Kenns Rules for Realists. Based upon Saul Alinskys Rules for - TopicsExpress


Kenns Rules for Realists. Based upon Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals, Ive devised my own list of Rules for Realists. These will likely endure a few revisions over time. Consider bookmarking this page. This is not to say Alinskys rules are totally flawed. It is merely to consider their limitations and to broaden our horizons beyond the narrow-minded strategies of liberals. Below are his rules (most are actually observations) and my rules with annotations: • Rule #1 ALINSKYs rule : “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. KENNs rule: Be everyones friend. Be no ones fool. Thats not to condone gullibility. Rather its this simple principle: Dont have enemies; have opponents. Try to create relationship with both friends and opponents that make them smile when they see you coming, not laugh when the see you going. Be sure the door of personal relationships remains unlocked from the inside. If someone intends to hate me, its that persons problem, not mine. To paraphrase Herman Cain when asked if racism was a deterrent to his success, It was never a problem with me, though it may have been a problem for others. Liberals love to characterize conservatives (and conservatarians) as haters. Conduct yourself in such a manner that when they levy such accusations, they are lying. TIP: Jerry Falwell often advised to disagree agreeably. • Rule #2 ALINSKYs rule: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” KENNs rule: Be smart enough to enlist people who are smart enough. We do this all the time in our daily lives. Few are dumb enough to give themselves a physical. Stop smiling. Im being serious here. We have the good sense to visit a pre-ObamaCare physician who knows what he/she is doing. Sadly, many strike out on their own when it comes to business or, in our case, politics and public policy. Your best friends are your lawyer and accountant. Let experts do their job. TIP: Aces in their places. Rule #3 ALINSKYs rule: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” KENNs rule: Focus on your opponents folly Our opponents arent experts at anything relative to the debate. The are, however, often adept at marketing their nonsense. Consider liberals snake oil salesmen who actually believe their own pitch. Rather then challenge their tactics, challenge their product. Liberalism, socialism, Marxism, multiculturalism, et al, are based upon tried and not-true economic models. They retrain flat-earth credibility with the obvious exception that millions actually adhere to their stupidity. Consider that, while liberals are often intellectuals, their foundational philosophy is moronic. Seasoning baloney with steak sauce doesnt make it steak. Framing foolish philosophies with dignified titles doesnt elevate their foolishness. I recently coined a new concept that I call Quantum Race Theory. Its my answer to Critical Race Theory. Both are nonsensical. TIP: If liberals were logical, they wouldnt be liberals. Rule #4 ALINSKYs rule: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” KENNs rule: Never let a liberal hypocrisy go to waste. Make the hypocrisy of liberalism your most potent weapon. This is easier than some suppose. Consider, for example, the episode of George Zimmerman. Liberals often blame handguns as the cause of crime. If true, why did they not prosecute Zimmermans handgun? Liberals shed alligator tears along with Trayvons mom. Their show of compassion was contrived. Where is their compassion for the mothers of the thousands of young black men slain by other blacks? Or their compassion for white people murdered by blacks? Or their concern for the parents of black babies and toddlers caught in the crossfire of the urban undertow? The Trayvon episode was easily disfigured to fit the cultural Marxist narrative of black victims. Victims of black-on-black crime dont fit the narrative. Liberals dont care about them because they cannot be so easily exploited. Trayvon was, in fact, racially profiled; but not by George Zimmerman. He was racially profiled by the media who reminded us he was a black victim. He was racially profiled by professional blacks such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson by the mere virtue of their support. He was racially profiled by the broad spectrum of leftists who opined the death of the angel-faced young black male. While cultural Marxism rails and wails against the evils of racial profiling, they are guilty every time they form a race-based professional association or affinity group such the Congressional Black Caucus or the Black Entertainment Network (EBT). Every mention of race constitutes profiling. Terms such as White privilege are both racial profiling and racial stereotyping. Whites are stereotyped to be privileged. What to do? Shove it back in their faces. Years ago I knew a man who was a master at playing ping pong. And I was foolish enough to challenge him. Often. I tried every trick I knew. I would under-spin the ball, slam it, curve it, slam, curve and under-spin at the same time. No matter what I did, he would always win. His strategy was simple. He just kept returning the ball. He was not master at spins, curves, and slams. Rather, he was a master at returning spins, curves, and slams. His underlying strategy was to allow his opponents to make the mistakes. He always won. Sorry. Did I type EBT? I meant BET - A Freudian slip. TIP: No fancy moves. Just keep hitting the ball back. Rule #5 ALINSKYs rule: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” KENNs rule: Shame liberals for making light of serious issues. A public demonstration against the brutal murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom was countered by a small mob of gays whose ridiculed this very serious crime by dressing themselves in tutus and dancing about like idiots. Militant gay hate groups also like to demonstrate in pride parades. When they show up wearing perverted outfits. Take note and publicly ask, How do you expect to be taken seriously at the state house when you dont wear pants at your pride parade? Some liberals fail to comprehend that Alinskys fifth rule was to affect the minds of others against your opponents philosophy by making your opponent the brunt of ridicule. Rather, gays in tutus make themselves the brunt of ridicule. Theyve got it backwards. Liberals love to slime free-market conservatives by joking about our opposition to them damn commies. Use their bad humor to humiliate them. Do you know how many millions of innocent people were killed by communists? you could ask. Do you think thats funny Liberals love to shame us into subjection. They call us racists and homophobes, then marvel as we melt like butter in the hot sun on an outdoor grill while the hotdogs burn because youre piddling on the Internet. Yep. Thats experience talking. Using shame to humiliate and dehumanize others is immoral, in my opinion. But defending those hurt by political correctness is no vice. Simply make it a point to respond when liberals use cruel and hateful tactics to hurt others by noting their hypocrisy. TIP: Try this phrase: Ah! Youre using Alinskys fifth rule. Good job. Rule #6 ALINSKYs rule: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” KENNs rule: Make a big deal out of the joy liberals derive from hurting others. Liberals love to express their hatred for realists by accusing us of hatred. Years ago I was attacked by a militant gay hate group who used several of Alinskys strategies. My response was consistent. I repeatedly and publicly asked the leader, Why do you hate me? As a result, every time Bil (his first name) ridiculed me or lied about me, my question would resound in the minds of others, Why does Bil hate Kenn? Last month a mob of liberals disrupted a speech by New York Citys police commissioner when he attempted to speak at Brown University. Such hate tactics are typical for liberals. You never hear -- nor should you -- of conservatives using similar hate tactics. Their hate-filled tirades serve as evidence that rational discussion is beyond their reach. Take note and tell others. TIP: Refer to liberals as hate groups. Example: The Democratic Party is the nations largest hate group. Rule #7 ALINSKYs rule: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” KENNs rule: What works is what works. What works is not what you think will work or wish would work. What works is what actually works. Whether or not we think it should work is relative to nothing. Liberals tend to be impetuous and impatient. They will run with a crisis scheme for a while, then wear out. Again, never let a liberal hypocrisy go to waste. Consider, for example, the global warming farce. Before that the scare was nuclear winter. How long did either of those last? Now its climate change that evokes a sense of crisis. Liberals once railed against over-population. Immigration, however, trumped that scam. Nowadays they cheerfully cram out nation with immigrants simply because they tend to vote for Democratic candidates. What happened to over population? Conservatives need to stick to their game plan, but only as long as it works. There is a time and place for defense as well as offense. Knowing the difference is key. TIP: Nothing works if you dont work at it. Rule #8 ALINSKYs rule: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” KENNs rule: Never stand in the way of liberal lunacy. In debate an opponent will often zero in on one question and demand you answer. When that happens, dont answer! Your opponent will waste the entire time repeating the same nonsense giving you the opportunity to express reality unimpeded. Liberals love to say, Im here to stay. Im not going away. Let them remain. Use their failed philosophy as an object lessons for others to learn from. TIP: Let them see you sweat. It proves youre out-working them. • Rule #9 ALINSKYs rule: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” KENNs rule: Debate! Dont argue. • Debate compares ideas for the purpose of persuasion. Argument, in my opinion, does little more than exercise ones ego. The objective is never to win the argument, but to persuade minds. • Private debate serves two purposes: Convincing your opponent and learning his argument in preparation for public debates. Private debates can be useful, usually they are not. • Public debates are, in my humble opinion, the single most effective means of persuasion. Im not referring to a panel discussion on CBS where are shouted down by a panel of liberals (though even that has its benefits), but a comparison of ideas before an audience of liberals with whom you disagree. Every public debate is opportunity to wins minds to reality. Winning over an entire audience is never likely. Changing a handful of minds is almost inevitable! • The person who asks questions controls the debate. Always. • Make liberals explain themselves. Try not to snicker when they attempt to accept your challenge. For example, if Saul Alinsky were alive and present I would ask him, Is rule number nine a rule or an observation? I would then await an answer. (Its an observation. Not a rule.) TIP: Challenge a close friend to engage in a conversation in which you both speak only in questions. Its good practice. Rule #10 ALINSKYs rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. KENNs rule: Tell the truth and suffer the consequences. Go ahead. Let the liberals call you a racist, fascist, etc. The race card only works when you have no voice. However, when you are in the game the reality card always trumps the race card. And keep in mind that everyone is a conservative. Liberals can be defined as conservative who have not yet snapped out of their delusion. Truth is the coffee that wakes liberals from their dreamy delusions. To paraphrase Dr. Ron Paul, They cant unhear what you tell them. Andrew Breitbart famously noted that the Clarence Thomas hearing summoned his slumbering liberal mindset and wakened him to the reality that liberalism was quite bogus. While liberals busy themselves being obnoxious and offensive, it is important that realists dont make the same error. Offending liberals will do nothing more than alienate them when reality finally shines its light in their minds. Again, be certain the door isnt locked from your side. TIP: Be there when the light comes on. Rule #11 ALINSKYs rule: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” KENNs rule: Attach visceral arguments to practical observations. A common mistake liberals make is their constant appeal to emotion. The reason they do this is simple: Its all they have. Conservatives, on the other hand, hold the trump card: Realism! Thats not to say we should not make emotional appeals, its to note the emotion should accompany, never replace, reality. This is accomplished by focusing on reality and make an emotional application. TIP: Genuine tears trump ridicule. Rule #12 ALINSKYs rule: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” KENNs rule: Engage in real battles you can win. Dead soldiers make good martyrs. They deserve our respect and honor. But they dont make good soldiers because theyre dead. Why waste your time, energy, talent, and resources fighting losing battles when there are wars we can win. At age sixty I have fifteen years of life left, statistically. I dont plan to waste those years doing battle with conspiracy theories. TIP: Fight the good fight implies there is a bad fight that needs not to be fought. Rule #13 ALINSKYs rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” KENNs rule: Always have a Plan B and a Plan C. Liberals are like schoolyard bullies. That is why they concoct terms such as homophobe and racist. They love to isolate us from influencing others by making us outcasts. Social pariahs have no influence. They then portray themselves as the victims. They understand that with sympathy comes support. Think of the kid who bullied you in school and, part of his bullying, was to accuse you of bullying him! That is why they frequently accuse conservatives as being hateful. Again, liberals must resort to emotion because their world view is void of reason and reality. TIP: Learn to overlook distracting offenses. Be focused. Based upon Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals, Ive devised my own list of Rules for Realists. These will likely endure a few revisions over time. Consider bookmarking this page. This is not to say Alinskys rules are totally flawed. It is merely to consider their limitations and to broaden our horizons beyond the narrow-minded strategies of liberals. Below are his rules (most are actually observations) and my rules with annotations: • Rule #1 ALINSKYs rule : “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. KENNs rule: Be everyones friend. Be no ones fool. Thats not to condone gullibility. Rather its this simple principle: Dont have enemies; have opponents. Try to create relationship with both friends and opponents that make them smile when they see you coming, not laugh when the see you going. Be sure the door of personal relationships remains unlocked from the inside. If someone intends to hate me, its that persons problem, not mine. To paraphrase Herman Cain when asked if racism was a deterrent to his success, It was never a problem with me, though it may have been a problem for others. Liberals love to characterize conservatives (and conservatarians) as haters. Conduct yourself in such a manner that when they levy such accusations, they are lying. TIP: Jerry Falwell often advised to disagree agreeably. • Rule #2 ALINSKYs rule: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” KENNs rule: Be smart enough to enlist people who are smart enough. We do this all the time in our daily lives. Few are dumb enough to give themselves a physical. Stop smiling. Im being serious here. We have the good sense to visit a pre-ObamaCare physician who knows what he/she is doing. Sadly, many strike out on their own when it comes to business or, in our case, politics and public policy. Your best friends are your lawyer and accountant. Let experts do their job. TIP: Aces in their places. Rule #3 ALINSKYs rule: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” KENNs rule: Focus on your opponents folly Our opponents arent experts at anything relative to the debate. The are, however, often adept at marketing their nonsense. Consider liberals snake oil salesmen who actually believe their own pitch. Rather then challenge their tactics, challenge their product. Liberalism, socialism, Marxism, multiculturalism, et al, are based upon tried and not-true economic models. They retrain flat-earth credibility with the obvious exception that millions actually adhere to their stupidity. Consider that, while liberals are often intellectuals, their foundational philosophy is moronic. Seasoning baloney with steak sauce doesnt make it steak. Framing foolish philosophies with dignified titles doesnt elevate their foolishness. I recently coined a new concept that I call Quantum Race Theory. Its my answer to Critical Race Theory. Both are nonsensical. TIP: If liberals were logical, they wouldnt be liberals. Rule #4 ALINSKYs rule: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” KENNs rule: Never let a liberal hypocrisy go to waste. Make the hypocrisy of liberalism your most potent weapon. This is easier than some suppose. Consider, for example, the episode of George Zimmerman. Liberals often blame handguns as the cause of crime. If true, why did they not prosecute Zimmermans handgun? Liberals shed alligator tears along with Trayvons mom. Their show of compassion was contrived. Where is their compassion for the mothers of the thousands of young black men slain by other blacks? Or their compassion for white people murdered by blacks? Or their concern for the parents of black babies and toddlers caught in the crossfire of the urban undertow? The Trayvon episode was easily disfigured to fit the cultural Marxist narrative of black victims. Victims of black-on-black crime dont fit the narrative. Liberals dont care about them because they cannot be so easily exploited. Trayvon was, in fact, racially profiled; but not by George Zimmerman. He was racially profiled by the media who reminded us he was a black victim. He was racially profiled by professional blacks such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson by the mere virtue of their support. He was racially profiled by the broad spectrum of leftists who opined the death of the angel-faced young black male. While cultural Marxism rails and wails against the evils of racial profiling, they are guilty every time they form a race-based professional association or affinity group such the Congressional Black Caucus or the Black Entertainment Network (EBT). Every mention of race constitutes profiling. Terms such as White privilege are both racial profiling and racial stereotyping. Whites are stereotyped to be privileged. What to do? Shove it back in their faces. Years ago I knew a man who was a master at playing ping pong. And I was foolish enough to challenge him. Often. I tried every trick I knew. I would under-spin the ball, slam it, curve it, slam, curve and under-spin at the same time. No matter what I did, he would always win. His strategy was simple. He just kept returning the ball. He was not master at spins, curves, and slams. Rather, he was a master at returning spins, curves, and slams. His underlying strategy was to allow his opponents to make the mistakes. He always won. Sorry. Did I type EBT? I meant BET - A Freudian slip. TIP: No fancy moves. Just keep hitting the ball back. Rule #5 ALINSKYs rule: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” KENNs rule: Shame liberals for making light of serious issues. A public demonstration against the brutal murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom was countered by a small mob of gays whose ridiculed this very serious crime by dressing themselves in tutus and dancing about like idiots. Militant gay hate groups also like to demonstrate in pride parades. When they show up wearing perverted outfits. Take note and publicly ask, How do you expect to be taken seriously at the state house when you dont wear pants at your pride parade? Some liberals fail to comprehend that Alinskys fifth rule was to affect the minds of others against your opponents philosophy by making your opponent the brunt of ridicule. Rather, gays in tutus make themselves the brunt of ridicule. Theyve got it backwards. Liberals love to slime free-market conservatives by joking about our opposition to them damn commies. Use their bad humor to humiliate them. Do you know how many millions of innocent people were killed by communists? you could ask. Do you think thats funny Liberals love to shame us into subjection. They call us racists and homophobes, then marvel as we melt like butter in the hot sun on an outdoor grill while the hotdogs burn because youre piddling on the Internet. Yep. Thats experience talking. Using shame to humiliate and dehumanize others is immoral, in my opinion. But defending those hurt by political correctness is no vice. Simply make it a point to respond when liberals use cruel and hateful tactics to hurt others by noting their hypocrisy. TIP: Try this phrase: Ah! Youre using Alinskys fifth rule. Good job. Rule #6 ALINSKYs rule: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” KENNs rule: Make a big deal out of the joy liberals derive from hurting others. Liberals love to express their hatred for realists by accusing us of hatred. Years ago I was attacked by a militant gay hate group who used several of Alinskys strategies. My response was consistent. I repeatedly and publicly asked the leader, Why do you hate me? As a result, every time Bil (his first name) ridiculed me or lied about me, my question would resound in the minds of others, Why does Bil hate Kenn? Last month a mob of liberals disrupted a speech by New York Citys police commissioner when he attempted to speak at Brown University. Such hate tactics are typical for liberals. You never hear -- nor should you -- of conservatives using similar hate tactics. Their hate-filled tirades serve as evidence that rational discussion is beyond their reach. Take note and tell others. TIP: Refer to liberals as hate groups. Example: The Democratic Party is the nations largest hate group. Rule #7 ALINSKYs rule: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” KENNs rule: What works is what works. What works is not what you think will work or wish would work. What works is what actually works. Whether or not we think it should work is relative to nothing. Liberals tend to be impetuous and impatient. They will run with a crisis scheme for a while, then wear out. Again, never let a liberal hypocrisy go to waste. Consider, for example, the global warming farce. Before that the scare was nuclear winter. How long did either of those last? Now its climate change that evokes a sense of crisis. Liberals once railed against over-population. Immigration, however, trumped that scam. Nowadays they cheerfully cram out nation with immigrants simply because they tend to vote for Democratic candidates. What happened to over population? Conservatives need to stick to their game plan, but only as long as it works. There is a time and place for defense as well as offense. Knowing the difference is key. TIP: Nothing works if you dont work at it. Rule #8 ALINSKYs rule: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” KENNs rule: Never stand in the way of liberal lunacy. In debate an opponent will often zero in on one question and demand you answer. When that happens, dont answer! Your opponent will waste the entire time repeating the same nonsense giving you the opportunity to express reality unimpeded. Liberals love to say, Im here to stay. Im not going away. Let them remain. Use their failed philosophy as an object lessons for others to learn from. TIP: Let them see you sweat. It proves youre out-working them. • Rule #9 ALINSKYs rule: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” KENNs rule: Debate! Dont argue. • Debate compares ideas for the purpose of persuasion. Argument, in my opinion, does little more than exercise ones ego. The objective is never to win the argument, but to persuade minds. • Private debate serves two purposes: Convincing your opponent and learning his argument in preparation for public debates. Private debates can be useful, usually they are not. • Public debates are, in my humble opinion, the single most effective means of persuasion. Im not referring to a panel discussion on CBS where are shouted down by a panel of liberals (though even that has its benefits), but a comparison of ideas before an audience of liberals with whom you disagree. Every public debate is opportunity to wins minds to reality. Winning over an entire audience is never likely. Changing a handful of minds is almost inevitable! • The person who asks questions controls the debate. Always. • Make liberals explain themselves. Try not to snicker when they attempt to accept your challenge. For example, if Saul Alinsky were alive and present I would ask him, Is rule number nine a rule or an observation? I would then await an answer. (Its an observation. Not a rule.) TIP: Challenge a close friend to engage in a conversation in which you both speak only in questions. Its good practice. Rule #10 ALINSKYs rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. KENNs rule: Tell the truth and suffer the consequences. Go ahead. Let the liberals call you a racist, fascist, etc. The race card only works when you have no voice. However, when you are in the game the reality card always trumps the race card. And keep in mind that everyone is a conservative. Liberals can be defined as conservative who have not yet snapped out of their delusion. Truth is the coffee that wakes liberals from their dreamy delusions. To paraphrase Dr. Ron Paul, They cant unhear what you tell them. Andrew Breitbart famously noted that the Clarence Thomas hearing summoned his slumbering liberal mindset and wakened him to the reality that liberalism was quite bogus. While liberals busy themselves being obnoxious and offensive, it is important that realists dont make the same error. Offending liberals will do nothing more than alienate them when reality finally shines its light in their minds. Again, be certain the door isnt locked from your side. TIP: Be there when the light comes on. Rule #11 ALINSKYs rule: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” KENNs rule: Attach visceral arguments to practical observations. A common mistake liberals make is their constant appeal to emotion. The reason they do this is simple: Its all they have. Conservatives, on the other hand, hold the trump card: Realism! Thats not to say we should not make emotional appeals, its to note the emotion should accompany, never replace, reality. This is accomplished by focusing on reality and make an emotional application. TIP: Genuine tears trump ridicule. Rule #12 ALINSKYs rule: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” KENNs rule: Engage in real battles you can win. Dead soldiers make good martyrs. They deserve our respect and honor. But they dont make good soldiers because theyre dead. Why waste your time, energy, talent, and resources fighting losing battles when there are wars we can win. At age sixty I have fifteen years of life left, statistically. I dont plan to waste those years doing battle with conspiracy theories. TIP: Fight the good fight implies there is a bad fight that needs not to be fought. Rule #13 ALINSKYs rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” KENNs rule: Always have a Plan B and a Plan C. Liberals are like schoolyard bullies. That is why they concoct terms such as homophobe and racist. They love to isolate us from influencing others by making us outcasts. Social pariahs have no influence. They then portray themselves as the victims. They understand that with sympathy comes support. Think of the kid who bullied you in school and, part of his bullying, was to accuse you of bullying him! That is why they frequently accuse conservatives as being hateful. Again, liberals must resort to emotion because their world view is void of reason and reality. TIP: Learn to overlook distracting offenses. Be focused.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 00:17:52 +0000

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