Keep in mind this is what the Union Power Team said they were - TopicsExpress


Keep in mind this is what the Union Power Team said they were going to bring to UTLA: https://vimeo/108665066 Here is another small list of their greatest hits. UTLA is: 1. Ignoring the UTLA Constitution by ignoring UTLAs formal 17.6% salary demand retroactive to 2013-14 -- instead without explanation CAPITULATING to the district by lowering our formal salary demand to 10% with nothing retroactive. The UTLA has said they are pushing to re-open negotiations right after we get a deal -- which is a weak negotiating position - and a clear violation of the UTLA Constitution. Why not push for 17.6% then re-open right after we sign a deal? How does ignoring the UTLA House of Representatives and the UTLA Constitution move us towards getting us our long-overdue raise? 2. Ignoring the UTLA Constitution by ignoring UTLAs formal position of having the leadership conference at the least expensive union hotel in Los Angeles -- instead, choosing to host it at the non-union La Quinta Resort and Spa -- home of exploited non-union workers -- home of the 1% -- home of the PGA. A UTLA leader actually claimed Unite Here Local 11 is okay with UTLA not having the conference in Los Angeles, so I wrote to Unite here Local 11 leadership. They responded that it was their understanding that UTLA desired to have the conference at the non-union La Quinta mega resort and spa. In other words, UTLA told Unite Here they wanted to have the conference in Palm Springs and NOT what union leaders have claimed -- theyve claimed there are no union hotels in Los Angeles available, even though the conference is almost a year away and would bring in much needed revenue. Is someone getting a kick-back? How is it okay for a teachers union to encourage the exploitation of non-unionized workers? How can a teachers union gain credibility when they dont even stand in solidarity with la based union hotel workers? 3. Failing to respect the UTLA Constitution, which states that the UTLA House of Representatives establishes ALL UTLA policy AND has the authority to over-ride the Officers and Board of Directors. Despite that, the UTLA Leadership is wilfully violating the UTLA Constitution -- backing away from our formal salary demand, and completely ignoring UTLA policy on the leadership conference, to name a few. Completely unacceptable. 4. Failing to organize the membership despite what they promised. UTLA used to have many, many, many members on the UTLA House of Representatives. They recently had an election for the House of Representatives -- it was uncontested because literally NO ONE WANTS TO RUN FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES! Part of the reason is probably that UTLA ignores the House of Representatives -- violating the UTLA Constitution and opening up UTLA to legal challenges. Anyone remember the 2009 MOU which gave away the seniority rights of Substitute Teachers? Well, based on the leaderships irresponsible behavior, we may see more money spent on legal fees. From what I hear, some in UTLA leadership would like that. So much for organizing the membership. 5. Failing to tell us how they spend our dues money. No information is published about how our dues money is spent on overseas travel, meals, etcetera. We know of travel to Amsterdam, Hawaii, and Japan, to name a few. Yet UTLA doesnt tell us how much they spend on this travel - paid for union credit cards that we pay for! If this sort of behavior - treating UTLA as a slush fund - continues -- we wont have a union! 6. Censoring anyone from the PEAC message board and from who does not tow the party line. They banned me without explanation, and without warning. I guess UTLA likes a good debate -- as long as you agree with them 100%. We had all this tough talk about how they were going to organize members -- instead, they treat UTLA like a slush fund, spend money like its going out of style, and have REFUSED to organize the membership -- despite all the hype weve seen, talk to the average UTLA member and they will tell you they dont believe in their union. Part of the reason they dont is the leadership treats UTLA like a slush fund. Actions speak louder than words -- if members arent even willing to participate in the House of Representatives -- despite all their bullshit talk about organizing the membership -- then, well, we know that they are ineffective at organizing members. When is UTLA going to actually embrace transparency and tell us how much and what they spend our money on? When is UTLA going to actually start a campaign that will inspire members to get involved? Actions speak louder than words. If this continues, all of you who have been silent will have contributed to UTLAs demise. Please join those of us who want to save our union while we still have a union. The attacks against unions are growing, and we need union leadership to act responsibly. Traveling to Japan, Hawaii, and Amsterdam using our dues is completely irresponsible, morally bankrupt, and a corruption of the union movement. Ignoring UTLA policy to push for a 17.6% retroactive pay raise is corrupt -- why did UTLA unilaterally LOWER our salary demand? Is there a backroom deal in the making? Why is UTLA having its leadership conference at a non union hotel in Palm Springs? Kick-backs? When unions sell out members, we all suffer. We want UTLA to act responsibly, and to fight for members (instead of lining their own pockets). Once rank and file members see that UTLA is acting responsibly, when we have rallies -- we will literally see tens of thousands -- instead of the same faces we see at these rallies. https://facebook/groups/utlaaccountability/ In Unity, Bill Smith
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:26:50 +0000

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