Keith slams the Christian-When-Its-Convenient CamBoi over the - TopicsExpress


Keith slams the Christian-When-Its-Convenient CamBoi over the 80,000 benefits claimants who have been left without any means of survival this Christmas. Dear Mr Cameron, According to figures released by the PCS Union, more than 80,000 UK families face a bleak Christmas because their benefits have been stopped. Lets get that into a reality perspective, more than 80,000 people have had the means of survival taken from them by Iain Duncan Smith and the DWP for Christmas through your governments brutal sanctions regime. Because of the additional pressure at Christmas through tradition and aggressive advertising, over 80,000 people have been left out in the cold with a solid wall of penury keeping them not just from the tinsel, treats and presents, but the bare necessities of life like food, warmth and even shelter. It must also be said, Mr Cameron, what an astonishing display of callous inhumanity and disregard for the well being of others at the time of the most deeply rooted and widely celebrated tradition of gift giving and receiving in the UK. When you and your government settle down to a comfortable, and perhaps luxurious, Christmas, you will be lording it over the untold misery which you are entirely and illegally responsible for in betraying the most fundamental of human rights, the right to life. When I left the church one of the last things the Pastor said to me was that I leant too heavily on grace to which I replied, Grace is all I have. I was done with navel gazing, sin focused, overbearing, paternalism. Not only did I consider that the state of someone elses soul was none of my business, I really didnt think the state of my own eternal soul was any of my business either. As a moral creature I am perfectly capable of having a care for my actions as they impact and affect others, yet at 63 I have some disastrous messes under my belt, some of which still make me cringe to my boots and for which apologies and restitution are impossible. I just have to live with them as honestly and graciously as I can. I tried topping myself, which wasnt very gracious. Leaving the church was a ferocious act because I was suddenly soul naked in the world and the only way to survive was to learn to be gracious with myself. I was ok with being decent to others, it was me I had a real problem with. Loving my neighbour as I loved myself was a poor joke as I had no sense of love for myself, and had I treated others as harshly as I treated myself I would probably have wound up in prison or at the very least friendless. Loving ones neighbour and loving oneself is, as far as I can see, a symbiotic relationship, they grow together. That, as far as I can understand it, is to live with grace and it requires some dedicated hard work. Extending no graciousness to others, condemning them to penury and suffering and, for too many, driving them to suicide, is the most abject human failure especially when it is accompanied with what seems to be an overbearing sense of your own self worth. Do you think thats fair game for a man in public office, Mr Cameron? Really?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:13:00 +0000

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