Kibaki to Address Vera Beauty college, While Raila is at Boston - TopicsExpress


Kibaki to Address Vera Beauty college, While Raila is at Boston University The two principals in the former Grand Coalition government are busy on national and international matters as one serves his retirement and the other ‘regroups’ for another stab at the presidency. CORD leader and former Prime Minister is in Boston for a one-month academic tour. Raila’s Boston trip has embarrassed top Jubilee government functionaries with TNA MPs questioning the ‘status’ of the visit. The unsaid angle is that the former premier is benefiting from an opportunity which his former co-principal President Mwai Kibaki should have received. Now unconfirmed reports is that Kibaki will address hairdressers at Vera Beauty College, a prestigious ‘higher education’ institution for salonists and make-up artists in Nairobi. The former president got a job recently as a goodwill UN Water ambassador. During the address, the president will be making a case for conservation of water by hairdressers and barbers as a recent study showed that Kenya loses a lot of water used to wash hair, including wigs and weaves, as well as hair that grows in all the body parts where it natural hair is abundant. The research puts women ahead of men in the use of water for hair cleaning. Meanwhile, ODM MPs have dismissed their TNA counterparts questioning Raila’s trip to the top USA university. The MPs have warned that Raila is not a civil servant to be monitored and as a free citizen without international criminal court cases, can travel to any part of the world. A kenyan in the know about Raila’s visit had this to say: “When Former Presidents retire, they are always accorded such study tours by Prestigious Universities,so as to keep them busy & also accord them a Platform to impart their experience and knowledge to others. However, these platforms are also open to Leaders who came close to Power, but never achieved their goals”.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:08:43 +0000

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