Kham Mee and Boon receive care and a much nweded rest at BEES: - TopicsExpress


Kham Mee and Boon receive care and a much nweded rest at BEES: Kham Mee and Boon are doing very well. The last few days we have been repairing the enclosure for Kham Mee and Boon. Kham mee decided the entrance gate was a good place to scratch and completely dismantled the gate. Then little Boon got in on it too and rolled himself all over the broken pieces, so with a broken entry gate and no way to keep mister Boon in at night we have been making some repairs and extensions. Little Boon is becoming more playful and potentially dangerous by the day, so its very important he is secured at night when his carer takes a rest. Kham Mee and Boon are enjoying their rest very much. Boon sometimes even takes the lead on their forest walks. Its important to remember that because this may not be a permanent situation it doesnt mean its not a great achievement, we all have given these two elephants a chance to recuperate and have a good rest. Many elephants suffer daily and the chance to rest is sometimes never an option. Many elephants die not having ever had a rest or experienced freedom. Lets work together to ensure the welfare of all the elephants are improved and to educate mahouts and owners to improve care, give their elephants a chance at rest and ideally give them permanent retirement and freedom. Its time the roles are reversed, a world where humans serve the elephants, giving the love, care, respect, protection and freedom the elephants deserve.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:07:04 +0000

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