Kehta Hai Dil Jee Le Zara 12th September 2013 Written Update - TopicsExpress


Kehta Hai Dil Jee Le Zara 12th September 2013 Written Update Video UpdateKehta Hai Dil Jee Le Zara 12th September 2013 Video Watch Online 720p *HD* The episode starts with Dilshaad making Saanchi realise her mistake. Dhruv looks sad and is in thoughts. Dilshaad comes to him and says sorry for inviting him there. She asks him whether he is going? Dhruv says yes, Dilshaad says she will not stop him today. While all the guests are shocked to witness the conversation or fight between Saanchi and Dilshaad. Saanchi wipes her tears and tells the guests to have food and asks Prachi to help her. She asks about Advait. Advait comes to Dilshaad’s house and asks her why she is crying. Dilshaad says he is leaving.Dhruv comes and says why you came here, dont stress your legs. Advait says sorry. Dhruv says it’s ok. Advait says if you stay back then I will say you sorry entire life. Dhruv says he will go home someday naa, so he is going 2 days before, that’s all. Advait says he came to say sorry from Saanchi’s behalf. he says I don’t know why she behave like that with you. She says she loves me but she has become over protective. Dhruv says she loves you very much and asks him to respect his sister’s love. He says your sister is very good but don’t know why our tuning never set. He asks Advait to understand her. Advait asks him to stay back. Dhruv asks him to sit and get well soon. He says he will return next year, till then you will be alright and your tai anger will be gone by that time. He gifts Advait some sports clothes, Advait thanks him. He asks Advait to remember him whenever he scores a goal. Mugdha asks Saanchi whether she needs to do something. Saanchi says no. Ulka kaki asks Mugdha to fast for her husband. Saanchi asks her to go to office. Saanchi says to Ganapati that you came and leaving so soon, I wish I could stop you. Advait comes and you can stop him from leaving. He says Dhruv is going to Mumbai for forever. Aaji asks is he going. Advait says he is leaving. Saanchi asks him to eat, but Advait says he is not feeling hungry. Saanchi calls Prachi and goes to her. She sees Prachi sitting sadly, she asks what happened? Prachi says she was offered a job in company. Saanchi says it is a good news. Saanchi asks did you tell Sunil. Prachi says he was happy and later said it is better for me not to take up the job as his family is very conservative. Prachi says it is good as she will enjoy her married life after marriage. Saanchi asks her to do what she wants. She says it is good when both of you listen to you. Nani prays infront of Ganapati, Aaji asks her to move as she will pray now. Advait comes and says he is going to say bye to Dhruv. Nani, Aaji and Prachi says, they will go to say him bye. Saanchi looks shocked. Dhruv is talking to his mom on mobile and says he will reached soon. Saanchi comes to him and says she brought food for him as he left without eating anything. Dhruv says he was leaving now. Saanchi says she wants to say something and thanks him for the notes and Jacket which he gave to Advait. She then thank him for helping her when her car sher singh breaks down. She thanks him for helping Aaji with the exercises. Dhruv says I think all the thank you got over and asks her whether she wants to say something else. He says your idea of saying sorry is very unique by saying thank you. he says he understood what she wants to say. Saanchi says thank you. Dhruv thanks her for bringing food for him. Saanchi says him sorry. Dhruv asks her to repeat. She says sorry, Dhruv says you took so much time to say sorry. Saanchi says she is not used to do mistakes. Dhruv looks happy now and relieved. He starts playing the flute, Saanchi comes to her balcony and smiles. Dhruv says he had full stomach and will have light dinner. He thanks her. Both of them smiles looking at each other. Advait feels happy that Saanchi said sorry to Dhruv and he stopped from leaving. Saanchi asks him to sleep. She comes to Prachi and asks if she will be at home tomorrow. Prachi says she will come after a meeting. Prachi sleeps. Saanchi looks at Prachi’s appointment letter. Saanchi is told by the lawyer that their case is strong and everything will be fine. He says you made a good notes and asks her, how she made the notes. Saanchi says she didn’t made it and says my friend made it, and realises that she called Dhruv her friends and says one neighbour. Precap: Saanchi shows Deepali bhabhi to Aaji and Nani and says she came. Aaji says it is good that devil Pradeep didn’t come. Deepali asks for Prachi, Ulka says she went out.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 08:57:40 +0000

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