Khris Lions .... Its official Happy Birthday!! My computer - TopicsExpress


Khris Lions .... Its official Happy Birthday!! My computer shutdown so YES Im late .... To my middle son, the quiet one, the peace maker, and oh so stubborn … Jeffrey wanted a sister and your father was hoping for a Christmas baby girl, I knew you were going to be a boy, sorry but Christmas was not going to happen either!! I stayed at Aunty Bonnie’s for that last month, I was afraid to be home alone with your brother while dad was at work. You battered me for a month trying to get out. Then the day finally arrives and you decide you are going to stay put as long as possible. Dad said you wouldn’t come until the next day but you did make your entrance that night. Aunty was GLAD when we all finally went home and so was dad. Once you were finally out in the world all you did was sleep and sleep and sleep … morning noon and night!! I had to tap your feet just to get you to wake up and take a bottle, and then keep tapping your feet to keep you awake long enough to drink all of it! You were always happy and never cried until the ear infections started at 3 mths old. Every night we’d wait and try to figure out night terror or ear infection … whether or not we needed to take you into the emergency room or make it through until we could get you to the doctor’s office in the morning. By this time we were at the doctor’s office every 10 days for the next year and you went through EVERY antibiotic on the market before they finally said we have nothing else to give him. The doctor finally said, he needs surgery to put tubes in his ears. At 13 months we were set for the surgery. They had us at MGH first thing in the morning and we waited 3 hours with a hungry baby before they were set and ready for you. They had me go into the Operating room with you to hold the mask over your face while they knocked you out. That was one of the most terrified moments my life. I thought of my best friend Charlotte, the terrified phone call and what she went through 6 months earlier, how she lost her little boy after having him for too short a time. At that moment I realized how terrified she had been and not being able to stop it from happening (You were only 7 mths then). I was one blubbering mother coming out of that O.R. Nana was waiting for me and was trying to reassure me that you would be ok. An hour and a half later, you were out and waking up. I was tear streaked, red blotchy face and hiccupping when I went in to see you. We were both fine and on our way home a short time later. You had at least two more ear infections before you were finally doing great! At 15 - 16 mths you put your teeth through your bottom lip running down Aunty’s hallway, and burnt your hand on a light bulb before Uncle Paul’s wedding (meanwhile Jeffrey, at 4 yrs was watering Grandma’s living room rug … curiosity really hurts! At 3 and 4 yrs stitches in the head, and at 5 in Kindergarten, you had a bad bronchitis attack, fever and stomach flu along with your brothers … not the way to spend school vacation! Going into first grade you got upset and afraid you couldn’t read, I handed you a Dr. Seuss book which you read it all without any help. I told you that you would be fine, you were a straight A student from then on. You got chicken pox from your brother Robby in the third week of school; I swear I had NOTHING to do with it!! I did NOT let him drink from that soda bottle before I gave some to you and Jeffrey. I did (NOT) let all the water out of the tub before you and Jeffrey took your baths. Calamine lotion and a week off from school was what the doctor ordered. All three over and done … Now they say it’s not a good thing to get it! Shingles ... well you know what to look for I guess! You and your brothers did Karate and basketball after school every year at Powder House. You did Karate tournaments and got few belts before you all decided to move on. Fifth grade you and a few friends were invited to sing the National Anthem at kids opening day for the Red Sox, dad got to go with you. Your brothers and I waited at home to watch but they cut it. We only got to see you on the tele-tron for a few seconds before they cut to commercial! Math clubs, science fairs, honor roll, perfect attendance … I don’t know how many night’s I stayed up late with you guys doing projects. And I still have the ribbons to prove it!!! High School, perfect attendance went out the window, not because you didn’t want it, but you finally relaxed and lightened up on yourself. You were always Robby’s buffer, trying to keep him out of trouble. I never worried about you because you were always together. If I found one, I found the other … usually! Hmmmm …. (younger) At camp … After Halloween … pumpkins … Robby ... the Tankle’s … Dianne …. Officer Lombardi …. Working at the campground …. Red shirt and riding the fire truck … Jim saying to me one morning, I didn’t know you had another son, after he bumped into you and Josh walking down the road … Laughing, He’s the quiet one! Getting ready to graduate High School and being interested in going to college. Summer vacation, I’m at camp and GEEEE … That looks like MY HOUSE in pictures posted on Facebook, while dad was out at camp where I was still working. Dad walking in on a Friday night with Uncle George, instead of coming to camp … YOU quickly on the phone “Change of location” for beer pong! Trying to get out the door without dad seeing the beer party ball you conned someone into buying! Your first choice was Bentley after going to career night and meeting a business man. Qualifying not only at Bentley but UMass Amherst as well but not liking the fact that everyone hung around there on the weekends “Party Central” so Bentley was your first choice and where you went! Year one … Christmas vacation … underage … cemetery … E.R. … “Mom I’m okay, but” …. Foot, boot cast, physical therapy! Nights in Davis Square … MBTA security along with police questioning where you are going at this time of night …. Chris! Knock this shit off!! You’re over 18 AND in college! You’d give me Big Smiles!! Graduation nearing … you got an internship which landed you a good job starting out of college! Graduation with 2% less to get on the President of the college list, guess we had to settle for the Dean’s list for the last time! I know there are MANY more stories to tell … But I won’t ! We can honestly say we are proud of you and the man you are today! Happy Birthday to our SMILEY baby boy!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:12:21 +0000

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