Kia ora ano te whānau This is a quickee to let you all know that - TopicsExpress


Kia ora ano te whānau This is a quickee to let you all know that we still have not had replies to the letters that were tabled at the NTST Trustees hui held 27th June 2013. This confirms that the Trustees will make and break the rules to suit their own agendas, and exploit their powers given to them by the UNFAIR TRUST DEED, written by Mr. Graham Harford on instructions of Rae Beverley Adlam. THE TRUST DEED is written in a way that gives excess powers to the Trustees and zilch to beneficiaries. There is that puppet-culture attitude that “we (Trustees can do what we like because this is a PAKEHA trust, not a Maori Trust.” That is reportedly what Elaine August (Savage) said to beneficiaries making inquiries about registrations BEFORE the notice to re-register was sent out. The refusal to reply to the letters tabled, let alone an acknowledgement that both were received, is confirmation that the TRUSTEES prefer to wield their unhealthy tools of power and control in defence of the comfort zone they have enjoyed since 30th May 2004, the date of the TRUST DEED. They make it very clear that the TRUST DEED is their exclusive tool to hit out at beneficiaries who challenge their failure to properly conform to the TRUST DEED, in breach of their fiduciary duty. In earnest we must explore ALL, and not just some, of our options. One such option is that the Niao whanau will commence HIGH COURT damages claims against NTST and NTGA. If other beneficiaries of the KA24 geothermal well were party to such claims, that amount of damages could be in excess of $12 million. That damages claim is in respect of fraud and theft of KA24 geothermal well by NTST, as owner of NTGA, which, occurred in year 2005 while Rae Beverley Adlam and Robert Shuster were Directors of NTGA. We will also explore the possibility that Pat Brown of Strettons’, Taupo, and Sam Barns, Chairperson of Matata Parish 39A 2B 2B 2A Ahu Whenua Land Trust, acted in collusion with Rae Beverley Adlam in the fraud and theft of KA24 geothermal well. The three persons named were fully aware that their acting conjointly to disadvantage the rightful owner of KA24 geothermal well was criminally unlawful, and in breach of fiduciary duty. The fraud and theft of that $400 thousand asset by NTGA was for the purpose of shifting it for the huge personal gain of its Director Rae Beverley Adlam, who also acted in breach of fiduciary duty as Trustee and Chairperson of NTST. We are exploring the fraud and theft charges because Adlam failed to declare conflict of interest in her shifting of KA24 well to herself for personal gain. It is appropriate to explore the possibility of laying criminal charges against NTST and NTGA, and / or, commencing claims for damages, due to the denial of opportunity for the rightful owner to explore the earning potential in the development of KA24 well. It is disheartening that the NTST TRUSTEES, who obviously feel secure because the TRUST DEED gives them so much power, have thumbed their noses at our requests to have a kanohi ki te kanohi meeting with them. In other words they choose to be confrontational in their approach. However, we have followed Solicitor advice that we provide meaningful opportunity for NTST and NTGA to engage in-house conflict resolution, and they respond with a high handed DEMAND that all beneficiaries MUST re-register, AND no satisfactory replies to our letters. Therefore, we must now explore all our options. A damages claim against NTST, and NTGA, will also test the integrity of the Treaty of Waitangi historic grievance claims settlement process. In particular, it will expose the propensity and ease by which that process can be manipulated and abused by dishonest Māori leaders with supposed high standing in their respective communities. Ms Adlam already has 24 dishonesty convictions, so it will not be difficult to provide evidence of her dishonesty. We will soon call a meeting of the Beneficiaries’ Action Group. A story will most likely go into the Whakatāne Beacon and the East Bay News expanding on our exploring all of our options. We will keep you all posted on these developments. Tū mataara, Tū maia, tū pakari i runga i te tika me te whakapono. Be alert, be brave, be discerning with utmost righteousness and faith.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:54:31 +0000

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