Kelvin, you have the most elaborate out of office message Ive ever - TopicsExpress


Kelvin, you have the most elaborate out of office message Ive ever received. This was in response to the birthday greeting I sent you a few minutes ago. Your OOO message is working: I am out of the office, but dont worry, I will be back in the office on Fri, 31 Oct 2014. For all spam, please send it to /dev/null. Here are some interesting facts to read. Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of their cats. A bowling pin need only tilt 7.5 degrees in order to fall down. The right side of a boat was called the starboard side due to the that the astronavigators used to stand out on the plank (which was on the right side) to get an unobstructed view of the stars. The left side was called the port side because that was the side you put in on at the port. This was so that they didnt knock off the starboard! The Japanese word Arigato meaning thank you is derived from the Portugese word Obrigado. Portugal once had a thriving trade with Japan. The bubbles in Guinness Beer sink to the bottom rather than float to the top like all other beers. No one knows why. Jupiters core is in fact made of a non-metal, but due to the immense pressure inside Jupiter the core has become a metal. This metal is hydrogen. The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. A fullgrown bear can run as fast as a horse. When opossums are playing opossum, they are not playing. They actually pass out from sheer terror. Every male over the 18 is considered part of the Arizona Militia according to state constitution. The word karate means empty hand. Four people played Darth Vader: David Prowse was his body, James Earl Jones did the voice, Sebastian Shaw was his face and a fourth person did the breathing. A hamlet is a village without a church and a town is not a city until it has a cathedral. 49.6% of US residents live in Eastern time zone, 29.3% live in the Central time zone, 5.3% live in the Mountain time zone, 15.0% live in the Pacific time zone and .8% live in any other time zone. Texas is also the only state that is allowed to fly its state flag at the same height as the U.S. flag. If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom. Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore were freshman roommates at Harvard. A lions roar can be heard from five miles away. The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days of yore when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases. The launching mechanism of a carrier ship that helps planes to take off, could throw a pickup truck over a mile. If you told someone that they were one in a million, youd be saying there were about 1,800 of them in China. A ducks quack doesnt echo, and no one knows why. The average sixty minute audio cassette tape has 562.5 feet of tape in it, nearly two football fields long The ashes of the average cremated person weigh nine pounds. The save icon on Microsoft Word shows a floppy disk, with the shutter on backwards. Assuming Rudolph was in front, there are 40,320 ways to arrange the other eight reindeer. The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene. Robert E. Lee, of the Confederate Army, remains the only person, to date, to have graduated from the West Point military academy without a single demerit. Croatia was the first country to recognize the United States in 1776. There are only 14 blimps in the world, and 10 of them are in the U.S. Pinocchio is Italian for pine eyes. If you stretch a standard Slinky out flat it measures 87 feet long. Most Americans car horns beep in the key of F. The telephone dial tone is also in the key of F. Barbies measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33. The Chinese ideogram for trouble depicts two women living under one roof. And the Chinese words for crisis and opportunity are the same. Ralph Laurens original name was Ralph Lifshitz. Lizzie Borden was acquitted. Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category. Approximately sixty circus performers have been shot from cannons. At last report, thirty-one of these have been killed. The Boeing 767 aircraft is a collection of 3.1 million parts from 800 different suppliers around the world: fuselage parts from Japan, center wing section from Southern California, flaps from Italy. A man irate about his income tax paid Uncle Sam with a plaster of Paris check that weighed several pounds. He wasnt all that bright, because once the government cashed the check, it was returned to him and he had to keep it for five years for his records. On the new hundred dollar bill the time on the clock tower of Independence Hall is 4:10. Parker Brothers prints about 50 billion dollars worth of Monopoly money in one year. Calvin and Hobbes: Hobbes originally had pads on his hands and feet but Bill Waterson (the creator) found them too distracting and removed them. It took Leo Tolstoy six years to write War & Peace. Charlie Browns father was a barber. Lucy and Linus (who where brother and sister) had another little brother named Rerun. (He sometimes played left-field on Charlie Browns baseball team, [when he could find it!]). In the name of art, Chris Burden arranged to be shot by a friend while another person photographed the event. He sold the series of pictures to an art dealer. He made $1750 on the deal, but his hospital bill was $84,000. In Britain’s House of Commons, the government and opposition sides of the House are separated by two red lines. The distance between the lines is two swords’ lengths, a reminder of just how seriously the Brits used to take their politics. The surface area of an average-sized brick is 79 cm squared. In the kingdom of Bhutan, all citizens officially become a year older on New Years Day. The diameter of the wire in a standard paper clip is 1 millimeter - or about 0.04 inch. People generally say there are 365 days in a year. By a year, I mean this is the time period it takes the earth to travel around the sun: 365 days. Actually, however, it takes the Earth 365.25 days to make this trip. In other words, for every year we gain one-fourth of a day and every for years we gain an extra day. If nothing was done about this, our calendar would move backwards one full day every four years in relation to our seasons. November 29 is National Sinky Day; a day to eat over ones sink and worship it. Public typists work at typewriters charging about 14 cents per page. On a good day, a public typist earns about $3.50. On average, there are 333 squares of toilet paper on a roll. I cant believe you made it this far! Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:16:02 +0000

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