#Khosination Booing is hooliganism and hooliganism is a rare - TopicsExpress


#Khosination Booing is hooliganism and hooliganism is a rare infection for us. We often heard from other clubs that the management have interefered in the selection policy, therefore belittling the hands of the coach who had been hired to be the ultimate decoder of the starting XI. It is more than frustrating having to see your team miss chance after chance. However, we cannot run away from the fact that in its forty four year existence period, Kaizer Chiefs has been doctored and monitored by the Motaungs. Supporters and fans? We cannot even get the praise that we deserve. We are the only people who have a life contract with the club. Ownership can change, management can change, technical team is ever changing and players depart and arrive in every window period. However, as powerful voices we may be, we cannot also abuse our powers. Am sure we would all fume if we were to learn that Baxter has been instructed to play not a certain player by Bobby Motaung or abt other authority investee. When we use boos to try and force the coach to give in to our demands, the less proffessional a team we become. Do we want to have any player on the pitch who has not been selected by the coach? We have the Carling Black Label match we affords us the chance to select our eleven men. Am over confident that Stuart Baxter would have been brought by club to book, had he out of the blue insulted Amakhosi faithful without a reason. The problem is when someone indulges in wrongdoing, it often comes too hard for one to acknowledge his demerit. Baxter is wrong to address fans who boo their own players as idiots. Well, the act may be good enough to deserve the tag but as a proffessional he should have voiced his concern in a better manner. A smarter, to be precise. Chiefs supporters should not dictate to the coach who to pick and who not to pick. At times I have almost felt like blaming Kaizer Chiefs management for not signing a striker(s) after Knowledge Musona departure. In my view, and something which the coach seems to be saying Shaka Zulu does not offer better that Nkatha. I, for one shall not be fooled by that derby goal. I only wish Katlego Mphela was back in action because he seems to be the only target man we have for now. Between Nkatha and Mthembu, both with their weakness prowesses, I d go for the former at any given period. I find both Chiefs supporters and Baxter failing to find problem management tactics that go via a positive route. A coach insulting boo boys sounds like an amateur club. We might all defend ourselves as it has always been the case with one at fault but what is prevailing is not the ideal future Kaizer Motaung foresaw. He never dreamt or aspired to associate himself and his project with fans and supporters who would give their opposition an edge by turning against their own. What I dont have a doubt about also is that he never wished or anticipated to employ a coach who will call the fans idiots. I empathise with Chincha Guluva. Card carrying members dissapoint me the most in this case. The branches we belong in have a route through which we can communicate with the club. We were told from start, we solve our problems and burning issues in meetings, not at the Stadiums. Its embarassing and is anti-LOVE AND PEACE. To be honest, we are a bit unfair. This is the same coach who washed away our league title tears of eight years. He is the same man who has led us to our best start of recent years. Undefeated in 16 games, 4 draws being our only losses! How do we fail to trust such a coach? Nkatha is letting us down but the coach seems to have his secret weapon in him. Its quite frustrating as I have repeatedly said but what do results show about Stuart Baxter? Am sure to the management and us as followers, results are more important than who is playing or am I wrong? If its the opposite, then I apologise. If we allow a disease whereby we dictate to the coach who to play, am sure our club will lose alot of dignity and respect. If the management were aware that Baxter selection is affecting us negatively, I think Baxter would have been shown the door by now. Baxter cannot insult the backbone of the club in supporters who also cannot defeat the club protocol by infringing on the coachs privileges to select the team. Only he alone, answers for the perfomances of the team. Genuine Khosi family members should know the channels we use in venting our concerns. Likewise, our coaches are guided by the club culture and parameters which state the appropriate presentation of oneself when they speak, act or represent the Chiefs brand. Working Together We Can Do More! As things stand, pride and egos aside Chiefs need Baxter and the Brityon needs Amakhosi. We cant lose one another over a petty issue like some teenagers who are infatuated and mistaken for a love relationship. Phansi ngodlame, nokuthukana. Booing and insults wont help the Chiefs brand. We are savagers. Civilised people use civilised solutions to tackle problems. #forever_FEARLESS_in_quest_to_inspire_GREATNESS #14
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 09:46:17 +0000

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