Keyboard knights are relentless in giving takfeer without - TopicsExpress


Keyboard knights are relentless in giving takfeer without possessing the knowledge of the essentials of Islam, let alone the sciences of Tafseer, Aqeedah and Usool. It was reported in Saheeh Muslim that one of companions once asked: Where is Malik bin Dukhshun? Another commented: He is a hypocrite; he does not love Allah and His Messenger. Thereupon the Messenger of Allah salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said: Do not say so about him. Dont you see that he utters La ilaha ill-Allah and seeks the Face of Allah through it? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. We see his inclination and well-wishing for hypocrites only. The Messenger of Allah salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam again corrected them by saying: Verily Allah has forbidden the Fire for one who says: There is no god worthy of being worshiped but Allah, thereby seeking Allahs pleasure”. This Hadeeth illustrates the dangers of giving takfeer to Muslims. No one has the right to judge people’s intentions or their actions without fulfilling the conditions and making sure there are no obstacles. Those who give takfeer to Muslims and slaughter them in a barbaric way thinking they are serving Islam are wrong and misguided. Their actions are contradictory to the teachings of Islam and the way of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam. They don’t give any weight to the Sunnah and have the audacity to defy the instructions of our Prophet by giving takfeer to Muslims and shedding their blood!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:17:13 +0000

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