Khuamec challenged me to a 10 book list- 10 books and why theyre - TopicsExpress


Khuamec challenged me to a 10 book list- 10 books and why theyre important to me, I think? So here goes: • To Kill a Mockingbird- Dad insited on it, and I reread it every few years. I love Scout. • Catcher in the Rye- another Dad book, see a theme? • 4 Ways to Forgiveness by Ursula LeGuinn- sci fi and a very gentle philosophy in short story form, and I love it even more than The Left Hand of Darkness. • Frida Kahlo by Herradura- kinda the bible on Kahlo that all other works on her life or analyses of her art are based upon. • The Tao of Pooh (and the Te of Piglet) - a gift from Jer, my introduction to taoism. srsly. • Where the Wild Things Are - an awesome commentary on creativity and puh, with beautifully crafted drawings. I often give it to kids. • The Artists Way - creativity and art and motivation. • the Photoshop Bible by Deke McClelland- the best-written manual Ive slogged through, with the most awesomeness on Photoshop (and I did that for a living for a while, so kinda important) • Any collection of Borges short stories that includes The Library and The Garden of Forking Paths. Both foundational ideas for a lot of sci fi, one of my favorite writers. • A good journal. Honestly, the most important one on this list- its a place to think, to play, to work, and to practice. I very rarely go back, but the act of putting pen to paper is significant, as much if not more so than reading anothers work.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 02:09:52 +0000

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