Kia ora all Thank you to Tarewa Rota for sharing the link about - TopicsExpress


Kia ora all Thank you to Tarewa Rota for sharing the link about the 24 criminal convictions of Rae Beverley Adlam. I have found the following description - In New Zealand, offenders can be "convicted and discharged" (gets a criminal record, but no other punishment); or "discharged without conviction" (no punishment and no criminal record). The link Tarewa Rota shared confirms that Ms Adlam was convicted and discharged – which does NOT mean she has no criminal record. It means she gets a criminal record, but no other punishment. I was present in Court when Adlam was sentenced. We had to wait while her top notch QC lawyer “negotiated to “get her off the hook” in closed court. Amazing what ill-gotten gains can pay for. Adlam faced 32 charges all-up; 8 more serious charges, punishable by a term of imprisonment, and 24 more minor charges of dishonesty and tax fraud. As I recall, the amount was over a half-million dollars. Her first cousin was subpoenaed to appear as Crown witness; however, the QC lawyer successfully negotiated that the 8 more serious charges be dropped after his client, Ms Adlam, offered to pay the amounts for which she faced those 8 charges as well as fines and Court costs. AGAIN, it’s amazing what ill-gotten gains (stolen money) can pay for. The link also refers to the OGEL Company, which, Adlam controlled, and her filing of false claims in respect of that company. OGEL, in truth, was the vehicle by which Adlam secretly diverted wealth generating opportunities and assets for her huge personal gain. Adlam stole from both members of her Savage whānau, and acted fraudulently in breach of trust in respect of Ngati Tuwharetoa Geothermal Assets Limited, (NTGA), to make a personal profit of over $10 million. That is more than Ngati Tuwharetoa BOP Settlement Trust received in Treaty claims cash settlement. Put bluntly, OGEL was the vehicle which enabled Adlam to destroy strong whānau unity, which prevailed in the Savage Whanau from 1972 to 1990 (believe it or not) by her abuse of – • Her whānau members; after which she abused the following positions she held, to shift money and wealth generating assets for her personal gain, which, made her filthy rich - • Savage Papakāinga Land Trust - Trustee and Chairperson; • Ngāti Tūwharetoa BOP Settlement Trust (NTST) - Trustee and Chairperson • Ngāti Tūwharetoa Geothermal Assets Limited (NTGA) – Director and Chairperson This intricate web of deceit Adlam created is such a mine-field you have to have cast-iron nerves to withstand its horror and cruelty, as you go about unraveling the true extent of the corruption and oppression Adlam inflicted with the help of her high powered arsenal of predominantly PĀKEHA professionals, paid by her ill-gotten gains stolen money. She calls anybody who challenges her riches, JEALOUS, and insists that her filthy rich status was gained through her own hard work by which she “earned her stripes.” Well, those who know the full story tell it differently without getting emotion charged. There’s a lot more to the WHOLE story than meets the eye. I have not and never will deny that Adlam has awesome skills; she is an intelligent person, and because of that, was always destined to be a wealthy woman in her own right. No one would have minded that but for her oppressive ill-treatment of her many victims. We should not turn a blind eye to the fact that she got “filthy rich,” not just rich, through breach of trust, and unbelievable dishonesty, while acting in a fiduciary role. Her most lethal tool is absolute refusal to issue and / or share information. Without information no one knows what she’s up to, and that is when she goes about “feathering her own nest.” You can respectfully ask Ms Adlam for information and she will absolutely refuse to give it. She intentionally refuses to give information because she is such a greed motivated fraudster – which, is best described as a spoilt rotten child who wants everything her way and everything for herself. She has a way of making that possible come hell or high water because she has all the information shared only with her hand-picked, predominantly pakeha professionals and puppet-culture loyalists. Her refusal to give out information is truly a divide and rule tool – from which will soon sprout the “haves” and “have-nots” at her exclusive corrupt discretion. That’s exactly what has made her filthy rich; and once she gained all that power and control, she accumulated high powered arsenal (to attack anyone who challenged her) in defence of all her might. Those she has paid well to build her empire, and arsenal, also come flocking to her defence and rescue. That is the way of the pākeha law against Māori communities and values. Once the pakeha law gets the whiff of corrupt Maori leadership, the learned lawyers converge on the opportunity to deny the majority and empower the exclusive few, the latter having all the resources of those they represent (in the former group) at their disposal. And therein, is the familiarity we have all come to know in the Adlam dictator leadership. I was enlightened by the mention in the link provided by Tarewa Rota that OGEL went into liquidation. That’s news to me. Adlam reported that she was to wind-up OGEL in 2003, and that’s different from going into liquidation. In 2003 there was a lot of significant Treaty claims settlement developments taking place – namely, the Deed of Settlement (the DOS) dated 6th June 2003. Adlam held the role of Chief negotiator, after her Uncle Shuki Savage died in January 1999. After signing of the 2003 Deed of Settlement she was then tasked to manage the POST-SETTLEMENT GOVERNANCE ENTITY (PSGE), a condition of the Crown before paying over the settlement cash and other redress assets. It is during the PSGE period – 2003 to 2005, that Adlam had the freedom to design legal documents to suit her own private agendas. The Crown, and iwi members, would not have realised her “hidden agendas” from which she, personally, would hugely profit. She held all the information - the tool that gave her the greatest power to manipulate and transgress in the shifting of wealth generating assets for her personal gain. She played the iwi against her whanau and the whanau against the iwi – without both knowing because she held all the information. She used all that PSGE “insider information” as Chief negotiator to knock OGEL shareholders (who were gullible members of her Savage whanau) off. Then having disempowered them, in 2005 she stole their KA24 geothermal well which she acted as Director in the iwi to hold on trust for them, by shifting it to herself, after which she made huge profits amounting to well over $10million. In 2004, she also stole their carbon credits benefits for the development of KA24 well. So, that was the 2003 to 2005 chain of events that made Ms Adlam a filthy rich woman – manipulation, fraud, theft and dishonest spoilt brat corrupt acquisition of wealth generating assets. Then, in 2006 her top lawyers at Buddle Findlay – Auckland – wrote the most CROOKED lease document, which, further rubbed salt into the wounds of victims Adlam stole from. That should be a very clear warning to other Māori organisations to steer a wide berth of Buddle Finlay Solicitors. And same ole story – ADLAM HAD ALL THE INFORMATION and went about forcing signatures to that CROOKED lease – the absolute refusal to share information gave her so much power and UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. The gullible puppet-culture, hand-picked, few, in her Savage Whānau were also party to her conspiracy, and thereby, they DENIED opportunity for the more objective-thinking to make well-informed decisions. That has had such a cruel and wicked holocaustic outcome that I would not wish upon my worst enemy. The ole corrupt leadership divide and rule trick once again. My in-laws, who are all first cousins of Adlam, by virtue of their mothers being full sisters, were the only branch of 8, of the Savage Whanau, who did not invest in Adlam’s 1990 OGEL company. They cited lack of transparency as the reason. We are waiting for the Maori Land Court to deliver its judgment, then we will go about reinforcing our damages claims against NTGA, NTST, Adlam and Savage Papakāinga Land Trust. We are satisfied that what we have uncovered of Adlam’s conspiracy, which intensified from 2003 to 2005 due to her “insider-information” advantage, is justification for those damages claims. Those damages claims will expose the corruption of Māori leadership in respect of Treaty claims settlements, as well as impact on the INTEGRITY of the Treaty Claims Settlement procedure. There are huge social and political ramifications. Adlam should have been subjected to criminal investigations many years ago. The extent of her fraud and theft has hurt a lot of people, particularly, my in-laws, who have stood their ground against her. They have had to research, and fight against unbelievable corruption; attempts have been made to DIVIDE THEM, which nearly succeeded. But they have held together and are determined to take this battle to the bitter end. Whether intentional or not, the Māori Land Court has also been party to delaying and denying full justice of the Adlam corrupt conspiracy. It took five and a half years for that Court to take the matter to hearing – justice delayed is justice denied, and there is no accountability. In the finish my in-laws were not party to the Māori Land Court hearing proceedings BY CHOICE, because the claimants were as culpable as the defendant. My in-laws dubbed the hearing for which Judgment is pending the “pot calls kettle black circus.” The costs of that hearing is now moving towards a half-million dollars, payable by the Savage Papakāinga Land Trust and another Land Trust of the Savage Whānau. It would have been cheaper and more effective to go to the HIGH COURT. It is the first time the Māori Land Court has held a three week duration hearing since its corrupt creation in 1862. In terms of NTST and NTGA, and our Beneficiaries’ Action Group, we must be mindful that the iwi is at risk of being sued due to the way in which Adlam used NTGA to shift KA24 geothermal well for her personal gain in breach of trust. What gives Adlam “the edge” in NTST circles is the TRUST DEED, which was written on her instructions by lawyer, Graham Harford. That is the first reason WHY we need to persist with FULL REVIEW OF THE TRUST DEED – it is unfairly Adlam and puppet-culture friendly, and therefore, very dangerous. The DANGER signs were conspicuous at the 2012 AGM, particularly, the inadequate notice of the Annual Report and the VERBAL ONLY delivery of the NTGA Annual Report by Pat Brown. We have requested that changes are made to those practices because they smack of Adlam tactics that carry risks of producing the same outcomes as we have experienced in her Savage Whanau. For me, personally, it also has parallels with unfair legal documents, again, written on her instructions by lawyer, Graham Harford, to which I am privy. Adlam is a dangerous operator and VERBAL ONLY reporting is another one of her favourites. I now return to the link, provided by Tarewa Rota. In those proceedings of the dishonesty convictions, reference is made that Adlam’s behaviours occurred while she was having cancer treatment. Having been there myself, same time and same kind of cancer, I think that’s such a pathetic excuse. Both Adlam and I exposed our “surgically repaired” cancer tits to each other at New World supermarket, Kawerau. We both had bald heads as shiny as a baby’s bum. In fact I had a longer treatment regime, and more cancerous tissues removed. My conclusion is - Adlam’s behaviours that saw her wind-up in a criminal Court and sentenced on 24 dishonesty charges is simply due to greed motivated, spoilt-brat pursuits, realised by her fraud and theft – of which she is fully aware. Given the extent of her ill-gotten gains, the money Adlam used to pay debts which resulted in the dropping of more serious criminal charge, punishable by terms of imprisonment, could also be said to be the proceeds of crime, for which no criminal investigations have yet been brought. There is, currently, a live file for such criminal proceedings to commence, at Whakatāne Police Station, which is also delayed in anticipation of the Māori Land Court judgement. Tomorrow, I intend to make the request for the Court transcripts of the hearing recording the 24 dishonesty convictions. That should provide some interesting disclosures. Noho ora mai i wa koutou kainga maha i runga i nga manaakitanga a te Runga Rawa.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 01:19:46 +0000

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