Keep your fights within your own doors. Why give your neighbors - TopicsExpress


Keep your fights within your own doors. Why give your neighbors vicarious pleasure in listening to you have an argument with someone else? People forget that fights can be very ugly, especially when you have rubbish neighbors who appreciate the fact that you are fighting. A lady comes to my house and I live a very quiet lifestyle. No drama, except of course fights with the police about their throwing tear gas at the children who are raising Cain outside the University Grants commission. But politely told off, even then. She wants a room because she is wanting to leave her husband who is abusive. Scant respect for her person, I said what if he comes here and creates a scene? She replies he wont know. I said A recalcitrant husband and those who have little regard of your lifestyle will use words like shut up and other hateful comments to the person they think is the cause of their problem, when the problem lies within themselves. Have nothing to do with them! Thats my motto henceforth. Why bother? Then if you become an intermediary, you become the bad one. And the person who is using words such as this or worse, is really a person who is not deserving of any respect either. They think only of themselves, never of anyone else. Also remember that if they want to keep secrets from their partner, and havent the strength to face the music, they are the weak ones not the woman who is trying to escape being beaten. Andrea Brito Babapulle did a check on the personality of the man, abuse of money and power, attempts to control the woman with a weapon, cash, gifts given as tyranny. The Emperor, when reversed: Weakness in character leading to tyranny and abuse of worldly power. Loss of confidence and ambition, coupled with the cold execution of the unthinkable. The inability to carry out plans or command respect. Being unreasonable and prone to fits of rage. A deceiver or demagogue. Happy to say, that with my legal advise ha ha, the woman got a settlement of 20 million and a restraining order that the man would never visit her. He was allowed to have the child once a month on Poya day. Bay choice of a day, cos the full moon also causes other idiotic emotions. facade/tarot FREE Tarot Readings The first and most popular Tarot site, offering FREE readings since 1993! FACADE.COM astrolis/tarot Tarot - Free Card Reading | Astrolis Choose from a wide selection of Free Horoscopes and Tarot Card Readings covering a number of important areas in... ASTROLIS.COM
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:08:18 +0000

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