Kennen the Lightning Rush! Why pick Kennen? Kennen excels at - TopicsExpress


Kennen the Lightning Rush! Why pick Kennen? Kennen excels at harassing the lane, winning nearly any Range vs Melee Matchup. His Flash Ultimate engage is on par with Malphite. He can be played as a mid laner and as a toplaner, which is important in the current meta game. Runes,Masteries and Summoner Spells Red: 9x Hybrid Pen Yellow: Armor flat Blues: Mres per level/CDR(per lvl) Quints: Ability power orflat AD Masteries: Ballsdeep= 30/0/0, mid lane kennen 21/9, top lane kennen 16/14 Summoner Spells: Flash and Ignite are here nearly no brainers. You can change Ignite with Teleport if you like the super mobile playstyle. Why these runes and masteries? Hybrid Pen are at the moment one of the best marks. You only lose some Magicpen and get a bunch of Armorpen inaddition to that. Kennen likes to Auto Attack harass anyway, so this is a good option. Yellows and Blues are making you a bit tankier, which you ened to survive teamfights. I would suggest to go AP quints in midlane and AD quints on top lane against a melee. Skill Order and Priority Top Lane Skill Order: Q-W-E-W-W-R Skill Priority: R>W>E>Q Skill Order and Priority Mid Lane You can go the same as top lane, or do that: SKill Order: Q-W-E-Q-W-R Skill Priority : R>W=Q>E That means that you skill W and Q the same. Itembuild: You start with Doransblade or with Doransshield +1 Healthpot You go Doransblade against a melee who cant you harass you back that much, and you go Dorans Shield against champs who could harass you quite a bit, like Elise. I am focusing my Item build here on the general TOP LANE build: Core: Dorans Blade Boots 1 Haunting Guise Seekers Armguard -> Upgrade to Zhonyas fast Uprade Boots Situational : AByssal Scepter against Double AP Deathcap for additional AP and burst Voidstaff for more Mpen. ------------------ A different Itembuild focusing on a Korean Style of Splitpushing Kennen- Runes and Masteries do not Change, but alot of the Items do. Itembuild: Dorans Blade Boots +1 Nashors Tooth Uprage Boots Lich Bane Zhonyas This Item build will maximize your Auto Attack DMG, your splitpush capabilities and in general your dueling. It lacks in burst teamfights, but is still good as soon as you have Zhonyas. With this Itembuild you NEED to win your lane. Early Game: You auto attack harass a lot your enemy opponnent, and try to win your lane early on. You can push the lane, harass your opponent at teh enemy turret. You are quite safe to junglers with lightning rush, so its fine. Get a ward though Mid Game- Late Game: Try to only fight in teamfights when your Flash is up. Kennen is 100% stronger with Flash up, itsl ike a second ultimate for him. Flash on the priority target, blew em up and CC em with your Ultimate +W +E combo and win the teamfight for your opponent. When to not Pick Kennen. You are last pick, enemy already picked Tristana Lee Sin, Janna. Kennen is bad vs Champions who can knock you back, but that doesnt mean that you are fully countered. If you play smart, youc an still win this teamfights for your team, just make sure to get their Janna in a Teamfight. In general you can always FP kennen.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 09:43:34 +0000

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