Kekekekeke I like this. This is why you find that there is no - TopicsExpress


Kekekekeke I like this. This is why you find that there is no election that is going to be conducted at the ZANU-PF praise and worship ceremony, said Hon Obert Gutu, MDC T national spokesperson in a debate hosted by Al Jazeera. I could not have put it any better, especially after reading another blasphemous comment from a zany pf youth Tendai Wenyika who said, We will continue to support our revolutionary leader, King of Kings, President Mugabe. Yikes! Mugabelatory knows no boundaries. One wonders and wonders seriously, what it is that these zanoids see in a geriatric who has presided over a failed state since 1980 and plumbed new depths of failure? What else does he hope to achieve which he successfully failed to do in the past 3 decades? Like they always say stupidity, in simple terms, is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Mugabe has failed and no amount of praise singing from any of his disciples would be able to mask that. Another thing Mugabe is not serious about fighting corruption in his party if light fingered kleptocrats like Bright Matonga are still being allowed to apologize for zany pf on international platforms. Shame. The more things change the more they remain the same.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:17:07 +0000

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