and baby is ok no complaints made to the police about me but the neighbours complained to housing the police attended my house For a disturbance so I recieved a complaint for this also ( I was only protecting my baby how many children go missing everyday in Australia and none of them get found or when they do find them its to late I wasnt going to risk this look at the 3year old boy that went missing in nsw from his grandmothers yard was he ever seen again hmm what I thought too) I contacted my support worker the following day to alert her what was going on I heard nothing back until I got a letter in the mail saying I had to attened a meeting at Babi youth and family housing and was told my support worker would be there for support. 4th and 5th complaints can be seen in the photos of the breach 4. & 5. Yelling ,children screaming and loud banging noises I took a video of my daughter tipping her toy box out my neighbours dont realise how loud 5 children under the age of 6 can be especially when they play altogether and role playing is something they enjoy which broadens there minds Teaches them to think outside the square box we all live in and of course they argue, yell, try and talk over one another or all try talk at the same time this is being a kid they back chat they yell they scream when they dont get what they want. my neighbours were kids to once but I guess there to old and time has taken a toll on there memories its sad but true I recieved a notice to leave and have 14days from the 19th November because of my children how is this not discrimination against children my children are being targeted and if I dont stand up for them who will......
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 07:59:02 +0000

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