Key Votes Tracked The McGovern Amendment to the House Farm - TopicsExpress


Key Votes Tracked The McGovern Amendment to the House Farm Bill. Bread for the World supported this amendment. It failed 188-234. The Royce-Engel Amendment to the House Farm Bill. Bread for the World supported this amendment. It failed 203-220. The Huelskamp Amendment to the House Farm Bill. Bread for the World opposed this amendment. It failed 175-250. The Southerland Amendment to the House Farm Bill. Bread for the World opposed this amendment. It passed 227-198. See all tracked votes » Voting Scores for All House Members Score 0.0 100.0 Party Member of Congress Score State▲ District Party Bonner, Jo 29% Alabama 1 R Byrne, Bradley 0% Alabama 1 R Roby, Martha 15% Alabama 2 R Rogers, Mike 23% Alabama 3 R Aderholt, Robert 15% Alabama 4 R Brooks, Mo 8% Alabama 5 R Bachus, Spencer 46% Alabama 6 R Sewell, Terri 92% Alabama 7 D Young, Don 46% Alaska AL R Kirkpatrick, Ann 92% Arizona 1 D Barber, Ron 77% Arizona 2 D Grijalva, Raul 77% Arizona 3 D Gosar, Paul 15% Arizona 4 R Salmon, Matt 31% Arizona 5 R Schweikert, David 25% Arizona 6 R Pastor, Ed 92% Arizona 7 D Franks, Trent 23% Arizona 8 R Sinema, Kyrsten 85% Arizona 9 D Crawford, Rick 23% Arkansas 1 R Griffin, Tim 23% Arkansas 2 R Womack, Steve 23% Arkansas 3 R Cotton, Tom 15% Arkansas 4 R LaMalfa, Doug 8% California 1 R Huffman, Jared 92% California 2 D Garamendi, John 77% California 3 D McClintock, Tom 23% California 4 R Thompson, Mike 100% California 5 D Matsui, Doris 100% California 6 D Bera, Ami 85% California 7 D Cook, Paul 38% California 8 R Mcnerney, Jerry 77% California 9 D Denham, Jeff 23% California 10 R Miller, George 82% California 11 D Pelosi, Nancy 100% California 12 D Lee, Barbara 92% California 13 D Speier, Jackie 92% California 14 D Swalwell, Eric 85% California 15 D Costa, Jim 85% California 16 D Honda, Michael 100% California 17 D Eshoo, Anna 100% California 18 D Lofgren, Zoe 100% California 19 D Farr, Sam 92% California 20 D Valadao, David 38% California 21 R Nunes, Devin 23% California 22 R McCarthy, Kevin 38% California 23 R Capps, Lois 100% California 24 D McKeon, Howard 31% California 25 R Brownley, Julia 77% California 26 D Chu, Judy 85% California 27 D Schiff, Adam 100% California 28 D Cárdenas, Tony 92% California 29 D Sherman, Brad 92% California 30 D Miller, Gary 57% California 31 R Napolitano, Grace 92% California 32 D Waxman, Henry 100% California 33 D Becerra, Xavier 100% California 34 D Negrete McLeod, Gloria 75% California 35 D Ruiz, Raul 100% California 36 D Bass, Karen 92% California 37 D Sánchez, Linda 85% California 38 D Royce, Ed 38% California 39 R Roybal-Allard, Lucille 100% California 40 D Takano, Mark 100% California 41 D Calvert, Ken 31% California 42 R Waters, Maxine 85% California 43 D Hahn, Janice 85% California 44 D Campbell, John 17% California 45 R Sanchez, Loretta 77% California 46 D Lowenthal, Alan 85% California 47 D Rohrabacher, Dana 23% California 48 R Issa, Darrell 31% California 49 R Hunter, Duncan 17% California 50 R Vargas, Juan 92% California 51 D Peters, Scott 100% California 52 D Davis, Susan 100% California 53 D DeGette, Diana 100% Colorado 1 D Polis, Jared 100% Colorado 2 D Tipton, Scott 31% Colorado 3 R Gardner, Cory 8% Colorado 4 R Lamborn, Doug 31% Colorado 5 R Coffman, Mike 23% Colorado 6 R Perlmutter, Ed 83% Colorado 7 D Larson, John 100% Connecticut 1 D Courtney, Joe 92% Connecticut 2 D DeLauro, Rosa 92% Connecticut 3 D Himes, Jim 100% Connecticut 4 D Esty, Elizabeth 100% Connecticut 5 D Carney, John 85% Delaware AL D Miller, Jeff 38% Florida 1 R Southerland, Steve 15% Florida 2 R Yoho, Ted 23% Florida 3 R Crenshaw, Ander 38% Florida 4 R Brown, Corrine 83% Florida 5 D DeSantis, Ron 31% Florida 6 R Mica, John 23% Florida 7 R Posey, Bill 8% Florida 8 R Grayson, Alan 100% Florida 9 D Webster, Daniel 23% Florida 10 R Nugent, Rich 8% Florida 11 R Bilirakis, Gus 46% Florida 12 R Young, C.W. Bill 25% Florida 13 R Jolly, David 100% Florida 13 R Castor, Kathy 85% Florida 14 D Ross, Dennis 23% Florida 15 R Buchanan, Vern 25% Florida 16 R Rooney, Tom 15% Florida 17 R Murphy, Patrick 85% Florida 18 D Radel, Trey 30% Florida 19 R Hastings, Alcee 89% Florida 20 D Deutch, Ted 100% Florida 21 D Frankel, Lois 85% Florida 22 D Wasserman Schultz, Debbie 100% Florida 23 D Wilson, Frederica 100% Florida 24 D Diaz-Balart, Mario 38% Florida 25 R Garcia, Joe 77% Florida 26 D Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana 38% Florida 27 R Kingston, Jack 15% Georgia 1 R Bishop, Sanford 75% Georgia 2 D Westmoreland, Lynn 15% Georgia 3 R Johnson, Hank 85% Georgia 4 D Lewis, John 100% Georgia 5 D Price, Tom 38% Georgia 6 R Woodall, Rob 15% Georgia 7 R Scott, Austin 15% Georgia 8 R Collins, Doug 33% Georgia 9 R Broun, Paul 25% Georgia 10 R Gingrey, Phil 46% Georgia 11 R Barrow, John 69% Georgia 12 D Scott, David 92% Georgia 13 D Graves, Tom 31% Georgia 14 R Hanabusa, Colleen 77% Hawaii 1 D Gabbard, Tulsi 83% Hawaii 2 D Labrador, Raul 15% Idaho 1 R Simpson, Mike 31% Idaho 2 R Rush, Bobby 100% Illinois 1 D Kelly, Robin 92% Illinois 2 D Lipinski, Daniel 92% Illinois 3 D Gutiérrez, Luis 100% Illinois 4 D Quigley, Mike 100% Illinois 5 D Roskam, Peter 31% Illinois 6 R Davis, Danny 100% Illinois 7 D Duckworth, Tammy 100% Illinois 8 D Schakowsky, Jan 92% Illinois 9 D Schneider, Brad 100% Illinois 10 D Foster, Bill 100% Illinois 11 D Enyart, Bill 77% Illinois 12 D Davis, Rodney 23% Illinois 13 R Hultgren, Randy 31% Illinois 14 R Shimkus, John 25% Illinois 15 R Kinzinger, Adam 31% Illinois 16 R Bustos, Cheri 69% Illinois 17 D Schock, Aaron 46% Illinois 18 R Visclosky, Peter 85% Indiana 1 D Walorski, Jackie 38% Indiana 2 R Stutzman, Marlin 31% Indiana 3 R Rokita, Todd 31% Indiana 4 R Brooks, Susan 38% Indiana 5 R Messer, Luke 31% Indiana 6 R Carson, Andre 91% Indiana 7 D Bucshon, Larry 15% Indiana 8 R Young, Todd 38% Indiana 9 R Braley, Bruce 83% Iowa 1 D Loebsack, Dave 77% Iowa 2 D Latham, Tom 31% Iowa 3 R King, Steve 0% Iowa 4 R Huelskamp, Tim 23% Kansas 1 R Jenkins, Lynn 23% Kansas 2 R Yoder, Kevin 15% Kansas 3 R Pompeo, Mike 15% Kansas 4 R Whitfield, Edward 23% Kentucky 1 R Guthrie, Brett 31% Kentucky 2 R Yarmuth, John 100% Kentucky 3 D Massie, Thomas 31% Kentucky 4 R Rogers, Harold 27% Kentucky 5 R Barr, Andy 23% Kentucky 6 R Scalise, Steve 8% Louisiana 1 R Richmond, Cedric 85% Louisiana 2 D Boustany, Charles 31% Louisiana 3 R Fleming, John 23% Louisiana 4 R Alexander, Rodney 13% Louisiana 5 R McAllister, Vance 67% Louisiana 5 R Cassidy, Bill 23% Louisiana 6 R Pingree, Chellie 92% Maine 1 D Michaud, Michael 85% Maine 2 D Harris, Andy 8% Maryland 1 R Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch 92% Maryland 2 D Sarbanes, John 100% Maryland 3 D Edwards, Donna 100% Maryland 4 D Hoyer, Steny 92% Maryland 5 D Delaney, John 100% Maryland 6 D Cummings, Elijah 92% Maryland 7 D Van Hollen, Chris 100% Maryland 8 D Neal, Richard 85% Massachusetts 1 D McGovern, Jim 100% Massachusetts 2 D Tsongas, Niki 100% Massachusetts 3 D Kennedy, Joseph 100% Massachusetts 4 D Markey, Edward 100% Massachusetts 5 D Clark, Katherine 100% Massachusetts 5 D Tierney, John 100% Massachusetts 6 D Capuano, Michael 92% Massachusetts 7 D Lynch, Stephen 92% Massachusetts 8 D Keating, William 85% Massachusetts 9 D Benishek, Dan 31% Michigan 1 R Huizenga, Bill 23% Michigan 2 R Amash, Justin 31% Michigan 3 R Camp, Dave 23% Michigan 4 R Kildee, Dan 85% Michigan 5 D Upton, Fred 23% Michigan 6 R Walberg, Tim 31% Michigan 7 R Rogers, Mike 42% Michigan 8 R Levin, Sander 85% Michigan 9 D Miller, Candice 8% Michigan 10 R Bentivolio, Kerry 15% Michigan 11 R Dingell, John 92% Michigan 12 D Conyers, John 92% Michigan 13 D Peters, Gary 77% Michigan 14 D Walz, Tim 69% Minnesota 1 D Kline, John 31% Minnesota 2 R Paulsen, Erik 38% Minnesota 3 R McCollum, Betty 100% Minnesota 4 D Ellison, Keith 92% Minnesota 5 D Bachmann, Michele 23% Minnesota 6 R Peterson, Collin 69% Minnesota 7 D Nolan, Rick 92% Minnesota 8 D Nunnelee, Alan 17% Mississippi 1 R Thompson, Bennie 85% Mississippi 2 D Harper, Gregg 38% Mississippi 3 R Palazzo, Steven 15% Mississippi 4 R Clay, William Lacy 92% Missouri 1 D Wagner, Ann 15% Missouri 2 R Luetkemeyer, Blaine 15% Missouri 3 R Hartzler, Vicky 15% Missouri 4 R Cleaver, Emanuel 90% Missouri 5 D Graves, Sam 15% Missouri 6 R Long, Billy 0% Missouri 7 R Smith, Jason 0% Missouri 8 R Daines, Steve 15% Montana AL R Fortenberry, Jeff 46% Nebraska 1 R Terry, Lee 31% Nebraska 2 R Smith, Adrian 8% Nebraska 3 R Titus, Dina 92% Nevada 1 D Amodei, Mark 33% Nevada 2 R Heck, Joe 46% Nevada 3 R Horsford, Steven 100% Nevada 4 D Shea-Porter, Carol 92% New Hampshire 1 D Kuster, Ann 100% New Hampshire 2 D Andrews, Robert 91% New Jersey 1 D LoBiondo, Frank 69% New Jersey 2 R Runyan, Jon 33% New Jersey 3 R Smith, Christopher 69% New Jersey 4 R Garrett, Scott 23% New Jersey 5 R Pallone, Frank 91% New Jersey 6 D Lance, Leonard 54% New Jersey 7 R Sires, Albio 92% New Jersey 8 D Pascrell, Bill 92% New Jersey 9 D Payne, Donald 100% New Jersey 10 D Frelinghuysen, Rodney 31% New Jersey 11 R Holt, Rush 82% New Jersey 12 D Lujan Grisham, Michelle 100% New Mexico 1 D Pearce, Steve 8% New Mexico 2 R Luján, Ben Ray 100% New Mexico 3 D Bishop, Timothy 92% New York 1 D King, Peter 46% New York 2 R Israel, Steve 92% New York 3 D McCarthy, Carolyn 100% New York 4 D Meeks, Gregory 100% New York 5 D Meng, Grace 100% New York 6 D Velázquez, Nydia 92% New York 7 D Jeffries, Hakeem 100% New York 8 D Clarke, Yvette 85% New York 9 D Nadler, Jerrold 100% New York 10 D Grimm, Michael 46% New York 11 R Maloney, Carolyn 100% New York 12 D Rangel, Charles 100% New York 13 D Crowley, Joseph 100% New York 14 D Serrano, Jose 100% New York 15 D Engel, Eliot 100% New York 16 D Lowey, Nita 100% New York 17 D Maloney, Sean 77% New York 18 D Gibson, Chris 62% New York 19 R Tonko, Paul 92% New York 20 D Owens, Bill 69% New York 21 D Hanna, Richard 62% New York 22 R Reed, Tom 23% New York 23 R Maffei, Dan 85% New York 24 D Slaughter, Louise 89% New York 25 D Higgins, Brian 85% New York 26 D Collins, Chris 23% New York 27 R Butterfield, G.K. 100% North Carolina 1 D Ellmers, Renee 15% North Carolina 2 R Jones, Walter 42% North Carolina 3 R Price, David 100% North Carolina 4 D Foxx, Virginia 31% North Carolina 5 R Coble, Howard 23% North Carolina 6 R McIntyre, Mike 54% North Carolina 7 D Hudson, Richard 23% North Carolina 8 R Pittenger, Robert 46% North Carolina 9 R McHenry, Patrick 38% North Carolina 10 R Meadows, Mark 15% North Carolina 11 R Watt, Melvin 90% North Carolina 12 D Holding, George 15% North Carolina 13 R Cramer, Kevin 38% North Dakota AL R Chabot, Steve 23% Ohio 1 R Wenstrup, Brad 23% Ohio 2 R Beatty, Joyce 92% Ohio 3 D Jordan, Jim 23% Ohio 4 R Latta, Bob 15% Ohio 5 R Johnson, Bill 23% Ohio 6 R Gibbs, Bob 23% Ohio 7 R Boehner, John 38% Ohio 8 R Kaptur, Marcy 85% Ohio 9 D Turner, Michael 23% Ohio 10 R Fudge, Marcia 77% Ohio 11 D Tiberi, Pat 38% Ohio 12 R Ryan, Tim 92% Ohio 13 D Joyce, David 46% Ohio 14 R Stivers, Steve 31% Ohio 15 R Renacci, James 15% Ohio 16 R Bridenstine, Jim 23% Oklahoma 1 R Mullin, Markwayne 0% Oklahoma 2 R Lucas, Frank 23% Oklahoma 3 R Cole, Tom 38% Oklahoma 4 R Lankford, James 15% Oklahoma 5 R Bonamici, Suzanne 100% Oregon 1 D Walden, Greg 31% Oregon 2 R Blumenauer, Earl 100% Oregon 3 D DeFazio, Peter 92% Oregon 4 D Schrader, Kurt 69% Oregon 5 D Brady, Robert 92% Pennsylvania 1 D Fattah, Chaka 92% Pennsylvania 2 D Kelly, Mike 31% Pennsylvania 3 R Perry, Scott 38% Pennsylvania 4 R Thompson, Glenn 31% Pennsylvania 5 R Gerlach, Jim 31% Pennsylvania 6 R Meehan, Patrick 54% Pennsylvania 7 R Fitzpatrick, Michael 54% Pennsylvania 8 R Shuster, Bill 31% Pennsylvania 9 R Marino, Tom 31% Pennsylvania 10 R Barletta, Lou 23% Pennsylvania 11 R Rothfus, Keith 23% Pennsylvania 12 R Schwartz, Allyson 92% Pennsylvania 13 D Doyle, Mike 92% Pennsylvania 14 D Dent, Charlie 46% Pennsylvania 15 R Pitts, Joe 38% Pennsylvania 16 R Cartwright, Matt 100% Pennsylvania 17 D Murphy, Tim 31% Pennsylvania 18 R Cicilline, David 92% Rhode Island 1 D Langevin, Jim 100% Rhode Island 2 D Sanford, Mark 33% South Carolina 1 R Wilson, Joe 31% South Carolina 2 R Duncan, Jeff 23% South Carolina 3 R Gowdy, Trey 31% South Carolina 4 R Mulvaney, Mick 31% South Carolina 5 R Clyburn, James 92% South Carolina 6 D Rice, Tom 31% South Carolina 7 R Noem, Kristi 23% South Dakota AL R Roe, Phil 23% Tennessee 1 R Duncan, John 23% Tennessee 2 R Fleischmann, Chuck 31% Tennessee 3 R DesJarlais, Scott 0% Tennessee 4 R Cooper, Jim 92% Tennessee 5 D Black, Diane 31% Tennessee 6 R Blackburn, Marsha 31% Tennessee 7 R Fincher, Stephen 15% Tennessee 8 R Cohen, Steve 100% Tennessee 9 D Gohmert, Louie 23% Texas 1 R Poe, Ted 0% Texas 2 R Johnson, Sam 0% Texas 3 R Hall, Ralph 23% Texas 4 R Hensarling, Jeb 38% Texas 5 R Barton, Joe 8% Texas 6 R Culberson, John 31% Texas 7 R Brady, Kevin 31% Texas 8 R Green, Al 92% Texas 9 D McCaul, Michael 23% Texas 10 R Conaway, K. Michael 23% Texas 11 R Granger, Kay 15% Texas 12 R Thornberry, Mac 15% Texas 13 R Weber, Randy 8% Texas 14 R Hinojosa, Ruben 85% Texas 15 D ORourke, Beto 100% Texas 16 D Flores, Bill 23% Texas 17 R Jackson Lee, Sheila 92% Texas 18 D Neugebauer, Randy 0% Texas 19 R Castro, Joaquin 100% Texas 20 D Smith, Lamar 15% Texas 21 R Olson, Pete 15% Texas 22 R Gallego, Pete 85% Texas 23 D Marchant, Kenny 8% Texas 24 R Williams, Roger 15% Texas 25 R Burgess, Michael 15% Texas 26 R Farenthold, Blake 15% Texas 27 R Cuellar, Henry 85% Texas 28 D Green, Gene 92% Texas 29 D Johnson, Eddie Bernice 92% Texas 30 D Carter, John 23% Texas 31 R Sessions, Pete 23% Texas 32 R Veasey, Marc 92% Texas 33 D Vela, Filemon 77% Texas 34 D Doggett, Lloyd 100% Texas 35 D Stockman, Steve 17% Texas 36 R Bishop, Rob 23% Utah 1 R Stewart, Chris 31% Utah 2 R Chaffetz, Jason 31% Utah 3 R Matheson, Jim 85% Utah 4 D Welch, Peter 100% Vermont AL D Wittman, Rob 23% Virginia 1 R Rigell, Scott 31% Virginia 2 R Scott, Robert 100% Virginia 3 D Forbes, J. Randy 23% Virginia 4 R Hurt, Robert 31% Virginia 5 R Goodlatte, Robert 23% Virginia 6 R Cantor, Eric 38% Virginia 7 R Moran, James 100% Virginia 8 D Griffith, Morgan 15% Virginia 9 R Wolf, Frank 62% Virginia 10 R Connolly, Gerald 85% Virginia 11 D DelBene, Suzan 85% Washington 1 D Larsen, Rick 88% Washington 2 D Herrera Beutler, Jaime 25% Washington 3 R Hastings, Doc 38% Washington 4 R McMorris Rodgers, Cathy 31% Washington 5 R Kilmer, Derek 85% Washington 6 D McDermott, Jim 85% Washington 7 D Reichert, Dave 38% Washington 8 R Smith, Adam 100% Washington 9 D Heck, Denny 92% Washington 10 D McKinley, David 31% West Virginia 1 R Capito, Shelley 38% West Virginia 2 R Rahall, Nick 77% West Virginia 3 D Ryan, Paul 38% Wisconsin 1 R Pocan, Mark 85% Wisconsin 2 D Kind, Ron 92% Wisconsin 3 D Moore, Gwen 100% Wisconsin 4 D Sensenbrenner, Jim 31% Wisconsin 5 R Petri, Tom 23% Wisconsin 6 R Duffy, Sean 31% Wisconsin 7 R Ribble, Reid 31% Wisconsin 8 R Lummis, Cynthia 8% Wyoming AL R Download the complete voting record for House and Senate » Description of Key Votes Tracked We tracked voting records for 13 items between 2013 and 2014: The McGovern Amendment to the House Farm Bill (Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act, H.R. 1947) would restore the $20.5 billion in SNAP cuts included in the House bill by cutting commodity programs and crop insurance payments. — Bread for the World supported this amendment. It failed 188-234. The Royce-Engel Amendment to the House Farm Bill (H.R. 1947) included commonsense food aid reforms, providing much needed flexibility in the Food for Peace program. It would help the United States reach an additional 4 million disaster victims through overseas food assistance without spending any additional U.S. taxpayer dollars. — Bread for the World supported this amendment. It failed 203-220. The Huelskamp Amendment to the House Farm Bill (H.R. 1947) would cut SNAP funding by $31 billion and eliminate programs such as SNAP nutrition education and job training, which help participants transition out of poverty. Although the SNAP program has existing work requirements, this amendment imposed additional requirements, making it more difficult for qualifying participants to access the safety-net program when they need it. — Bread for the World opposed this amendment. It failed 175-250. The Southerland Amendment to the House Farm Bill (H.R. 1947) created an option that would allow states to change their SNAP work requirements to match stricter federal welfare work requirements and financially incentivize states to reduce SNAP caseload by providing funding to states based on how much they reduce caseload. — Bread for the World opposed this amendment. It passed 227-198. The House Farm Bill (The Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013, H.R. 1947) would have extended SNAP and international food aid programs through Fiscal Year 2018, but cut SNAP by over $20 billion and food aid by over $2.5 billion. — Bread for the World opposed this bill. It failed 195-234. The House “Farm Only” Farm Bill (The Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013, H.R. 2642) would extend farm programs and international food aid programs through Fiscal Year 2018, but did not include SNAP. It also cut food aid by over $2.5 billion. — Bread for the World opposed this bill. It passed 216-208. The House “Nutrition Only” Farm Bill (The Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act of 2013, H.R. 3102) extended SNAP but included nearly $40 billion in cuts to the program as well as harmful policy changes identical to those included in the Southerland Amendment to the original House Farm Bill. — Bread for the World opposed this bill. It passed 217-210. The House Fiscal Year 2014 Budget (H. Con. Res. 25) would cut nondefense spending by $5 trillion over 10 years. Two-thirds of those cuts would have hit anti-poverty programs, causing devastating impacts on programs like the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), SNAP, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Internationally, it would make international food aid and poverty-focused foreign assistance vulnerable to cuts that would undermine our national security. — Bread for the World opposed this budget. It passed 221-207. Continuing Resolution to Re-open the Government (H.R. 2775) re-opened the government after a 16-day government shutdown. This clean continuing resolution (CR) was a short-term extension to give Congress time to agree upon a budget for the remainder of the fiscal year. The bill also raised the debt ceiling to prevent the United States from defaulting on its obligations. — Bread for the World supported this bill. It passed 285-144. Bipartisan Budget Deal (H.J.Res. 59), also known as the Bipartisan Budget Act, established a budget framework and replaced most of the 2014 sequester and some of the 2015 sequester. While not perfect, the bill was a first step in addressing the harmful sequestration cuts to programs like WIC and poverty-focused development assistance. It also provides budget stability and economic certainty. — Bread for the World supported this bill. It passed 332-94. Fiscal Year 2014 Omnibus Appropriations (H.R. 3547) provides discretionary spending at $1.012 trillion, the level agreed to in the Ryan-Murray Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013, which replaced the sequester for FY14 and FY15. The bill restores some of the cuts made by sequestration and other cuts seen in recent years. Many of the international and domestic anti-hunger and anti-poverty programs Bread cares about were well funded. — Bread for the World supported this bill. It passed the House 359-67. The House Fiscal Year 2015 Budget (H. Con. Res. 96) contains devastating cuts that would severely undermine the country’s ability to address hunger and poverty: 69 percent of the budget’s $4.8 trillion non-defense cuts are to low-income programs. The budget also cuts SNAP by $137 billion, converting it to a block grant program and making eligibility changes, which would kick nearly 4 million people off the program. The House budget also cut the International Affairs budget by a devastating 11 percent, diminishing the total International Affairs budget by 24 percent compared to 2010. — Bread for the World opposed this bill. It passed 219-205. The Royce Amendment (#7) to the Fiscal Year 2015 Agriculture Appropriations Bill (H.R. 4800) provides $10 million for the USDA Local and Regional Procurement (LRP) Program, which was permanently authorized in the Agricultural Act of 2014, and provides a means for more flexible and cost effective food aid programs. Funding for LRP will help improve the sustainability of school-feeding programs, and can help establish local supply chains and markets to provide food for development programs. — Bread for the World opposed this bill. It passed 219-205.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:26:07 +0000

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