Kia ora whānau just a follow on about the reunion that Hoia - TopicsExpress


Kia ora whānau just a follow on about the reunion that Hoia brought up at Uncle’s tangi and I guess the best way for us to get this happening knowing all the logistics that are involved. I definitely see the positives in having such an occasion and the only way I don’t see it happening is purely financial. These are my thoughts on a reunion that I would love to see happen, firstly a tentative date was put forward, this time next year Wellington Anniversary, which basically gives us one whole year to plan and put it together, sounds long enough but when you add our day to day routines, work, family, sports and church commitments it’s not really that long. If this date was not possible there would need to be a second and even a third option. Next we look at a venue, tentatively, Gisborne and also Wellington were options, we would need to look at pricing options for three venues in each area, and also the availability of each of these venues over that time quotes would normally be best. Before the venue and date option we may have to look at putting together a committee and because the majority live in Wellington this is where most if not all decisions will need to be made, with a committee comes all the responsibilities, and unless most if not all members on the committee have prior experience, some of the meetings can drag on and decisions can even end in a stalemate. To make things easier I would delegate task to people or different whānau, look at what strengths we have in house and utilise these. Now that we have the internet and facebook it makes life and keeping in contact way easier, we could delegate task like fundraising, apparel, venues, transport, kai menu’s sports, cost etc. Fundraising would ease the burden of financials there may even be funding or grants available, if not fundraising then some type of levy or fee could be the go, an example of this is for Matatini last year we had to fundraise 70k and still pay a $400:00 levy each on top of that, if I were to put together a mock programme it may look something like this. Friday 16th January 2015 START, 5pm Powhiri, 6pm-7pm Hand out registration packs and T shirts, make beds, 7pm-8pm Dinner, 8pm-10pm, Whakawhānaungatanga, 10:30pm Supper, 11pm Bedtime, Saturday 17th January 2015, 7am Hakinakina, 8am showers, 830am Breakfast, 10am-12pm Whakapapa, 12pm-4pm Pools (lunch would be premade sandwiches fruit and drinks) 4pm-6pm free time, 6pm-7pm Dinner, 7pm-11pm Kareoke 11pm Supper and bed. Sunday 18th January 2015 7am Hakinakina, 8am showers, 830am Breakfast, 930am head to park for sports day, 1pm BBQ lunch, 2pm-5pm Tenpin Bowling, 7pm Hakari, 8pm-10pm Disco for the kids, 10:30pm Supper. Monday 19th January 2015 7am-8am Pack up marae, showers, 8am-9am Breakfast, clean-up 10am-12pm Reflections 12pm FINISH. Well those are my small thoughts whānau lol, and I am sure that no matter what we decide or what we come up with we will have the support of the whānau love you’s Lucky, Hineao and Tānerore.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 05:31:23 +0000

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