Kia ora te whānau Kua roa te wā kaore e pā atu ana ki runga i - TopicsExpress


Kia ora te whānau Kua roa te wā kaore e pā atu ana ki runga i tēnei pae whitiwhiti, engari, te mea nui e ora tonu ana te kaupapa. It’s been such a long time that we have not been here on the net, however, our kaupapa is still active. In this pānui we re-cap on our journey, so far. The most curious issue is the de-registration, and re-registration, of NTST beneficiaries, the NTST Trustees’ excuses being – 1. The NTST Trustees’ declaration that they have the power to make decisions by the TRUST DEED; 2. The Beneficiaries’ Register is a mess. Because NTST Trustees have failed to fully explain to me why my registration BY WHAKAPAPA is faulty I will not be validating their DEMANDS that I MUST re-register. Should they decide to DE-REGISTER me, without full explanation of WHY my current registration is no longer valid, it will be a VIOLATION OF MY HUMAN RIGHTS. Therefore, I remain a fully registered beneficiary of NTST BY WHAKAPAPA; therefore, I don’t need to RE-REGISTER. I remind us all that I have seen the behaviours and dirty tactics, which, are now so prevalent in the iwi, in the Onepū Savage Whānau meetings – they are champions for very selective exclusion of in-laws, and we have identified some as experts at hunting with the hounds and running with the hare. No. 1 above is an outcome of the NTST TRUST DEED, written by Ms Adlam’s lawyer friend, Mr. Graham Harford, on her instructions, in 2004. When we compare the evil conspiracy and damage she inflicted on her whānau from 1990 to 2012, (which heightened during the Ngāti Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau negotiations from 1998 to 2005), with the risks of liability she has subjected the iwi to, we gain a better understanding of Adlam’s and her arsenal of predominantly PĀKEHA professionals’ skills to manipulate laws of the land to legitimise her greed driven deceit and corruption while acting in the capacity of WHĀNAU AND IWI LEADER FIDUCIARY. It is not hard to appreciate that she would have paid over a million dollars with stolen TRUST OWNED money to pay for these cream of the crop professionals. This highly educated MĀORI LEADER, whom we now know ABUSED both her whanau and her iwi to realise personal agendas for enormous gains amounting to more than $10million, is now reportedly saying to fellow trustees of NTST, that this is a WHĀNAU matter, NOT an IWI matter. Chances are that those fellow Trustees do not know of the depth of her ABUSE. She succeeded in her deceit by systematically STARVING VICTIMS OF CRUCIAL INFORMATION. Intentional DENIAL OF INFORMATION remains Adlam’s number one tool of abuse. Her Niao first cousins are quite happy to send a representative, armed with the written evidence, to debate this in front of the iwi. Adlam fails to appear to answer to her deceit when she is confronted about how she - - Abused Ngāti Tūwharetoa BOP Settlement Trust (NTST) as owner of Ngāti Tūwharetoa Geothermal Assets Limited (NTGA) to STEAL KA24 well to make good her over $10million personal gains; - Used stolen millions of dollars to pay her predominantly PĀKEHA professionals to legitimise and cover-up fraud and theft; - Inflicted abusive manipulation and downright calculated corruption, in the capacity of MAORI LEADER FIDUCIARY, to selectively disadvantage and damage those for whom she acted as FIDUCIARY. I am writing this with the support of her first cousins from the Niao whānau; their mother is full sister to Beverley Adlam’s mother. I’ve been married to the eldest of those Niao first cousins for almost 41 years. He is also a Trustee of The Savage Papakainga Land Trust AND Trustee of the Matata Parish 39A 2B 2B 2A Ahu Whenua Land Trust. Beverley Adlam stole millions of dollars from both these Trusts. These land Trusts were formalised, concern two neighbouring separate titles. The first one formalised in 1984 has on it the Savage Hot Pools; AND the other, formalised in 2002, has on it the KA24 geothermal well. The title with the hot pools on it also has on it the TG2 geothermal power plant, built in 1992, and the Geothermal Developments Limited (GDL) geothermal power plant, built in 2008. So, we have – Two geothermal power plants situated on the Savage Papakainga Land Trust land; AND KA24 geothermal well on the Matata Parish 39A 2B 2B 2A Ahu Whenua Land Trust land. The TG2 plant built in 1992 uses geothermal water from the pond situated south of the hot pools, and the GDL plant built in 2008 uses the geothermal water from the KA24 geothermal well situated on the Matata 39A 2B 2B 2A Ahu Whenua Land Trust title. We will focus on the GDL plant because that is the one made possible by Ms Adlam’s ABUSE of the iwi to steal KA24 well, which she then developed for herself in 2008) having stolen the money from TG2 power plant since 1992, then, went on to make her $10 million personal profit after selling the GDL plant in 2010. She also made other gains in the process – such as receiving $1 million around 19th September 2005 for a lease agreement Adlam manipulated as having been agreed to by the Trustees of both Savage Papakainga Land Trust and Matata Parish 39A 2B 2B 2A Ahu Whenua Land Trust. She falsified that the lease was agreed to by majority of Trustees when she knew that to be untrue. Adlam now alleges that Sam Barns, her other first cousin, who is Chairperson of both Trusts, was issued information of the transfer of KA24 well by Pat Brown of NTGA. The plot thickens with that newest claim because Adlam and Pat Brown are saying that only Sam Barns knew of that information – if Adlam and Pat Brown are to be believed. We don’t believe all three – Adlam, Brown and Barns – because, together, they have given us many reasons to disbelieve of them. However, when a situation as this arises, it usually ends with the three of them engaging in a finger pointing match – that outcome is inevitable, and they know it. The ONE very crucial claim, which, has never been brought to the notice of the Maori Land Court, and so has never been argued in that Court, is the procedure by which Adlam stole KA24 well by manipulative fraud and theft, after which, she went on to make personal profits of more than $10 million. It took ages to CRACK how she did it BECAUSE of Adlam’s expertise at DENYING information. Our ability to expose the full extent of her dishonesty was made even more difficult by her ARSENAL of predominantly PĀKEHA consultants and lawyers who plugged away in the background, obviously on Adlam’s instructions, to build the Adlam empire complete with its firewall protection. In her greed motivated quest to be a filthy-rich woman, Adlam very obviously didn’t care how she put both the iwi and her whanau at risk. For example, Adlam paid no attention that her dishonesty would also impact on her first cousin Trustees (the honest ones) who are accountable to the land owners of the two Trusts from which Adlam stole millions of dollars. My hubby has endured going through hell and high water. The Māori Land Court has advantaged the dishonest, including, Sam Barns, Huia Pacey, Helen Savage (wife of Anthony Savage) and of course, Adlam. Together, Sam Barns, Huia Pacey and Helen Savage have, so far, knocked up a half million dollars in legal fees which is to be reimbursed in full by the two Trusts. Those excessive costs to the Trusts could have been avoided had the Māori Land Court taken notice of outcomes of democratically conducted land owners’ resolutions meetings held in 2010. But, instead, the Māori Land Court took more notice of the predominantly PĀKEHA lawyers who chose to lump the TG2 issues and the GDL issues together, which, were two very separate projects from which Adlam stole millions of dollars while acting as FIDUCIARY. The TG2 project issues should have been resolved by the Court first – it occurred well before the GDL project issues. But Sam Barns, Huia Pacey and Helen Savage (through her husband, Anthony) were all personal investors WITHOUT QUESTION in Adlam’s TG2 project. That enabled Adlam to do what she did. They still believe the TG2 money, which Mr. Niao successfully put under Court injunction in 2008, belongs to them as investors in that 1990 project. Our evidence that it does not belong to them is so strong it cannot be denied. But so far, they have manoeuvred it so that when the Maori Land Court rules that it is indeed TRUST money – those greedy people will then direct it to themselves at a land owners’ meeting. That is what they are now all holding their breath for – for this Māori Land Court established to advantage crooks will rule in that way. It was by their greed that Ms Adlam was able to rip them off, and cause incredible damage to the whanau and the iwi – but the Maori Land Court is ruling everything in their favour and we won’t be surprised if its pending outcomes will do exactly that. The good news is, the Niao whānau notified the Māori Land Court that it did not wish to be party to its circus. We described the Māori Land Court proceedings as a “POT CALLS KETTLE BLACK CIRCUS” because those claiming against Ms Adlam are also culpable in that they ENABLED Adlam to do what she did, then, cried foul when Adlam failed to deliver their greed motivated perceived share of the loot. They, too, hav stolen from the Trusts and Whanau funds. But, Rihi Vercoe, gets the blame for EVERYTHING the Niao whanau majority decides - notwithstanding that, I think I can stand on my own two feet when push comes to shove. It amazes me that this Savage whanau, who I told to take their TRUSTS’ BUSINESS out of my private home from the outset, expect me to just stand aside while they put the knives into their first cousin (my hubby) and nearly killed him after he took Beverley Adlam to Court to take the TG2 money from her. Even Judge Savage inferred at one Court case I was forced to attend in hubby’s place, that “there is a pattern of Mr. Niao CLAIMING TO BE SICK” and unable to attend Court. I took that as Judge Savage’s inference that Mr. Niao is a LIAR; that he was NOT SICK – it was a feigned excuse (after I reported to the Court that he was sick). If only they could have all seen the mess Mr. Niao was in that morning. We now get blackmailed by Sam Barns that he just needs to HIT THE GO-BUTTON and me and my hubby will have to pay Court costs of $7 thousand. He said the only reason it’s delayed is because they have the greatest sympathy for their first cousin – Sam Barns’ crocodile tears is also taken as BLACKMAIL, and, so amazing considering all the deceitful lies that Mr. Barns has told slyly defending Adlam while professing to defend the two Trusts. I told him to go ahead and hit his GO-BUTTON because there’s a bigger claim coming against him. I’m still waiting to hear from him as to when his GO-BUTTON is to be activated. Sam Barns would be one of the biggest crooks because we now know that while Mr. Niao was in Court in 2008 to take the TRUST owned TG2 money from Beverley Adlam by Court Injunction, Sam Barns and Huia Pacey were – unknown to us – in the background HELPING Adlam and her consultant, and Mighty River Power, to successfully disadvantage us further as land owners of the two land trusts. Sam Barns and Huia Pacey stole from the Savage Papakainga Land Trust Bank Account to make that HELPING HAND possible. Then, Helen Savage decided to blame Mr. Niao for that disadvantage inflicted by Adlam, Sam Barns, Huia Pacey and herself. Is it any wonder that their first cousin, Mr. Niao, almost died as a result of the corruption that he fought so hard to challenge and expose in the Savage Whanau in defence of his fiduciary position? He put up such a hard defence of his fiduciary duty and got very sick doing so – and I, as his level headed strong wife, was also put into a quandary to provide the support he needed on that road to recovery. Our 41 years of marriage is at risk, of which, the horrid impact of the Savage Whanau corruption is a major factor of its breakdown. That’s the social costs of this Adlam - Barns “and others” conspiracy now validated by the Māori Land Court. Should there be no outcome by the end of this year, of the POT CALLS KETTLE BLACK CIRCUS which was conducted in the Maori Land Court in October and November last year, then, the Niao whanau will start proceedings in the High Court against NTGA and NTST “and others” concerning the fraud and theft of KA24 geothermal well. That damages claim could go as high as $10million which is the “minimum-profit” Adlam made from HER shifting by fraud and theft of KA24 well while acting in a fiduciary capacity for NTST and Director of NTGA role. She was Chairperson of both NTGA and NTST at that time, so as Chairperson of NTGA she was answerable to herself as Chairperson of NTST, in respect of her theft of KA24 well. Mr. Niao is to claim $250thousand for all the dirty work he was assigned to do for the two Trusts to try to make sense of Adlam’s deceit. As the only active local residing Trustee who did all the work for the Trusts’ while Adlam’s brother was stealing every avenue of alternative income to pay the Trusts’ land rates obligations, I think it is justified. But we can expect the crooks - Huia Pacey, Sam Barns, Helen Savage and Adlam - to audaciously oppose that claim. It is one HORRENDOUS task to compile the mountain of evidence we have into chronological order, but, we have completed it sufficient for it to be invincibly INDISPUTABLE. I have told my in-laws that I cannot work on it full-time, that the thrust must come from them. However, due to their global living it is almost impossible to delegate tasks, so, unfortunately, Mr. Niao gets to do the tasks and in the circumstances I get lumped with it, too. I have heaps of other whanau and community-based tasks to do and this thieving corruption by Savage Whanau members is disrupting that direction. In the meantime, I must plod on with community-based tasks. Thinking back on my past contacts with Adlam I recall she more than once said to me of her working for the iwi – “My mother always thought it a joke that the people would always listen to her although she never once did the dishes or worked in the Marae kitchen, and it’s funny how the same goes for me.” Each time Adlam said that to me, she burst out laughing and carried on about how “silly people” measured her worth, and that their thinking that working at the Marae was the way to gain respect was hogwash. Most important before I close this pānui is – IF YOU ARE ENROLLED ON THE WAIARIKI MĀORI ROLL, please take the time to VOTE FOR ME as YOUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR KOHI ELECTORATE ON THE BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL. The voting closes this Saturday 12th October 2013. Tihei Mauri Ora – I hope we will soon get a break from all these Tangihanga.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 03:04:23 +0000

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