Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 10/7/13 News - TopicsExpress


Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 10/7/13 News of the day… “Rupee falls, PM seeks India Inc’s advice” – HT headline. Cartoon quip in Mumbai Mirror, 10/7/13 ridiculing PM’s economics doctorate. (Me: The uninformed may be utterly dismayed by the foremost economist seeking help from elsewhere, that too interested parties, to bail out the government on the precipitous rupee falling. Me admit, am no economist, let alone an expert; on the contrary, the subject is my pet hate. Having made the candid confession, I must say that the PM or any other economics luminary – say an Amartya Sen – could have done any better : economic theories rarely work to the desired extent or seldom work at all: they merely remain on paper because their working depends upon the happening and not happening of myriad variables and imponderables, just for example, the unanimous support in the larger interests of the country from opposition benches without which, in a parliamentary democracy, no just legislation is possible. However, one of the few economic principles that holds good for all time to come is, one should live within one’s means – aptly vouched by a Hindi film song, “Aamdhani Attanni, karcha rupiah”. And alas, this country is playing ducks and drakes with tax-payers’ money, from massive loan waiver to bounties to government staff and pensioners at periodic intervals to equally mind-boggling subsidized food. Ruling parties resort to this populist ploy to remain, and as long as they do it, there is no cure for the country’s economics malady) ** Patient to doctor: “I only eat pizza for medical purposes. I cures hunger” ** Q: If a crocodile makes shoes, what is that a banana can make? A: Slippers! ** Mindchow Nothing like a little judicious levitation… (Me: Here problem is of plenty!) ** From the world science… Irregular bedtime… Irregular bedtime could disrupt natural body rhythms and cause sleep deprivation, so undermining the plasticity of the brain and the ability to acquire and retain information: research study. ** Gadget sniffs out bladder cancer in just 30 minutes. London: Scientists have developed a new device that can ‘smell’ bladder cancer from certain odours in the urine and give an accurate diagnosis within 30 minutes. ** Compounds in the nigella seeds are effective in easing symptoms of asthma. ** Chewing gum stimulates production of saliva, helping ease an acidity attack. ** Singing in choir can boost heart health. Choral singing’s positive effects on health may arise through singing imposing a calm and regular breathing pattern which has a dramatic effect on heart rate variability – something that, in its turn, has a favourable effect on health. ** Weird world US peeping tom caught hiding in septic tank. A man remained jailed Monday on a peeping complaint after authorities discovered him inside a septic tank beneath a women’s bathroom at a water park. Kenneth E, 52, was arrested on Sunday after a woman called police. She had taken her 7-year-old daughter to the bathroom and noticed a man looking up at her from inside the toilet. ** ‘Dead’ NY woman wakes up amid organ donation.. A hospital in New York was fined after doctors nearly took organs from a woman in 2009, mistakenly thinking she was dead. Colleen B, 41, opened her eyes as she was being prepared for surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Centre. Doctors had told her family she was dead after a drug overdose. ** Mexico overtakes US as world’s fattest nation… ** Think it over.. “If you want peace, work for justice” – Pope Paul VI (Me: overly simplified. “justice” is a relative term; often neither side to a dispute is satisfied with such justice, each expecting a lot more. And there are some who are never satisfied with whatsoever justice, even when it is more than good enough in the eyes of the others, is delivered). ** Quote of the day.. “National security must be above all divides. Without this all rights are only for the protected and not assured for the rest” – Kiran Bedi (Me: It’s a crying national shame that even on national security, there is no consensus among our political parties, each holding on to inflexible, bizarre positions. At a meeting called by the union Home Minister a couple of months ago, several CMs including Jayaamma, though invited, brusquely failed to attend) ** Thought for the day… “Champions of democracy understand that democracy is not perfect.. but it is the only path to national success and dignity” – George W. Bush. (Me: Who said it is immaterial. For democracy, especially a parliamentary one, to work, it is imperative for the citizens and the elected representatives to be homogenous and have a pan-country nationalism without any intractable parochial and divisive feelings) ** A man married lady traffic police . Friend- How was your 1st night? Man-she collected Rs.100 from me for overspeed . Rs.200 for wrong side entry , Rs 500 for without helmet ... haaaaaaaaaaaaa OMG ! ITS A JOKE FRIENDS ... NO SERIOUS ..
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 15:10:15 +0000

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