Key political figures speak up in support of the ROC, while - TopicsExpress


Key political figures speak up in support of the ROC, while international press continues to cover Guang Da Xing No. 28 incident Key political figures have continued to express support for the ROC’s position on the recent shooting attack on the Taiwan fishing boat Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) by a Philippine government vessel, including the two co-chairs of the All-Party Parliamentary British-Taiwanese Group (APPG). In addition, the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) approved a formal statement of support for the government and people of the ROC. In an interview on June 4 with Taiwan’s Central News Agency, Lord Faulkner and Lord Steel, co-chairs of the APPG, expressed shock and anger over the incident. They also said that the actions of the Philippine government vessel, which pursued the Taiwan fishing boat for a considerable number of minutes in the overlapping exclusive economic zones between the ROC and the Philippines and fired nearly 60 bullets at the Taiwan fishing boat, could not be tolerated in a civilized society and were inexcusable. Both co-chairs expressed their hope that all concerned parties in disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, including the ROC, Japan, mainland China, and the Philippines, should engage in dialogue and discuss possible solutions without setting any preconditions. They affirmed the principles the ROC government has adhered to, as well as the ROC’s continued efforts to engage with the Philippines based on its solemn position, and added they believed that the rational and pragmatic approach taken by President Ma Ying-jeou in the East China Sea Peace Initiative would contribute to regional stability. Lord Faulkner and Lord Steel also sent a joint letter, on behalf of the APPG, to the Philippine Ambassador to the UK Enrique A. Manalo, expressing concern over the GDX 28 incident and demanding that the Philippines apologize, offer compensation, investigate the incident, and ensure that such an incident will not occur again in the future. Meanwhile, PARLACEN, at a plenary session on May 30, unanimously approved a statement expressing support for the government and people of the ROC and offering condolences over the unfortunate death of ROC fisherman Hong Shi-cheng. In its statement, PARLACEN expressed its firm belief that the ROC and the Philippines would handle the incident appropriately. The statement added that international law would be violated and the rights and interests of people associated with the GDX 28 affected if the two countries could not engage in candid dialogue. In addition, in a letter to the editor published on June 4 by Newsmill, the most widely read online forum in Sweden, ROC Representative to Sweden Thomas Cheng wrote that as the Philippine government did not provide an appropriate response to the ROC government’s demands, the ROC government was forced to impose a series of sanctions, so as to urge the Philippine government to actively deal with this case. The letter also called upon the international community to take this act of violence seriously. As for reports in the Philippine press, the Philippine Daily Inquirer on June 5 again published a letter to the editor submitted by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines, which reiterated that the shooting attack took place in the overlapping exclusive economic zones between the ROC and the Philippines, rather than in Philippine waters. The letter added that “24 of the 59 bullet holes found in Guang Da Hsin No.28 [sic] were aimed at the cockpit where the crew members hid during the shooting spree, clearly indicating the intention to kill,” and stated that the actions of personnel on the Philippine government vessel were “undisputably [sic] a violation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.” The letter further stated that the ROC government has asked the Philippine government “to issue a formal apology, to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation, to punish the perpetrators . . . and to enter into bilateral fishery negotiation,” so as to ensure that such an incident will not happen again. Furthermore, a commentary in The Daily Tribune on June 5 said that the Philippine government should make public as soon as possible a video of the incident given to the National Bureau of Investigation by the Philippine Coast Guard “to find a quick resolution to the conflict.” While referring to the Philippine people, the commentary also pointed out that “using simplistic patriotism to deliberately blind themselves to the facts of the case” is wrong, and that “never should the concept of ‘country’ be above what is morally correct.” (E) Update:2013/6/7 Source:Public Diplomacy Coordination Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 13:21:52 +0000

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