Kevin Perdue Sr Preaching- ROMANS 12:1I beseech you therefore, - TopicsExpress


Kevin Perdue Sr Preaching- ROMANS 12:1I beseech you therefore, Brethren,[explained- I beg of you please] by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,[explained- only by the mercies of GOD through Jesus Christ are we able to present our bodies a living sacrifice,it not by merit of man but by the goodness of GOD, to present our bodies a living sacrifice, is to place our faith exclusively in Christ and him crucified, and to surrender ourselves to God, to speak and do the things which the Holy Spirit leads us to say and do through the word of God, that others may see our good works and glorify our Heavenly Father,] Holy and acceptable unto God,[explained-GOD will only accept a person who has received his son Jesus as their Lord and Savior, other wise you are not consider Holy, but unholy, Jesus is the only one who pleases the father, and until we receive him as Lord, we can not come to the father because of sin.]which is your reasonable service[ explained- we were created to praise and worship God our creator, it is our reasonable service to surrender all to God, placing our faith exclusively in Christ and him crucified,being cleansed from all sin through his finished work at the cross, to give our bodies a living sacrifice, and in his temple give God all the glory. 12:2 and be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,[ explained- those who have placed their faith exclusively in Christ and him crucified, are no longer of this world, and we should no longer live in the ways of this world, but through the Holy Spirit, transforming,sanctifying us through Gods word, renewing our minds we begin to thank on the spiritual things of God and that all things are made possible to us through Christ and him crucified] That you may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God [explained-when by placing our faith exclusively in Christ and him crucified, presenting our bodies,[God temples] as a living sacrifice the Holy Spirit begins to test our faith, and when tested meets the specifications laid down,through trials and tribulations, the acceptable and perfect will of God the holy spirit brings about within our lives, but can only be obtained by ever making Christ and him crucified the object of our Faith love all!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 14:29:59 +0000

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