Ken Cuccinelli is closing in! From: - TopicsExpress


Ken Cuccinelli is closing in! From: ConservativeStrikeforce Dear Patriots, Two new polls report that the Virginia Governors race is a statistical neck-and-neck race. Ken Cuccinelli has miraculously narrowed the gap after being more than seven points down. Now if we can just turn out the conservative vote in Virginia, he can win! Victory is within our grasp. Obamas buddy Terry McAuliffe is on the ropes. There are enough conservative voters in the Old Dominion for Tea Party hero Ken Cuccinelli to pull off the upset of the decade. But we need your help do to it. Please help this critical get-out-the-vote drive. Two new polls, one from Emerson College and the other from Hampton University, just came out. They say Cuccinelli and McAuliffe are almost within the margin of error. Thats incredible! But what is even better is the huge number of undecided voters still out there are more likely to go to Cuccinelli...IF we can turn them out! Thats why Ken needs your help so desperately. He is still being outspent by the liberals, but the path to victory is now very, very clear. If we can simply turn out all the conservative voters in Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli will win. So, please, please do what you can right now. We are putting together one of the largest GOTV efforts in Virginia history. Ken has offices and volunteers in every corner of the state. All we need is to pay for the massive phone banks, the absentee ballot campaign and the massive knock and drag effort that will win this. Remember, in August alone liberals spent $8 million attacking Ken Cuccinelli. Yet Ken was still able to significantly narrow te gap. All the pundits wrote Ken Cuccinellis campaign off weeks ago. Moderate Republicans have been screaming that a pro-life, anti-Obamacare crusader couldnt win in Virginia. And now we have a statistical neck-and-neck race! Every conservative in America must help Ken win in Virginia. The election is in just a few weeks. Just imagine how incredible it would be if Ken pulled this upset off while Obama was still holding the government hostage. Well, we can do that if grassroots conservatives from across the USA help out right now. Please help fund this urgent get-out-the-vote effort in Virginia. Victory is within our grasp if we can just raise the money we need to turn out the conservative vote for Ken! Please do what you can. And thank you in advance for your help. For America, Dennis Whitfield Chairman, Conservative StrikeForce Paid for by Conservative StrikeForce (conservativestrikeforce), a Political Action Committee, and not authorized by any candidate or any candidates committee. Conservative StrikeForce PAC. Scott Mackenzie, Treasurer. 2776 South Arlington Mill Drive # 8We 06, Arlington, VA 22206 Tel: 1-888-251-0271 Contributions are not deductable as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. We assist conservatives in their campaigns across the country and and are not raising funds in conjunction with any campaign. All contributions will be used by StrikeForce for direct candidate contributions, independent expenditures and Get Out The Vote activities in strict compliance with any and all campaign finance laws. Our mission is to assist those conservative candidates who are under assault by the liberal attack machine.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 03:20:43 +0000

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