Keep up the good work and dont get discouraged, for you will be - TopicsExpress


Keep up the good work and dont get discouraged, for you will be rewarded. 2 Chronicles 15:7 TLB Ever feel like the efforts you are putting forth are showing no results? Like your work is in vein; especially when doing ministry of any kind? You are in this not for public recognition or for praise, but to do unto the Lord and yet it gets thrown back in your face or you dont see any kind of growth or movement. I know that we are to live by faith and not by sight, but it sure doesnt hurt when we do catch a glimpse of Gods power working. It boosts our faith to see something take place or witness something miraculous. Often times we get bogged down in the trenches and lose hope and encouragement. We often forget the purpose of what we were called to do in the first place. I know the disciples must have felt like this many times and wondered what the heck was Jesus thinking. This just isnt working. They got discouraged and down as well. They felt at times like throwing in the towel and giving up totally. They would minister to people and not see any fruit. I have even experienced this myself. When I went to Israel in 2009 to minister on a missions trip. We all expected to see things happen. While there were some small things that took place, we werent there to see immediate fruit. We were there to pour into that nation with prayer and declaration. We learned that the labor and efforts we were putting forth may not produce any fruit during our lifetime. We must trust the Holy Spirit and what the Lord has planned. We must remain faithful and not give up. Our rewards are eternal rewards and we will receive those soon enough. Remember, just because you arent seeing an immediate result does not mean that there is nothing happening. Just like when a seed is planted in the soil and watered and given sunlight; it takes time. It is a process that we cannot rush. Do not give up, do not feel that your labor and efforts are in vein. Do unto the Lord as He has called you and trust in Him for strength to see you through. Be encouraged dear brothers and sisters and know that you will be rewarded when you finish the race. We are not done running yet and must press on towards the prize. Have a wonderful Wednesday! I declare Deuteronomy 30:9 over you today, Then the LORD your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The LORD will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your ancestors..
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 13:00:21 +0000

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