Kick. The Movie. May represent my problem with a lot of stuff we - TopicsExpress


Kick. The Movie. May represent my problem with a lot of stuff we make here. And why I wont spend my money on it. Excerpt from an analysis I just read: Khans recent characters, however, are built on a specific kind of machismo thats quite disturbing upon further analysis. Violence is a laughing matter and/or completely justified; misogyny is paraded in the guise of chivalry and heroism is to be inferred from self-aggrandizing behavior. In general, its impossible to believe why any of the female characters in a Khan blockbuster fall in love with his character. In Kick, this stage is deemed so unimportant that its covered in just one scene as Jacqueline Fernandes character, Shaina Mehra, walks home and realizes she is in love. Fernandes, by the way, plays a psychiatrist, in casting that makes Denise Richards seem believable as a nuclear physicist. But hes not the only one to blame. All our Akshay Kumar and other types are kissing mirrors and making fish lips and stuff that people imitate on the streets. And were fighting rape on FB - not that we should stop. But... If anyone wants to start a petition on banning item numbers and heroes pushing rowdy behaviour, Ill sign it all. And watch plays. Also if a woman cant change profile pictures here once in a while without getting disgusting proposals from strangers, that also is a big problem. I think some of us grew up being told to watch how we dress because the outside world cant be controlled. The outside world needs to change. And we need to stop feeding it trash in the name of art.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 07:31:20 +0000

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