Kenneth L. Jenkins, Minister and Elder of Pentecostal Church, USA - TopicsExpress


Kenneth L. Jenkins, Minister and Elder of Pentecostal Church, USA (part 1 of 3) Description: A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 1. By Kenneth L. As a former minister and elder of the Christian church, it has become incumbent upon me to enlighten those that continue to walk in darkness. After embracing Islam, I felt a dire need to help those who have not yet been blessed to experience the light of Islam. I thank Almighty God, for having mercy upon me, causing me to come to know the beauty of Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad and his rightly guided followers. It is only by the mercy of God that we receive true guidance and the ability to follow the straight path, which leads to success in this life and the Hereafter. Praise be to God for the kindness shown to me by Sheikh ‘Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Baz upon my embracing Islam. I cherish and will pass on the knowledge gained from each meeting with him. There are many others who have helped me by means of encouragement and knowledge, but for fear of missing anyone, I will refrain from attempting to list them. Sufficient it is to say that I thank Almighty God, for each and every brother and sister that He has allowed to play a role in my growth and development as a Muslim. I pray that this short work will be of benefit to all. I hope that Christians will find that there is yet hope for the wayward conditions that prevail over the bulk of Christendom. The answers to Christian problems are not to be found with the Christians themselves, for they are, in most instances, the root of their own problems. Rather, Islam is the solution to the problems plaguing the world of Christianity, as well as the problems facing the so-called world of religion as a whole. May God guide us all and reward us according to the very best of our deeds and intentions. Abdullah Muhammad al-Faruque at-Ta’if, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:07:16 +0000

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