Khazar Jews & Original Jews If the original Jews were Black, - TopicsExpress


Khazar Jews & Original Jews If the original Jews were Black, where did white Jews come from? There are two main types of white Jews the Edomites and the Khazars. Edomites are the descendants of Esau, who was born ruddy (red) and hairy according to the Bible. (Gen. 25:25) This describes the “white” man; he is red (all shades) and hairy. Esau was the albino, fraternal twin brother of Jacob, the father of the original Black Israelites. The white Edomites and Black Israelites were constantly in strife against one another. In fact, the Edomites fought the Black Jews in the Roman-Jewish War. At a later period in history, the Edomites (Idumeans) were conquered and forced to become “Jews.” The European Khazars became “Jews” in 740 A.D. (see below) Neither groups are descended from the house of Israel! Khazars make up over 90% of the so-called “Jews!” (Hatonn) The world’s best kept secret? Hugley writes “These groups... [Khazars esp., plus Edomites & other ethnic groups] make up modern Jewry today. Although the black Hebrew-Israelites are the real descendants of ancient Israel, this truth is not known by many and it is ‘the world’s best kept secret.’ Because of slavery and scattering, the Hebrew-Israelites are not known to the world as true Israel... Some scholars, teachers and ministers teach that God has completely cast them away, but God said, ‘I have chosen thee, and have not cast thee away.’ (Isa. 41:9, last part.) [& Rm. Ch. 11] Although the children of Israel went into captivity, a remnant has returned as was predicted. The prophecy of Ezekiel 37th chapter tells of the spiritual resurrection of the people of Israel, who will be perpetually betrothed to their God in truth and in righteousness.” There are numerous Black-Hebrew congregations in America. “Temple Bethel” is the largest & oldest (in Belleville, VA). “Jews” were a heavy part of the African slave trade in the America! Compiled from Jewish documents, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews by the Nation of Islam reveals the vast Jewish involvement in the Atlantic slave trade. “Jews” were also major slave sellers during the Middle Ages. (Van Sertima: African Presence in Early Europe, p161) These “Jewish” slave-sellers were probably not “real Jews” at all but Khazars. (See below) Counterfeit Jews: the hated, white “Khazars” who have usurped the real Jews! Historians are now recognizing that the majority of eastern so-called “Jews” are actually “Khazars” and have NO Semitic roots whatsoever! The Khazars are impostors: well-suppressed knowledge is emerging about this war-like tribe of whites that rose to power in Eastern Europe and were hated by the other whites they conquered due to there severe, exploitative treatment of them. The Khazars all converted to Judaism as a political ploy during the Middle Ages. It appears that they learned all they could from he real Hebrews before usurping them, selling them into slavery (or killing them) and taking over in their place, using the corrupted form of Judaism to hide behind while continuing their treachery right into modern times. Much of Europe’s historical hate for “Jews” is hate for the ruthless Khazars who continued to be hated in spite of becoming “Jews.” In fact, the word “Jew” originated during the 1700s to label them! (Hatonn: p3, 17) Counterfeit Blessings - The Anti-Christ by Any Name: Khazars by G. C. Hatonn, exposes that the Khazars are the real “anti-Semites” who have labeled themselves as Zionists and “Jews” to deceive the world in furthering their own plans for global & political conquest. (See pages 22-24 in this document) In the 13th Tribe. Arthur Koestler traces the history of the Khazars and their rise to power. The African Moors sparked the European Renaissance! Ruling Spain, southern France, much of Scotland & North Africa during the middle ages for 700 years, the Black African Moors gave Europe one of its finest civilizations. The word Moor is from the Greek word mauros, meaning scorched. In the introduction of The Story of the Moors in Spain by Stanley Lane-Poole, John Jackson writes: Eurocentric historians argue that Europe gave civilization to Africa, which is a complete inversion of the truth. The first civilized Europeans were the Greeks, who were chiefly civilized by the Africans of the Nile Valley. The Greeks transmitted this culture to the Romans, who finally lost it, bringing on a dark age of five hundred years. Civilization was restored to Europe when another group of Africans, the Moors, brought this Dark Age to an end... During the Golden Age of Islam, the Moorish Empire... was the most advanced state in the world... Cordova was the most wonderful city of the tenth century; the streets were well paved, with raised sidewalks for pedestrians... Public baths numbered in the hundreds... at a time when cleanliness in Christian Europe was regarded a sin... Moorish monarchs dwelt in splendid palaces, while the crowned heads of England, France, and Germany lived in big barns, lacking both windows and chimneys, with only a hole in the roof for the emission of smoke. The Moors had an insatiable lust for knowledge, and acquired it from East and West, translating into Arabic all they could find, even ransacking monasteries for rare books. One king had a private library of 600,000 books! In Moorish Spain education was available to the most humble, while in Christian Europe 99% of the populace were illiterate, including kings. The incredible city of Cordova had 800 public schools! The Moors made great advances in mathematics, physics, astronomy, medicine, botany, and chemistry. The Moors also introduced the first shooting mechanisms or rifles known as fire sticks! -Which revolutionized European military science, ultimately causing their downfall when their enemies used gunpowder to drive them back into Africa. Their contributions to European civilization are vast - with no credit given to them. For more details, Ivan Van Sertima, Ed: The Golden Age of the Moors, and Samuel Scott: The History of the Moorish Empire in Europe. The white Founding Fathers built America on Black Egypts knowledge. As revealed in Anthony Browders fascinating From the Browder File, the Founding Fathers sought to recreate in America the same energies which guided the Africans of the Nile Valley by using African science, architecture and symbols (with no credit to them) as shown: bullet The Founding Fathers and all the U.S. bullet presidents were Masons (except Lincoln and Kennedy). bullet Masons and other secret orders such as the Rosicrucian’s 7 Illuminati are patterned after the Sacred Mystery Schools (universities) of ancient Egypt. bullet The word Mason means child of the sun and is derived from the African terms Sons 7 Daughters of Light (or Children of the Sun). bullet The sun symbolizes enlightenment; hence these metaphors mean enlightened people. The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution are Masonic documents, written in the Masonic code and have different meaning to members of the Masonic order. bullet Look on the back of the dollar bill and see for yourself how the Founding Fathers composed the Great Seal of America with African symbols: The Eye of Horus/God, pyramid, six-pointed star (made up of 13 stars), and the eagle -their imitation of Egypts sacred sun Falcon, a symbol for Horus. Stan Deyos provocative Cosmic Conspiracy provides more insights. bullet The Washington monument, a symbol of America, is an African obelisk! The obelisk was the symbol of the very Black Egyptian god, Osiris who represented the regenerative powers of God and was worshiped as the impregnating force of the universe. The obelisk later became part of the worship of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, from which we get the words ra, radiation. The obelisk is also found at the Vatican in St. Peters square and in every major city in the world. It is the origin of church steeples! bullet Egyptian Design: The Lincoln Memorial is patterned after an Egyptian temple honoring the pharaoh, Ramsese II. Meridian Hill Park (AKA Malcolm X Park) was designed to align Washington D.C. to the same meridian (pathway to the sun) which passes through Egypt. So-called European architecture (like the Capitol, Parthenon, cathedrals) is copied from African architecture! (Mosques, obelisks, temples) bullet A Black scientist designed the city. The layout and design of Washington D.C. was accomplished by Americas first Black man of science, Benjamin Banneker - astronomer and mathematician.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 12:01:14 +0000

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