Keep the PR Bell Ringin by Brandon B What’s the “CrossFit - TopicsExpress


Keep the PR Bell Ringin by Brandon B What’s the “CrossFit Total?” I asked this very question about a year ago when the PR challenge was announced at Local in 2014. Put simply, the Crossfit Total is heavy, the sum of an athlete’s squat, press and deadlift, a benchmark of strength. It my eyes, it was a breath of fresh air. All the benchmark WODs I had done in CrossFit to that point had left me out of breath, laying on the ground, wondering what had just happened to me, which is why I assume benchmark wods are named after girls. By comparison, this sounded simple: no time limit, three attempts at each lift, and then add it all together, you can even use a calculator. But what’s a good total? How should I train to increase my total? No worries, the coaches at Local will help answer these questions and provide strength workouts to help boost your lifts. I was already part of Shea’s minions in Barbell Club, but I highly recommend anyone who signs up take advantage of the extra Barbell Club class. Last year Shea had us start the challenge by doing the total. And why not? You need to know where you stand to be able to get better. After we knew our initial maximal ability for each lifts, Shea provided each person with a 9-week workout program customized to our individual weights. This meant that even when I couldn’t make it to the classes, I could go in during an open gym knowing exactly what I needed to do: the rep scheme, the weight that should be on the bar, and the auxiliary movements. Consistency was key, by following the program and showing up for the classes I saw improvements, week over week, my body adjusted to the volume and I was getting stronger. Going to the PR clinic helps pinpoint the little things with form that can make a significant difference with each lift. Last year I was able to improve my total to almost 6 times my body weight. I encourage everyone to sign up, find a buddy, come to Barbell Club (I’ll see you there), and break the PR bell. Sometimes in Crossfit, you need to just take a breath and lift heavy things. Sign up for the CrossFit Total PR Challenge here: https://crossfitlocal.sites.zenplanner/event.cfm?eventId=05375C06-86F2-4278-B6E9-9A3239EAD2F8
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:00:00 +0000

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