Kehilat Melech Yisrael knocked it out of the park here. Rabbi - TopicsExpress


Kehilat Melech Yisrael knocked it out of the park here. Rabbi Yehezquel said the same thing I do but darn it the dude is more element than I am with it lol. Here is a reply he gave to someone who was kinda harsh to wards a mutual friend who tried to pull a separating from Judaism card.: Just a correction lona, the term Goy (גוֹי) means nation, not heathen. The word heathen is עוֹבֵד אֵלִילִים. Gentiles by Biblical definition are people from the nations that have no roots in Israel (who is called a holy nation גוי קדושׁ -Ex 19:6). In order for a person to be apart of Israel they need to depart from their nation, i.e., uproot themselves and convert, i.e., graft themselves in order to join Israel. The Torah does not permit gentiles to abide in the Covenant of G-d. The Covenant belongs to G-d, he extended it to Israel. Thus, those who desire to partake of it must join Israel according to the stipulations of G-ds Covenant. Titles such as Messianic Gentiles are silly because there is no such thing as Messianic Gentiles. Your either a Jew or a Gentile. The Torah teaches that if a Gentile sold themselves as a slave to a Jew that that Gentile must convert first. Jews were not permitted to have gentile slaves. The reason is that gentiles worshiped idols and idolatry is not permitted in Israel. Therefore, bringing a gentile into a Jewish home is tantamount to bringing an idol in ones home. Being a Xtian and adopting a form of Messianic Judaism does not grant one the right of passage to claiming they are a Jew. Why? a lot of Xtian theology violates the Torah and so one cannot have beliefs and doctrines which violate the Torah and claim they are a Jew. Believers are caught in limbo because as gentiles they came to faith in a Jew named Yshua but never converted to live a Jewish life like he did. Its not till years go by that many of these gentiles realize the errors within Xtianity and find out about something called Jewish/Hebrew roots. The Jewish/Hebrew roots appeal to many gentiles and so they are attracted to this thing called Torah. The only problem is they are trying to follow Torah with Xtian baggage. Many of the so called teachers of Torah come from gentile backgrounds. Because these teachers were never raised in a Jewish background they approach many Jewish concepts as taboo and present a hybrid perspective of the Torah. Thus, people sitting under these teachers gain some Torah but with flaws. They grasp certain truths but dont have the full truth. This is why conversion was done under the supervision of the Notzrim (Disciples of Yshua). Their halacha (Jewish law) of conversion differed from the conversion of the Prushim (Beis Shammai as not all Prushim were the same). The Notzrim were the spiritual supervisors for those gentiles being grafted into Israel. A lot of information I read on this topic is largely because people have no firm foundation in Judaism. People do not truly understand the Bible or Jewish teaching. Please do not take that as an offense. The reason why people are ignorant is because of the misinformation taught by leaders. With so much nonsense out there people are siting under a thousand voices instead of being plugged into a kosher community with a competent teacher.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:37:58 +0000

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