Ken Wilber. He can often see through walls and leap tall - TopicsExpress


Ken Wilber. He can often see through walls and leap tall conundrums in a single bound. I find that these amazing paragraphs reveals a core secret to life and purpose, viz. we are always on the edge of bringing something new to the party: What comes to mind when you hear the word creativity? Do you think of great artistic achievements like Michelangelos Sistine Chapel or Van Goghs Starry Night? Do you think of musical masterpieces like Beethovens 9th or Jimi Hendrixs Electric Ladyland? Or do you think of those great triumphs of human intellect, such as the moment Einstein peeked behind the curtain of time and space and discovered the elegant simplicity of E = mc2? These are all examples of tremendously creative moments that continue to shape and re-create the world around us. But this is also a tremendously creative moment—right here, right now. There is an inherent creative spark at the core of each and every moment, within every single drop of experience youve ever had. That is, every moment has an element of karma (including the patterns of the previous moment, so that the manifest world continues to exist) and an element of creativity (transcending the patterns of the previous moment, so that something new can come into being). Which means that creativity is itself inextricably woven into the fabric of the universe—in fact, one useful definition of spirituality might simply be the ability to recognize and participate with the creative openings and opportunities of every passing moment. -You dont need a paintbrush to be creative. Your own unique perspective is your brush. -You dont need an instrument to be creative. Your body-mind is your instrument. -You dont need a canvas to be creative. Your friends and family and relationships are your canvas. -You dont need a masterpiece or grand theory to be creative. Your life is your masterpiece. In other words, you dont need to be an artist to be creative. You just need to be someone who truly wants to awaken to the sublime beauty of this and every moment. We are all evolutionary artists, regardless of our particular skills or talents or styles of self-expression. Because in the end, life is not about finding yourself. Its about creating yourself. As Carl Sagan reminds us, if you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. So lets create a universe together. Then we can have some pie.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 19:50:45 +0000

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