Khaled Dawoud Leading Salafist figure and member of Al-Nour - TopicsExpress


Khaled Dawoud Leading Salafist figure and member of Al-Nour Party, Sheikh Yasser Borhami, refused allegations that his group colluded with the military to overthrow ousted President Mohamed Mursi, and said that the priority should be allowing the Islamist trend to exist and communicate with the people. He said, in response to questions he received online through his website “Sawt El-Salaf” or “Voice of the Salafists”, that, “we only supported change before it gets too late, and after we found that opponents (of Mursi) had popular backing who were critical of us (political Islamic groups) because of mismanagement.” Borhami added that “the strength of those who support the president in comparison to those who oppose him is less than one percent and those who opposed him were peaceful. We did not make any deals or colluded to remove the president. A decision had already been taken, and we were asked to attend together with the Freedom and Justice Party and other political forces (the meeting on 3 July that was sponsored by Defense Minister Abdel-Fatah Al-Sissy and attended by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, the Pope of the Coptic Church, and NSF leader Mohamed ElBaradei) We had no option but to go down to the squares and get into a fight which result is known in advance, and which we consider to be a confrontation against the teachings of Islamic law; or to remain present to lessen evil and corruption, and to try to maintain the identity of the nation, and prevent bloodshed.” Borhami, known for his conservative views, stressed, “Yes, there has already been bloodshed. Yet, had the situation remained as it was, we would have had hundreds of thousands of losses, and not only tens. We have to consider the ability of a Muslim president to rule over institutions that have all declared their opposition to him, who failed to provide the daily needs of the people, and whose policies led to a near Arab and international isolation. All this had led to real popular dissatisfaction and anger towards anything Islamic, while we failed to implement Sharia.” Borahmi said that “the damage caused by confrontation with all these parties, and the expected bloodshed in order to keep the (presidency) post despite all the failures, cannot be compared with the damage caused by early presidential elections that would allow the Islamic parties and groups to remain active on the ground, working and taking part in politics, instead of increasing calls to amputate them totally.”
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 13:31:10 +0000

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