Keep taking for granted our uniformed men and women. Keep treating - TopicsExpress


Keep taking for granted our uniformed men and women. Keep treating them like they just simply exist like they have value because of what they sacrifice but you have more on your plate. Lets get something straight: while you are stressing about your car being repossessed your husband/wife/bf/gf is ensuring that you have the freedom to have a car that you can worry about! While you are mad at the world because you failed finals they make sure you have the freedom to have finals to be mad about! That interview you have that you may be late for? That favorite shirt the cat ruined? That toilet that overflowed? The fact that you envisioned a lifestyle with a perfect family living in a nice quiet neigjborhood with a son daughter cat dog goldfish in a two story dual garage house and a Mercedes-Benz in both garages and instead find yourself stuck in limbo still single trying to get that B.A. in Business living in the ghetto surviving off beans and rice everyday is more reason to thank our men and women in uniform for the mere fact that you wouldnt have any opportunity at all for something to be unhappy about had so many not been willing to wager their lives for your freedom! APPRECIATE THEM!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:12:01 +0000

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