Keep in mind that Obama has the support of about 35% to 40% of the - TopicsExpress


Keep in mind that Obama has the support of about 35% to 40% of the population that will NEVER abandon him, no matter what he does, no matter how bad the jobs numbers look, no matter how low the economy goes, no matter how much scandal and corruption is exposed, no matter how strong the facts are against him. Nothing will ever change their minds. These are the low information voters of the Democratic Party. In many cases they love Obama because of the color of his skin- and nothing else. They will never abandon a black President. Even though black unemployment is at record levels. Even though black youth unemployment is at record levels. Even though black poverty is at record levels That means that among the rest of America, outside of loyal, lifelong, Kool-Aid drinking Democrats, Obamas ratings are nil. Among voters who dont identify as Democrat, he is the lowest-rated President in history. No numbers like this have ever been recorded, if you filter out the Kool Aid drinking low information and partisan voters. Obamas approval among the Heartland of America (middle class Americans) is lower than Nixon. Lower than W. Lower than Lyndon Johnson at the height of the Vietnam war. Lower than Jimmy Carter at the height of the Iranian hostage crisis, with the added burden of an economy in misery and malaise. Im betting that outside of lifelong Democrats and welfare recipients (I know, I repeat myself), Obamas ratings are in the unimaginable range of single digits. Im betting that outside of food stamp recipients, Obamas ratings are in the single digits. Among the white middle class, Im betting Obamas ratings are in the single digits. Or lower.Keep in mind many of the white middle class originally voted for Obama. He could not have been elected without white support.Actually if you take the white middle class and subtract out a few Ivy League intellectuals, Hollywood liberals, and pathetic Upper West Side of Manhattan Democratic zombies, there are few Obama supporters left to be found anywhere in America.Remember that about 47% of Americans get entitlement checks from government. Obama is PAYING for their support and he still only has 38% approval. You know youre unpopular when even bribes dont work anymore! This man has managed to pull off something remarkable and historical- he has alienated almost every single American who actually works for a living and pays taxes- outside of Chicago, Manhattan, Hollywood and Detroit. He has virtually zero support among the 53% who arent getting a check from government. You cant find another instance of that in the history of American politics. We hate Obamas big tax increases for the middle class and small business...and the fact that those tax increases havent helped the economy, or created new jobs because the money was handed to Obamas voters and donors- for more entitlements, more welfare, more food stamps, bailouts, stimulus and wasted failing green energy investments.We hate the fact that Obama has killed millions of jobs. We hate the fact that the economy is in ruins under his leadership- except for Wall Street. Of course Wall Street goes up because Obama has directed the Fed to print trillions in fake dollars to make his biggest donors richer than they ever imagined. We hate the fact that Obama ruined the finest healthcare system in the world, that about 80% of Americans were happy with in the first place. We hate the fact that he is a liar and fraud, who promised if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Now we either dont have insurance, or our prices have been raised through the roof. He has damaged our lives beyond belief. The color of his skin has nothing to do with it. But the facts have everything to do with it. Wayne Allyn Root | Mar 12, 2014
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:23:56 +0000

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