Ken Gennell How does a Country Trillions of dollars in debt give - TopicsExpress


Ken Gennell How does a Country Trillions of dollars in debt give out Billions of dollars to other countries in foreign aid? By CONSTANTLY stealing from the poor and middle class, lying about it, and raising your taxes to pay for it, all the while provoking you to anger at the poorest people in America by lying again claiming our financial problems are due to entitlements. When you have worked all your life, and decide to retire, after having paid into Social Security for so long, wouldnt you agree you are entitled to recieve back what you were promised as you paid it in? There is an awful lot of misinformation going around about this subject, that I would love to clear up with some facts. If somebody deserves something, it IS an entitlement because it is due to them. If somebody does not deserve something, but it is given to them via virtue, sympathy, or as an intended hand up, that would more accurately be called a hand out, than an entitlement. Food Stamps, Welfare Checks, and Health Care for illegals would fall under that catagory of Hand-Outs. Social Security, Disability benefits, and Veterans Pay would not, truly fall into that catagory, because the government has been collecting money all along for that exact purpose, from me and you, without our consent. So, if and when you need it, you certainly should be able to have it back. I will however, keep them bundled together every time I speak of entitlements, unless otherwise clarified. I do feel it is necessary, however, to understand that there is a huge difference. Now lets clear up some further and likely even more important pertinent facts. First of all, every figure spewed out by our crooked, lying, George Soros controlled media concerning the figures regarding entitlements, not only dont distinguish between hand-outs and entitlements, (they are all listed as entitlements) but the figures are completely false. I can prove this, and I will, but first let me say that I understand the anger and frustration the general public feels when they are told these lies, and have zero factual information as reason to doubt the validity thereof. As a red-blooded conservative myself, I get it. Nobody wants to work, and have what they worked for, taken away from them, only to give it to some joker too sorry to get a job and earn for himself. Now here is the first, but not the only way in which the books are cooked, and lies are told regarding entitlements. There is a thing called corporate welfare which very few are actually aware of, which is two thirds of all entitlements. Thats right two thirds, and remember that the truly worthy entitlements are included in with the hand-outs and the corporate welfare. They are all bundled together in one word entitlements Now when you look at the truth, imagine if $1000.00 dollars is called entitlements, and corporate welfare got $666.00 of it, and then the remaining $334.00 was divided between legitimate entitlements and hand-outs half and half...$167.00 each. Now the welfare and food stamp recipients of the hand-outs, whom could truly be causing anger from the general public for taking what they havent earned, suddenly dont look so awful, if you know the real figure...$167.00 for lazies that dont want to work, and $666.00 for a corporation? The remaining $167.00 is the only amount earned and deserved, but no matter how you look at it, the figures are intentionally skewed for the exact reason of incitement. Now this doesnt even include foreign aid, which is Billions upon Billions, and Foreign Aid doesnt even get called under the name of entitlements. I recently re-posted a picture of a check for 1.5 billion dollars to Egypt (they are such great allies...arent they?) This is where a lot of that money actually goes when the corrupt politicians via George Soros crooked lying media incite the people to anger - at what is being referred to as entitlements. For many years I paid in to Social Security with my taxes..My Social Security check is NOT an entitlement, but this single check for 1.5 Billion to a foreign country that has NOT paid taxes certainly is an entitlement. Middle class people should stop being angry at the poor here in America, and start recognizing what our government is doing with my (and your) hard earned tax dollars. The Filth in Washington would have you believe that entitlements being given out to our poorest people are this great nations largest expense, and financial problem, while they continue to rape the public fiscally, blaming it on the poor. Here is the proof of one drop in the bucket of their bullsh*t, but by all means keep beating up the little guys....It looks like the Corporate Welfare allowed to be run by the crooked politicians win .... they have successfully used smoke and mirrors (total lies) to divide and conquer the righteously angry yet uninformed sheeple once again by making accusations and stirring contempt against the poorest Americans. Utterly disgusting...... Let me enlighten you to the facts. You think government assistance in any form is easy to get? Apply for it yourself. You are in for a rude awakening. The strict standards are not easily met (hence all the people truthfully telling their stories of deserving family members, military personel, and elderly who keep being refused), but not only are the standards very hard to meet, you certainly will not live lavishly if you ever do qualify. Furthermore, when you see a new iPhone, or a nice car they drive, chances are a loved one gave it to them so they wouldnt do without. I have had plenty of supposed friends and acquaintances incorrectly pass judgement on me; unaware that my nor the governments money bought the thing that they were unfairly jealous of, or angry at me for having. Therefore if you judge whether or not somebody is deserving of whatever pittance they eligibly recieve, you miss the bigger picture, and the real crooks continue laughing at your ignorance, while stealing you and me blind. I dont doubt that there are people who could earn a living and yet are satisfied with so little that they dont, but lets keep this in its proper perspective... It is like somebody stealing your new car and rather than you getting angry at them, you get mad at your daughter for leaving your hairbrush in the glove box. Really? Please do some research and WAKE UP AMERICA Open Here is a starting point. Ken Viers (says) Corporate welfare costs YOU almost 2X as much as social programs. BIG BIZ propaganda wants to divert your attention from where the big bucks are going. Army said they didnt want anymore tanks, congress says you must take them for a cost of almost $500,000,000.00, thats corporate welfare. Go to Open to see how our government has been purchased by BIG BIZ. Quit being suckers by falling for their BS propaganda, they love blaming the poor & powerless. Just so you are aware 91% of those utilizing social programs are the elderly, veterans, mentally & physically disabled and the working poor. ...................................................................................... This is another Facebook shared truth uncovered. KEEP PASSING THIS AROUND UNTIL EVERY ONE HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO READ IT... THIS IS SURE SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!!!! THE ONLY THING WRONG WITH THE GOVERNMENTS CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE SOCIAL SECURITY IS THEY FORGOT TO FIGURE IN THE PEOPLE WHO DIED BEFORE THEY EVER COLLECTED A SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK!!! WHERE DID THAT MONEY GO? Remember, not only did you and I contribute to Social Security, but your employer did, too. It totals 15% of your income before taxes. If you averaged only $30K over your working life, thats close to $220,500. Read that again! Did you see where the Government paid in one single penny? We are talking about the money you and your employer put in a Government bank to insure you and I that we would have a retirement check from the money we put in, not the Government. Now they are calling the money we put in an ENTITLEMENT when we reach the age to take it back. If you calculate the future invested value of $4,500 per year (yours & your employers contribution) at a simple 5% interest (less than what the Government pays on the money that it borrows), after 49 years of working youd have $892,919.98. If you took out only 3% per year, youd receive $26,787.60 per year and it would last better than 30 years (until youre 95 if you retire at age 65) and thats with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit! If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, youd have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month. If you have a deceased spouses who died in their 50s -- their S.S. money will never have one cent drawn from what they paid into S.S. all their lives over the past 30 years! THE FOLKS IN WASHINGTON HAVE PULLED OFF A BIGGER PONZI SCHEME THAN BERNIE MADOFF EVER DID. Entitlement my foot, I paid cash for my social security insurance! Just because they stole the money for other government spending, doesnt make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!! Remember Congressional benefits? --- free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days. Now thats welfare!!! And they have the nerve to call my social security retirement payments entitlements?!? Were supposedly broke and we cant help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, or Homeless. Yet in the last few months we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile and Turkey. And now Pakistan......home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS... if not TRILLIONS of DOLLARS are unaccounted for!!! They call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives, and now, when its time for us to collect, the government is claiming theyre out of money. Why did the government borrow (then flat out steal) from it in the first place? It was supposed to be in a locked box, not part of the general fund. There is an intentional and very heinous force at work here intended to divide and conquer Americans..... Please Wake Up Sincerely, Ken Gennell Unlike · · Follow Post · 3 minutes ago You and Craig Wilcox like this.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:31:31 +0000

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