Kia Orana, The Cook Islands Government was dissolved this - TopicsExpress


Kia Orana, The Cook Islands Government was dissolved this morning 16th April 2014 by the Queens Representative and a snap election announced for July. Last night on Cook islands TV my friend the Honorable Mark Brown, said that though he agreed with my drive for our people to buy shares in the assets of the country, I am kind of mislead to try and buy the government 40%...then he went on to say that in actual fact the 40% that government holds, is in fact belongs to the people. If I may be cheeky for a moment...If the shares belong to the people then what is wrong if those same shares were to be shared out to the people? Anyway with no real government in power at the moment we the people now have more time and more options. Some years back the agency in charge of the power in Porirua gave the users in the area free shares. 1. If the government can not or will not give to the people for free, the people`s 40% (worth just over $15 million, share of Telecom) then let the people buy it (1,000 people at $1,000.00 each = $1,000,000.00...15 thousand people = $15 million) Scenario 2. Government let the people buy the 40% and the government in turn buys the Telecom 60% for $23 million...the government then takes the people`s $15 million add another $8 million and that will give them $23 million to buy out Telecom ( they may say government have no money... then I will say how can government afford to subsidise Air New Zealand to fly to Los Angeles every week at a cost to the people of $12 million dollars per year) Scenario 3. Government keep the 40% of Telecom, sell to the people the Telecom 60%, or 40% or 30% and government buy the balance. Which ever way is adopted the 100% of Telecom, a national asset will remain in the hands of the people. If outsiders are allowed to buy our national assets then where do we stand and what can we get in the development of this our country? I had a discussion with Hon. Wilkie Rasmussen and Smiley Heather this morning. They are in full support of our intention to buy into the Telecom business, they were off to their caucus meeting and they assured me that they will put the idea to their members. They signed to register their interest in buying shares. So my people there are politicians who care and understand in both political parties. Again I ask you the Cook Islands people to consider registering your do not pay now. With the present political atmosphere time and possible support is on our side. With no competition the investment can only be beneficial for everyone. Kia Manuia Aroa Nui Mike
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 10:25:20 +0000

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