Keep your Teeth Healthy: Healthy teeth depend on the right foods. - TopicsExpress


Keep your Teeth Healthy: Healthy teeth depend on the right foods. Are you eating the best foods to keep your teeth healthy? When you consider how much time your teeth are exposed to foods and liquids during the day, it’s no wonder that your diet plays such a big role in keeping your teeth healthy. And, when it comes to healthy teeth, it’s not just the about choosing the right foods to put in your mouth, it’s also about how long they stay there. Your teeth may seem hard and durable as stone, but in reality, they’re constantly being built up and broken down – just like your bones. What’s important is to keep the two processes in balance – and that’s why the foods you eat play such a significant role in keeping your teeth healthy. Certain foods accelerate the breakdown of the enamel on the surface of your teeth, while other foods help to remineralize teeth and protect them. You know that sugar isn’t good for your teeth – but you may not know exactly why. Whenever you eat sugary foods, the sugar becomes food for the bacteria that naturally live in your mouth. As the bacteria digest these sugars, they convert them into acids that can eat away at your tooth enamel. If you look closely in the mirror a few hours after a meal, it’s likely that you’ll see little deposits of white plaque forming on your teeth. What you’re actually looking at is a sticky film of bacteria at work – demineralizing your teeth. That’s why frequent brushing and flossing to remove plaque – as well as paying attention to the foods that you eat – is so important in keeping your teeth healthy. So sugary foods – and some starchy foods, too – are not the best things for maintaining the health of your teeth. The bacteria just love carbohydrates that arrive in your mouth in the form of simple sugars and refined starches. Foods like sugary sodas and candy provide the bacteria with a readily available source of the simple sugars – and foods like white bread, crackers or pretzels aren’t much better for your teeth because these highly refined starches are easily broken down into sugar by enzymes in your saliva. Call us for Healthy Foods today....0772238680
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 07:27:07 +0000

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