Key word here for me, MARIJUANA. I used to smoke. Heavily, - TopicsExpress


Key word here for me, MARIJUANA. I used to smoke. Heavily, meaning every day. And ill be upfront, when I woke up, before work, as soon as I was off work, then again before bed. Not until like Ivan mentioned, voices started coming in. All they did for me was fill me with confusion and doubts towards the end of when I started slowly cutting down. After giving my life to Christ I too smoked a few times after and felt complete conviction of it. So I can say im done with it. I never thought I would quit. But I have. I was a proud stoner. Now proudly saying I have quit. We have to sacrifice friends, we cant expect a good life from God without sacrificing for Him to live how He wants us to live. And I gotta add, its hard rebooting the life you have always been so accustomed to, but so worth it. Thank you Ivan Soto ♥ God bless!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:27:11 +0000

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