Keystone has blocked my ability to Respond to a Post from Ms. - TopicsExpress


Keystone has blocked my ability to Respond to a Post from Ms. Hayes: In Response to comments made by Maribeth Hayes: I invite anyone the opportunity to call my office or email me to schedule a meeting to sit down and Review the actual Documents and Facts, they are very clear. Although Ms. Hayes has often requested a confidentiality agreement, we have never signed one and are therefore not bound by one. You can reach me at 724-628-3200 or tkinsey@sbtbank. We welcome the opportunity to share the documents and correspondence between the bank and team. Some may not realize that our Bank received the property through a foreclosure action and that we have dedicated are large amount of money and resources to make the building functional again. Although The Ice Mine isn’t perfect, we have continuously improved the facility. We reopened the facility for the community and to provide a safe haven for the kids in our area. We are proud of the efforts of our staff and the hockey community for putting on so many great events from youth hockey, college hockey, to the USA Hockey Try Hockey for Free Day we hosted today. Our problems with the Keystone team, started the day the moved in when they arrived with almost no furniture, only two working computers, no phone system, not even a skate sharpener, which was mysteriously left at McMorran Place in Michigan. We stepped in and offered resources and a lease addendum to fill some needs, but Ms. Hayes refused to sign. Then after 60 days we were forced to serve them with Default Notices for non-payment of rent and not having insurance. Over the last few months we have had numerous meetings with numerous Keystone officials in an attempt find a resolution for three unpaid invoices (Open/Main Camp, Gershon Academy, Under Ice Graphics/Bench Modifications) totaling $20,635.00. Although we had offered a generous payment plan, Ms. Hayes refuses to pay resulting in our filing of three Civil Complaints in District Court. Through her attorney she filed a ridiculous counter claim for food revenue sales in arena, knowing The Ice Mine doesn’t sell food in the arena. The lease clearly details the areas of the facility the team can use during game days, and we had notified the team on multiple occasions that tickets and sales tables needed to be setup in the arena. Brad Bujdos one of our managers, had a discussion at the October 26th game with Keystone Employee Ruth Ann Shal but she refused to move. Yesterday, after again finding Keystone staff in the lobby I notified Eric Dolfi of Keystone that they needed to setup in the leased space in the arena. Do we want the team to be here, absolutely? We saved the team. We have been told by league officials we have provided the most team friendly lease in the league. They pay a fraction of what other NAHL teams typically pay. The mission of the North American Hockey League is to move these great kids onto scholarship hockey in college, we are proud to be part of the process. The Keystone players are wonderful, two have attended my team’s practice on a few occasions and have been extremely personable and engaging. If run and marketed properly, a team can thrive here, our community is passionate about hockey. Do we think Ms. Hayes is the best owner for the team? That is a league decision. Has Ms. Hayes explained to everyone that at the conclusion of last season, she actually lost the team’s membership in the league through a vote of the league’s ownership body, due to operational concerns while the team was in Port Huron and that it was the presentation of the Bank and extremely generous lease concessions was the team permitted to rejoin the league and move to Connellsville? Not only saving the jobs of the coaches, but keeping the players from becoming free agents and needing to start the junior hockey try-out process over. Has Ms. Hayes notified her sponsors that her membership is again up for a vote, but a mid-season vote coming shortly in January? We will not be part of a public debate on social media and I have already welcomed some Billet parents to the bank, and the invitation is open to anyone, please call me and schedule a meeting and we can review the documents and facts. You can reach me at 724-628-3200 or tkinsey@sbtbank TK
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 22:14:58 +0000

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