Keira is in Texas – Part One Mom Cheryl was going to gloss over - TopicsExpress


Keira is in Texas – Part One Mom Cheryl was going to gloss over my move to Texas. It’s been a much longer journey than expected. I was supposed to be here shortly before Charm’s third birthday so she was going to say I came to celebrate his birthday and is staying for an extended visit. After giving it some more thought, knowing I am greatly loved by so many, she decided to share the story to where we are now. Mom has posted a couple times about her health issues. Things got bad very quickly. She was overwhelmed and had to get help. Caring for two kids, three dogs, and three cats is a lot and the people helping her strongly suggested she downsize her pack. Immediately. Daddy declared the pack would be reduced to no more than three as soon as possible. Brianna is strongly bonded to Jezzie and Mav, and they to her, so they were staying. Jack asked if Buddy could be his cat, so they decided not to return him to the rescue we adopted him from after all. Mina was going to go to a friend of daddy’s mommy after she was spayed and recovered from the surgery. Then the lady got sick and we haven’t heard back from her so Mina is still with mommy and daddy. Bruce was the first to leave. He was permanently rehomed to a wonderful family. He has twin girls, a little younger than Jack, to play with and a few month old baby he adores. He is doing well in his new home! Just the thought of sending me away broke mommy’s heart but the truth was mommy just wasn’t able to take care of me the way she believes I should be taken care of. They asked one of daddy’s relatives to take me. They were in TN. They seemed interested but had to check with their landlord. Time passed. More time passed. We didn’t hear anything. Finally they responded. They had adopted a puppy instead of taking me. Mom was sad. She was concerned for my safety and wanted me to go to a good home. There just wasn’t anyone close by willing and able to take care of me until mommy gets better. My boyfriend Charm’s mom didn’t know how bad things had gotten until after mom asked the first couple to take care of me. After many long, detailed conversations between the moms, she agreed if they backed out she would foster me until mommy is better and I can go home. Mom Cheryl’s biggest concern was TX is so far away from GA it would be super hard for mommy, daddy, and the kids to come visit me. She’s working to get video chat capabilities set up so mommy and I can chat! In the mean time mommy can send me videos and mom Cheryl is sending mom lots of pictures and videos. We don’t know for sure how long I will be in TX. It may take some time for mommy to get stabilized, on the right meds, and well enough for me to go home. Mommy also wants to get out of our current home into some place with a fenced in yard where we can run and play off leash before I go home. At best, it will be some time next year. At worst, longer. I left mommy on June 18. I was supposed to be boarded overnight in Marietta, GA, picked up by transport first thing Wed the 19th and be in Texas the afternoon of Thurs the 20th. There was a ginormous hiccup in the plan. I’ll leave that for the next post. All is well that ends well. I got to TX yesterday afternoon, Aug 9, about 1 pm. Things are going well and I am settling in. Mommy made Mom Cheryl a co-admin on my page so I can check in and keep you updated. She isn’t a stay at home mom like mommy is, so I won’t be online as much as I used to be, and I probably won’t post as much, but I am back. It’s really hard on mommy to come to my page. She misses me like crazy and can’t wait for me to come home. Mom Cheryl is thinking about setting up a lighthearted page for the three of us to share. That way mommy can keep an eye on me without being overwhelmed with everything on my page. It’s been a rough year and a half for our family and it is chronicled here. Right now it’s just so hard for mom to come here – so a new, fresh page might be a good thing to make it a little easier on her. It hasn’t been set up yet but if she does I’ll let you know! Thank you for loving and caring about me and my family. We love you right back! Pibble kisses to you all!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 16:17:15 +0000

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