Keymaster Episode 30 Easter Sunday soon arrived and as usual - TopicsExpress


Keymaster Episode 30 Easter Sunday soon arrived and as usual all my family went to church in high spirit in the knowledge of the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection to mankind. The Pastor spoke extensively on the topic ‘Do not crucify Him the second time’. He kept hammering on the need for us to flee from all manner of evil. His emphasis was much on fornication as if he knew what would happen to one of his flock later same day. Apparently ignorant of what awaited me, I even helped to urge him to go on with some ‘ride on Pastor… Speak the word Sir’ shouts that is typical of a pentecostal gathering. Soon the service came to an end with the recitation of ‘The Grace’ in unison by all the members. . . We arrived home at about ten minutes past twelve in the midday and mum proceeded into the kitchen to finish up with the Easter delicacies since our house is always full of visitors during festive seasons while my dad and I sat in the parlour watching his favorite Osita Osadebe’s video with the music blazing in the background. We had our family get together lunch because my sisters and their kids came from their husbands houses to celebrate with us. It was a full house as all came with goodies in foods and gifts. Not long visitors started trooping in making the house more ‘lively’ albeit a little uncomfortable for my personality and that was when I excused myself to go and have my ‘ME’ time with any of Bethel or Ifeoma. . . I had just finished wearing my shoes when my phone rang, I picked it up and saw it was ‘Bethel MTN’ that was showing on the screen. . ”Hello B, happy easter… How’s your day going?” I asked as soon as the call got connected. ”Wish you all the best… My day is not fine o. Am lonely here!” Bethel responded from the other end. ”Hmmm, today of all days. So what do you want us to do about it na?” I asked though knowing exactly what the reply would look like. ”I thought we agreed that you’ll take me out today. Jennifer and her boyfriend have already gone out since,” she replied with her usual attitude of comparing our relationship with any of her friends’. ”Ok then, just dress up and meet me at Ngwa Road by Mosque. I’ll be there in the next twenty minutes,” I replied before we said goodbyes. . . After the call I picked up my wallet, took a peep into it and instantly felt sad. Inside it was just a thousand and hundred naira. I had used nine hundred naira to buy my guys four bottles of beer and a bottle of malt for myself the previous day. ”Chei, na one thousand hundred naira I wan use take girl out on an easter sunday?” I weeped. To make matters worse, it’s Bethel not Ifeoma. Had it been Ifeoma then I won’t be bothered because we would just order for two bottles of malt (#200), ‘dry’ meat (#400), two bottled water (#200) and then her transport back home(#200) thereby having all expenses sum to one thousand naira. But this Bethel won’t dare take malt. She had once complained it affects her menstrual ‘bla bla bla’ and since then she had always requested for not just a bottle but two bottles of ‘shine shine bobo’. . . I was still in deep thoughts contemplating whether to shift my plans from Bethel to Ifeoma when my dad emerged. He saw me all dressed up yet standing with hands akimbo and, I guess, he instantly understood my predicament because he simply dipped his hands into his pocket and handed me a few naira notes which I collected without counting. ”Thanks dad, you’re the best,” I said thankfully. ”You’re welcome. Go and have fun but be careful and make sure you come back early,” my dad adviced. . . I quickly counted the money when he left. ”Jeez, wow, two thousand naira! Just like that” I shouted with heart full of joy. ”Baba God, abeg bless and keep dis man for me o” I prayed with all my heart. Money indeed makes a man because there was this confidence that overwhelmed me once the money got into my wallet. ”Bethel, here I come!” I concluded as I dashed out to our meeting point. . . I got to Ngwa Road by Mosque junction and met Bethel already waiting for me with a frown. I apologized to her for keeping her waiting and then I flagged down an Okada man. We climbed and immediately proceeded to City Hotels which is situated beside Etche Road field. Luckily we got a spot, settled down and then made our orders. Bethel requested for a bottle of star while I went for my usual malt. In addition, I also requested for two chicken laps to be chopped into sizeable chunks for us. In contrast to what the season signified, the whole place was agog with people smoking, dancing and some lovers stealing touches and kisses at intervals. We chatted with mouthful of meat and drink. After about an hour, Bethel requested for another bottle of star while I was still sipping my one bottle of malt. It was getting a bit dark already and the place was getting naughtier as the darkness kind of shadowed the acts going on amongst lovers.I don’t know whether it’s the drink or the romantic scenerio or both combined that made Bethel move her sit closer to mine, placed her hands on my laps and then whispered into my ears ”Spain, I feel like having sêx o”. My ears instantly stood like an enraged little chihuahua while my eyes lit up. . . ”So wetin you wan make I do na?” I stupidly asked. ”Mtscheew” she hissed before withdrawing from me. ”O boy, make I no misuse this opportunity o” I said to myself before I stood up and walked over to the counter to make enquiries. Fortunatety, there was still some rooms unoccupied at the moment. I quickly paid for an hour since it was already dark, collected the keys with trembling hands as the room service guy led me to the available room. I came back after I had surveyed the room to make sure it was not only clean but also free from hidden cameras, lol. Without saying a word, I took Bethel by the hands and led her to room number seven (7) where it all happened. . . . . Watch out for the funny, silly and annoying events that took place inside the room…
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 05:41:19 +0000

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