Kerry’s tour only deepened the debacle created by US policy in - TopicsExpress


Kerry’s tour only deepened the debacle created by US policy in Iraq. In the course of the trip, he made the most astounding statement at a news conference in Cairo, declaring, “The United States of America is not responsible for what happened in Libya, nor is it responsible for what is happening in Iraq today.” He went on to add, “The United States shed blood and worked hard for years for the Iraqis to have their own governance.” There is no more appropriate a figure to deliver such a monstrous exercise in pure hypocracy than the craven and cowardly war criminal Kerry. Its a shame that all the hard work and effort that has gone into investigating and detailing the war crimes that Kerry committed during his brief four month tour in Vietnam has not resulted in his indictment as a war criminal by the International Criminal Court at the Hague. Former members of the US Navy who served under Kerry in Vietnam as the captain/commander of a fast attack boat stationed on the Mekong River have signed written statements detailing Kerrys wanton and senseless murder of innocent old men, women, and children. A member of the infamous Yale Scull & Bones Fraternity from the same graduating class as George W. Bush, Kerry no doubt carries a special intelligence brief along with the more formal roles that he has played on behalf of US imperialism. The close association of Skull & Bones with the formation of CIA is the subject of the very worthwhile film The Good Sheppard staring Matt Daimon in the lead role. Only such a completely compromised individual such as John Kerry can have any real utility for those aspects of the deep state that stand behind both Skull & Bones and the US intelligence community. What is not being discussed anywhere is the real underlying purpose of the 300 so called advisers and the 1400 private civilian security personal being sent into harms way not to engage ISIS that was a Saudi/US creation but to put together a safe embassy evacuation procedure. The intel brief for these special ops personel will be to monitor the activities of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp. and established a forward base of operations so as to interfere with any plan the Iranians may put into place to counter the ISIS advance. Knowledge of such a brief however would be clear and convincing evidence of US deep state involvement with ISIS and the ongoing genocide that ISIS is responsible for.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 14:34:41 +0000

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