Kickstarter Tip: Dealing With Delays Ive backed quite a lot of - TopicsExpress


Kickstarter Tip: Dealing With Delays Ive backed quite a lot of projects in the last few years and there have been some great project communicators and some not-so-great communicators. I found that as a backer, I honestly did not mind if a project was delayed - there are some which have been delayed for a couple of years, but because the creator kept people in the loop, I was completely fine with waiting. As a backer, I personally understand that ship-dates are based on a lot of things going right, and in most real world scenarios...things dont. What I noticed from my extensive research into projects that ran late, was that people tend to get really REALLY pissed off if you dont have the courtesy to let them know what is going on - but a lot of those same people were completely civil when you did. The ones that have pissed me off were when project runners eventually stopped communicating completely. You could visibly see the anger gradually rising in the comments - it becomes a heard mentality and before long, you have a mob. The Nomad project has run into a handful of issues lately, and so Ive swallowed my pride and let people know about the not-so-good as well as the good, trying to be as transparent as I possibly can about production schedules and issues. There are also trade offs that sometimes need to happen and rather than guessing, Ive asked peoples opinion to help my own decision making, creating a bi-lateral understanding, rather than handing down a decision made in a vacuum. True to form, people have been overwhelmingly understanding of the issues at hand, feel included in the process and shit is sorted in a spirit of co-operation, rather than marginalization. Heres a snippet of the Bad News portion of my latest Kickstarter update: --------------------------------- Unfortunately, the manufacturing process (which was on-schedule) has hit a couple of road bumps along with the positives, but as I set out during the campaign, I want to be as transparent as possible with both the good and not-so-good. Firstly, the bad news: Our logistics provider has gone the way of the dodo - theyre in the process of shutting down. This means were currently looking at good alternatives who will ship the Nomads to you in a timely manner. Schedule wise - this isnt too much of a problem and were evaluating some alternatives now. On a more human front - its a shame because they were actually great guys, very knowledgeable and they helped quite a lot with regards to logistics knowledge in the pre-Kickstarter stage. Unfortunately, its just a very competitive space to occupy and its a challenging time in the economy, I wish them well on their new travels. On the manufacturing front, unfortunately it looks like well most likely be delayed from starting for a few weeks due to a short term market-wide component shortage of the water-resistant zips. If it was just about any other component, we probably could have found a happy alternative, however, we chose YKK to provide the zip-pullers and zip-tape because they are THE BEST in the world, and their product is supremely integral to the Nomads quality level. Were currently looking at alternatives that would let us ship sooner...but if Im being honest, I dont want to compromise your Nomad by substituting a lower quality alternative and would rather push the schedule than accept a component that is not in line with the Nomads ethos of building uncompromisingly high quality products. Ive checked in with some backers already who share my view, but I also wanted to ask the opinion of the group - what are your thoughts on this? Would you prefer a cheaper not-as-good substitute component and a more timely schedule OR are you guys happy to wait a little longer for an uncompromised product? Id be interested to hear your thoughts. I wish we didnt have to delay the schedule, but a temporary component shortage is out of my control. The positive side of this delay, is that when we do get the shipment of new zips, theyll all be guaranteed to be newly minted from a new mold which the manufacturer is currently fabricating :) --------------------------------- A few of the replies from backers: Jan: Wait for the zippers. Haste makes waste and if the rest of the product is top quality but the zipper breaks then its ruined and will never be the same even if you could somehow replace the zipper. Even though I was seriously dreaming of my Nomad while standing in the American Museum of Natural History in NY two days ago juggling a sketchbook, markers and watercolors while being jostled by the crowds while sketching Im willing to wait a bit longer to get a fully equips top quality Nomad. Barbara: Daz, it is refreshing to have this much consideration taken in the ultimate quality of a product. By all means, wait for the best materials. I will struggle along without, and appreciate the Nomad when it arrives all the more :) Gage: Yeah, definitely wait. I want a top quality product as much as you and believe we will all be better for it. Ursula: Im all in for the quality, too. If it need to be delayed, so be it, no problem with me. Anastasia: I rather wait and get a higher quality product :D Glad that you update us on this matter! Erik: I also vote for waiting for a top quality product. I know that YKK is good stuff, so its worth the wait. Ralitsa: Thank you for the detailed update Darren! Definitely voting for top quality over the wait. It just makes the wait sweeter in the end. Digital Double: Keep up the great work Darren! No rush on my part. Id rather wait and get a product youre happy with. Malin: Thanks for the upfront and honest communication! Id say I prefer waiting longer to get a top quality product than getting it earlier but with lower quality. I work in the gaming industry so Id like to believe I have some experience with the consequences of compromising ones quality in order to release earlier. :) --------------------------------- Theories proven: - Swallow your pride when things arent going to plan and let people know what you intend to do about problems. - Dont cover up mistakes with marketing bullshit - people know youre lying and youll lost their trust. - No one likes to be kept in the dark - update them so they know what is happening, and do it as soon as possible - preferable when you know it is off track AND have a solution. - People like to be treated with respect. - People like their viewpoint to count. - The longer you wait to bite the bullet and take the heat - the more heat youll probably have to take.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:47:47 +0000

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