Kenneth Martin Dolan is a 170 cognitive intelligence quotience as - TopicsExpress


Kenneth Martin Dolan is a 170 cognitive intelligence quotience as capacitied to disprove Big Bang!topic/alt.test.test.test.test/DqJjkKX152s DIAGRAMS FOR ALL STEPS 1) THROUGH EIGHT) WHERE "E" IS EVERY POTENTIAL POSITION EARTH IN RELATION TO BIG BANG DIAGRAM TOTALLY COMPLETELY 100% DISPROVES BIG BANG DELAYED TO FUTURE USA CHILDREN SINCE 2001 VIA VIOLENCE ............NO STARS FROM FUTURE SEEN FROM PRESENT EARTH ............AND STARS WOULD BE FROM OUTSIDE THE BIG BANG NO................................. ....EEEEEEE ...........NO STARS..............................EEE........EEE........STARS FROM...........................EEE........./..EEE.......FROM FUTURE....................EEEE-------BB------EEEE..FUTURE SEEN........................EEEE-------BB------EEEE..SEEN FROM...................... EEEE-------BB------EEEE..FROM PRESENT........................EEE../.......EEE......PRESENT EARTH..............................EEE.......EEE.......EARTH ........................................ EEEEEEE ............NO STARS FROM FUTURE SEEN FROM PRESENT EARTH ............AND STARS WOULD BE FROM OUTSIDE THE BIG BANG (..)ignore BB=big bang EE=various potential Earth locations after Big Bang eplodes /--=potential directions of Big Bang where Earth would form in same direction Where Kenneth Martrin Dolan has 170 cognitive Intelligence Quotient and capacity of (PUZZLE) and worse professionalism and skill and competency USA history wanting forced placement of Tiffany Marie Keating and Kenneth Martin Dolan in painful inflicting environments instead of professionalism and skill and competency of placing in pain free and pain hating environments "Why MUST Kenneth Martin Dolan be originator of disproof and Big Bang and other (PUZZLE)and why are future American children denied as close to 2001 as possible by other than kmd (PUZZLE) origination?" WITH LINGUISTICS EXPERITSE AND DATA MINING MACHINE AND PENDING POLYGRAPH PROVING WITH EVERY (PUZZLE) PROVABLE BASED UPON THEORY OF NUMBER SUBSTITUTION OF PHYSICS LAWS ALSO INCLUDES LAWS OF CONVERGENCE ALSO EXIST THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE ########> WHETHER ALLY AND/OR ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHAT > 20 NATIONS SINCE 2007 ARE ABLE TO RECITE TO KENNETH MARTIN DOLAN IMMEDIATELY TO GIVE ORINIGINATION OF DISPROOF OF BIG BANG TO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CHILDREN THE BIG BANG IS DISPROVEN 20 PEOPLE HAVE AND 100 OF 100 PERSONS YOU KNOW CAN ALSO DISPROVE THE BIG BANG THEORY AFTER KENNETH MARTIN DOLAN IN 2001 USE THEORY OF NUMBER SUBSTITUTION OF PHYSICS LAWS A) TAKE 5 MINUTES TO COMPLETE (PUZZLE) FROM SELF IF UNSURE GIVE (PUZZLE) TO 3 OF 3 RANDOM UNBIASED PERSONS C) IF UNSURE GIVE (PUZZLE) TO 10 OF 10 RANDOM UNBIASED PERSONS D) ONCE 10 OF 10 RANDOM UNBIASED PERSONS HAVE VERIFIED GIVE TO JUNIOR HIGH MATHEMATICIAN E) ONCE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICIAN HAS VERIFIED (PUZZLE) THEN GIVE TO PHYSICISTS AND METEOROLOGISTS AND MATHEMATICIANS F) VERIFICATION OF DISPROOF OF BIG BANG BY ONLY KENNETH MARTIN DOLAN IN 2001 #######> THE BIG BANG IS DISPROVEN 20 PEOPLE HAVE AND 100 OF 100 PERSONS YOU KNOW CAN ALSO DISPROVE THE BIG BANG THEORY AFTER KENNETH MARTIN DOLAN IN 2001 USE THEORY OF NUMBER SUBSTITUTION OF PHYSICS LAWS As you might hvae heard I am probably 170 in IQ in cognitive IQ * Try to solve (PUZZLE) steps 1) to EIGHT) yourself * If you are unsure give (PUZZLE) to 3 random persons * Okay maybe at this point you are on to something if 3 persons * If 3 people are unsure : give 10 random persons (PUZZLE) * Now if 10 random persons are unsure give (PUZZLE) to junior high school mathematics teacher * If junior mathematics teacher agrees give (PUZZLE) to random unbiased physicists and mathematicians and meteorologists * And now that is verification Easy money ########> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FUTURE CHILDREN SINCE 2002 AT LEAST STILL WITHOUT DISPROOF OF BIG BANG AS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INCLUDING BY ANIT-SPACE WEAP0NS AS THE SAME PHYSICS LAWS IN HURRICANES WHEREAS RESIGNATION OF POWER AND CONTROL OF ILLEGAL SPORTS INSISTED CONTINUED BY OTHER THAN KMD AS THE SAME PHYSICS LAWS IN HURRICANES THROUGH VIOLENCE INCLUDING THROUGH SPEECH ENFORCEMENT TAKEN AWAY FROM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INCLUDING BY MOST AMERICANS CHILDREN OF FUTURE AMERICANS SAME SAME SAME SAME "FLEA MARKET" TACTICS CONTINUE INSTEAD OF STOP >>>> IRREGARDLESS OF WHERE EARTH IS LOCATED WITHIN 360 DEGREE SPHERE >>>> IRREGARDLESS OF WHERE EARTH IS LOCATED WITHIN 360 DEGREE SPHERE
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 14:58:54 +0000

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