Kenneth A RationMichigan Republican OPINIONS. Please share local - TopicsExpress


Kenneth A RationMichigan Republican OPINIONS. Please share local and county politics! 20 minutes ago Well, here the Michigan House of Representatives sits another Legislative day, wherein sitting quietly on the Calendar for a Second Reading is Senate bill 321. A Second Reading is moved under House Rule 47 requires a floor vote from the Committee of the Whole in order to move the specific legislation under consideration. A Floor Vote moves when and only when the Bill is first READ on the Chamber Floor. Following the Floor Reading of the Bill, the Committee of the Whole shall vote upon the bill itself. Senate Bill 321 which was recommended for a second reading and passage by the House Judiciary Committee back on October 17th, 2013, substantiates we have constitutionally dysfunctional members sitting upon OUR House Chamber Floor under OUR State Capitol Dome in Lansing. How may one be so bold as to challenge the constitutional propriety of legislative members sitting under OUR State Capitol Dome? Well, the point is self evident when you read Senate Bill 321, which is a mischievous and illicit act by OUR State Legislative Body to grant to private parties, what the Legislature shall not grant to Public Officers, unwarranted lawful authority to trespass upon OUR Private Property. NO Private Party shall trespass upon OUR Private Property. No Private Party or Public Officer has lawful authority to freely trespass upon OUR Private Property. Our rights to property are a Sacred Right that shall not be trespassed by legislative enactment that moves in violation to Article I §11 of the Michigan State Constitution, and the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States for the United States of America. Senate Bill 321 on its face is an unconstitutional aberration that passed the Senate when OUR state Senators failed to comprehend the written intent of this specific legislative enactment. In this instance We the Michigan Voters, and Property Owner should demand that OUR House members READ the FULL Text of the bill on the Chamber Floor as is Constitutionally required, so that they SHALL readily recognize the unconstitutionality of this specific legislative bill, Senate Bill 321. Then when OUR House Members complete the full Reading of Senate Bill 321 on the House Chamber Floor for all to hear, word for word, they will discover why this Senate Bill 321 is an unconstitutional legislative bill, and as such vote said abhorrent legislative bill down under Rule 47.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 19:50:39 +0000

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