Kia ora mai te Whanau o Te Atua, (Wed. 5th March 20140 Before I - TopicsExpress


Kia ora mai te Whanau o Te Atua, (Wed. 5th March 20140 Before I start on Passover, I want to give the dates for the Seven Annual Feasts: Name of Feast Leviticus Chapter 23 Hebrew Calender 2014 2015 Passover (v.5) Nisan 14 April 14* April 3* Days of Unleavened bread (v.6) Nisan 15-21 April 15-21 April 4-10 Pentecost (v.15-16) Varies - (counted) June 8 May 24 Feast of Trumpets (v.23) Tishri 1 Sept. 25 Sept 14 Day of Atonement (v.10) Tishri 10 Oct. 4 Sept 23 Feast of Tabernacles (v.34) Tishri 15-21 Oct. 9-15 Sept 28 - Oct 4 Last Great Day (v.36) Tishri 22 Oct 16 Oct 5 * Observed on the previous evening. Remember, the Hebrew Calender described a day as Sun-set to Sun-set; more or less - 6:00pm to 6:00pm (as apposed to Midnight to Midnight of our present Calender). The week started on SUNDAY as apposed to our modern-day Monday. It makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD to know these facts, if you want to understand the TRUTH of the Bible/Paipera Tapu - given that Gods Master Plan is VERY RELIANT on SPECIFIC DATES which He leaves NO ROOM FOR ERROR! He, (God) IS NOT a near enough is good enough God; Hes a PERFECTIONIST! First thing we ALL need to understand is that when the Lord returns (his 2nd coming) to this Earth, EVERYTHING is going to CHANGE. Also, we ALL need to understand that the ULTIMATE REWARD for true Christians is NOT to float off to heaven forever as Hollywood, (or some misguided Ministers/ Preachers) would have you believe. [Revelation 11:15] states Then the seventh angel sounded: and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of THIS WORLD have become the kingdoms of our Lord AND OF HIS CHRIST, (get that?!) - and He shall reign forever and ever! My point? .... Christ will rule the kingdoms OF THIS WORLD, ON THIS EARTH - NOT up in heaven! Second thing to understand is, His Saints will assist Him in teaching and ruling the Nations right here ON EARTH - (NOT IN HEAVEN!) [Revelation 5:9-10] [Zechariah 14:1-4] tells us CLEARLY where the Lord will gather the Nations to Jerusalem to battle ....note where His feet will stand - NO MENTION of Rome here Brethren! ....(Just saying.....) Verse 9 (of the same Chapter) tells us what we ALL long to see..... Praise the Lord! Continue on to verse 16! HIGHLIGHT IT! Amazing?! ..... NO - its ALWAYS BEEN THERE; even if it was shielded from us! Now, read verse 17! - Thats the CONSEQUENCE if we DONT go up and worship the King, AND celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. *Note Verse 19! ....This will not just be the punishment of Egypt, but ALL THE NATIONS that do not celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles! Thats how IMPORTANT these Holy Days are to God; does your Church see them as important too?! My point is, Easter - Christmas - NOT EVEN IN THE BIBLE/PAIPERA TAPU, are revered by Churchianity (today), yet, the Days that are SACRED to the Lord are not even acknowledged by the biggest percentage of todays Churches! Shouldnt we be asking ourselves why?! [Acts 3:20-21] - highlight it! UNDERSTAND IT! There IS a RESTORATION coming ... the Bible/Paipera tapu says so .... BELIEVE IT! Theres still a month before Passover; forgive me for digressing, but what Ive said here, NEEDED to be said.... More tomorrow. Blessings
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:07:42 +0000

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